Sure, your child already knows about the basics of fractions and decimals as discussed in school. But the true test of understanding is if he/she can complete targeted exercises like the ones included in this workbook. Allow your child to work on his/her own pace. Correct errors and let him/her try again until mastery is achieved. Also, don’t forget to congratulate him/her for a job well done!
No matter how good the school curriculum is, if the child does not have a follow-up support at home, education will not yield the desired fruit. That is why your child needs learning resources like this one. This workbook includes activities that encourage self-pacing and mastery of the concepts of fractions and decimals. Secure a copy of this book today!
Get your child ready for school by making sure that all the basics of study are there. The purpose of this workbook is to train a child to process information in the most effective ways possible. By making this book vibrant and engaging, your child will be convinced to work on the activities in its pages. So what are you waiting for? Secure a copy of this workbook today!
Is your child ready to start kindergarten? Let’s see. Inside this workbook are exercises that target your child’s developmental milestones. The purpose is to assess preparedness by using the basic knowledge in colors, letters and numbers. It will also assess your child’s mental abilities like focus as well as handwriting and motor skills. Grab a copy of this book today!
Can a child learn fractions and decimals in just a few weeks? With the right learning resource, he/she can! What this means is that an educational book that combines exercises and concepts should be used, just like what we have here. Remember that a child learns through examples and that’s exactly why this book should be included in your study collection. Secure a copy today!
If your child has a difficulty in telling time, this book might help him understand it better. This book has attractive illustrations on watch and time making it easier and exciting for kids to learn. Your kids should never get bored learning how to tell time again. Get this Which Watch is Right Telling Time Book for Kids now!
So why should your child learn a foreign language? Perfecting English is hard enough, why add another language? The reason to this is because it is good for brain development. Studies show that bilingualism is thought to prevent the cognitive decline that comes with aging. It is recommended that kids learn a foreign language as early as possible.
Fractions do not have to be difficult. With enough encouragement and the right set of tools, the topic should become easy to master. This workbook is composed of examples that range from easy to difficult. The purpose is to build your skills through hands-on training. You are allowed to commit mistakes here because you will only be learning from them. Grab a copy now!
Say hello to Mrs. Cash and Mr. Coin, the thrifty couple! Learning to count money will help your first grader not only become better at math but also learn a social thing or two. Your child will learn skip counting, depending on the value of money involved. With this workbook, your child will begin to see learning as a fun activity to do. Start counting money today!
Learn to count money and save it, too. More than the math skills, this book advocates the valuation of money. It tells children how money is used, which pretty much dictates how your child will interact with currencies in real life. So if you want some valuable lessons out of a math workbook, then this is the book that your child needs to have. Buy a copy today!
Can a first grader perfect fractions? With the right support system and the right tool, your child can! The purpose of this activity book is to feed your child with as many exercises as possible. These fraction exercises are focused on first graders and they progress from easy to difficult in order to provide just the right amount of brain stimulation. Buy a copy now!
Is it possible to learn math in a fun and interactive way? When you have this workbook in your hands, then yes, that’s 100% possible! The purpose of this workbook is to shower your child with as many varied examples as possible. Getting exposed to and working on examples will help encourage mastery of the subject, a step towards independent learning. What are you waiting for? Secure a copy now!