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Books published by publisher Notion Press

  • Leadership for Colonels and Business Managers : Jump-start your team and yourself

    Colonel Alok Asthana

    language (Notion Press, April 10, 2018)
    You can learn to lead as well as to manage. • Would you much rather be loved or respected? • Can you lead and delegate as per the capabilities of the follower? • Do you decide by intuition or by using Game Theory techniques? • Do you know that too much synergy, consensus and motivational gimmicks are harmful? Col Alok Asthana shares observations from a distinguished, 42-year career in military command, teaching, industry and consultancy. How many consultants and authors you know can boast of such wide hands-on experience as well as academic knowledge? Backed by researches in organizational behavior and group dynamics, these ‘How to’, ‘Why’ and ‘Why not’ hacks will change your leadership and management style forever. The book covers essential knowledge and techniques for the one-to-one processes between the leader and the team, the one-to-many processes of the group, organisation development, leader behavior, better thinking & decision making and finally, topics of specific interest to the combat leader. Not bromides and clichés, but specific guidance essential for teams in military and business alike, usually not made available to them. It has a real world touch and demolishes many myths. Each chapter is a stand-alone; complete and useful in itself. Numerous anecdotes, analogies and quotes make the book a racy and lively read. The book is a practitioner’s delight. Grab it and race ahead of the pack. Follow these instructions and the men will literally die for you, even in business organisations.
  • Unmasked: A teen's eye view on social decree

    Viva Motwani

    (Notion Press, Sept. 19, 2019)
    Peer pressure is an age-old social headache, but in our times, says Viva Motwani, it’s grown into a monstrous, destructive force. Teenagers are an especially vulnerable group, subjected in myriad, unhappy ways to the social diktats of their own lot. A high schooler is incessantly judged by her peers on appearance, physical attributes, ‘cool’ quotient, and more. To ‘fit in’ and be popular, girls especially go to extreme lengths. Wearing uncomfortable clothes and absurdly high heels, suffering painful beauty treatments and dieting rigorously are not uncommon. In this milieu, globally famous social media ‘influencers’ are like gods, their casual posts akin to gospel truth. Underage drinking is all over, and a law-abiding teen can find himself isolated if he doesn’t conform. One must excel at academics, yet not be seen as a boring nerd who doesn’t know how to have fun. Navigating these social imperatives is no joke, says Viva Motwani. Unmasked is her take on what really happens in high school, behind the familiar façade of timetables, blackboards and friendships. Read this raw, frank and wryly humorous account of the life and times of today’s high schoolers for a dose of youthful wisdom. There’s much to chew on, for both teenagers and their families.
  • 9 Chocolatey Bites: A Short Story Collection for Children

    Ananya V. Ganesh

    language (Notion Press, April 1, 2017)
    From growing tails to talking ants, everything is just one big pickle in this fun collection of stories. In a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get next. Every chocolate has its very own surprise and taste, and so does every story in this book.As wishes come true and uncles go cuckoo; snowy white clouds make everything misty and unclear. The gift of a king, the valour of a girl, the beauty of friendship, a golden drop of happiness – all these would play out in front of your eyes as you flip through the pages. The wrappers of a sweet gift would come undone, once you open this beautiful present… The question is, are you ready to be surprised and savour the different flavours, each one as delightful as the next?
  • The Lost Leaf : Part- 1 : Quest of the Ring

    Shayar Aviral

    language (Notion Press, Dec. 22, 2017)
    The Lost Leaf is a tale of a young girl Emily Smith who is bullied by her classmates. She is an orphan who often dreams of getting her parents back. A twist of fate takes her into a different world where she must fight evil and beat the odds to find a powerful ring before it falls into the hands of the most evil woman of all time. On this journey of friendship and betrayal, she must identify friend from foe and find the lost leaf that will help her on her quest.
  • Uncanny Words of Broken Heart: Pain could never be just Words

    Oshit Kul Ratan

    language (Notion Press, Oct. 15, 2018)
    Uncanny Words of a Broken Heart is not just about collection of poems. In reality, its poems are written from a broken and empty heart who was always in seek of its zing. The author loved a girl and she loved him more than he deserved, but she got married to another one. So a lonely heart stepped out in search. This book not only includes romantic words and poems, but also ask some strong questions which are left unanswered. Some of its words show out the true form of today's society. The author went through tremendous pain and sobbing, but also this incident opened his heart more.One can find here Love and Pain, Parents' Sacrifices, About a broken Heart, True face of our society, Darkness, Cage, Boundness and Patriotism. This book can't be categorized in a particular genre because it is a collection from various ones.Message to the Readers:While going through the words, you will find yourself in the same situations. Don't let them get away. Feel it, Work on it and Preserve it.Oshit Kul Ratan
  • Wandering for Love

    Faheem Bhat

    language (Notion Press, Nov. 15, 2017)
    Wandering for Love is a story about Fenin, a reckless young man, and the journey of his transformation from a carefree person to one who loses his faith in reality. Fenin’s whole world is turned upside down on meeting Arabella. Without even realising it, he falls in love with her. However, Arabella, due to certain of her beliefs, can’t reciprocate his feelings. Upon rejection, Fenin becomes detached from everyone.He finds solace in books. He becomes obsessed with them and reads about fictitious worlds all day. This behaviour of Fenin makes his parents worried. One day, all of a sudden, he finds himself living the life he always wanted. His life becomes a fairy tale, and he enjoys every second of it. This new life of Fenin violates the principle of possibility. But how did his life change? Can imagination affect reality? Is ‘impossible’ just a word in the dictionary? These are some of the questions answered in the book.
  • Run Away to Bombay

    Ilina Arya

    language (Notion Press, Nov. 16, 2018)
    ONE GIRL, TWO CITIES, AND A THING CALLED FATE. A BIG OPPORTUNITY WHICH MAKES HER RUN AWAY TO BOMBAY. Tia is an extremely chubby, shy, and a low spirited teenager. Her life is falling apart because of all the bullying she faces in school, and the separation of her parents also leaves her helpless. Her own sister has turned her back on her. All of this increases her hostility and hatred towards every single aspect of her life. Out of sheer coincidence, she gets a once in a lifetime opportunity which helps her achieve a world of tremendous fame. Her entire life changes for the better and during this, she meets her true love, Aarav. But her life gets complicated when, due to fate, she is forced to go through all her nightmares she had gone through before. This sets a chain of revelations into motion which might have a great impact on her life, and her career…
  • Escapades of a Self-Styled Gandhian


    language (Notion Press, Nov. 16, 2018)
    Escapades of self-serving do-gooders, national leaders, babus, and other frauds, Indian and International.
  • Left Untold

    Vydehi Paravada

    language (Notion Press, Oct. 30, 2018)
    The word “girl” still sends negative vibes across the mindsets. Why should the so called developed society still have gender discrimination? What if a girl is born and brought up with zeal to live her dreams? Why can’t a girl have a sensible love story, emotions, dreams and a fruitful career? How would a determined girl succeed in her life? Yes, every girl does have an untold story in her life. This is a sensible journey of a girl from the womb to the tomb. Every girl expects a soul mate who can fade away her untold story and sinks her life in the ocean of happiness and freedom of thoughts. Clearing all the diplomatic confusions, this story sails you through the realistic thoughts.
  • Gideon, The thoughtful cat

    Armei B. Sales

    language (Notion Press, Oct. 25, 2018)
    Gideon, a stray nine-year-old cat, was adopted by a kind family. His brother Mau, who was also adopted, is four years younger. Although they are not related, they have the same brown-gray fur. Together, they share the warmth, shelter and love of their owners. Gideon and Mau encounter a tired and hungry calico lady cat. Mau tries talking to the calico cat but is met with an unfriendly response. Gideon advises his brother to let her be. They then meet another cat with ginger-coloured fur, which looks equally hostile. This cat tells them that they are uncared for and seeing cats who are well cared for makes them angry. Read on to find out how the cats fight, understand each other and go on to become thick friends.
  • And We Created You in Pairs

    Hadiya Shigoofa

    language (Notion Press, March 21, 2017)
    Inayah is a young, happy, religious and fun loving girl who lives with her family. This story is about her. About how she makes 2 friends whom she could count on for the rest of her life, how she fell for a person who hated her initially and about how she got over the loss she had to face. Above all, this is a story about how her faith in her God helped her overcome every obstacle in her life and also helped her to stay happy and positive throughout.
  • I Like Sunflowers


    language (Notion Press, April 23, 2018)
    “There's nothing wrong with having a little faith in something the world doesn't understand yet.” She believes the world doesn't need her and neither does she need it. Living on a planet reigned and contaminated by a bunch of people who call themselves "the majority", an overdue bloomer has reached heights of being extremely fed up of everything that's normal, perfect, pretty, and what not that they claim to want in a tired and talentless, and yet miserably hopeful, soul like her. But things turn upside down when she's pushed into living a more responsible life in the name of a favor. Suddenly reality starts to mold into something unexpected. Something that wasn't what "the majority" had been preaching to her all her life. Something that didn't make her feel so invisible anymore. Something that might finally prove that she, Jordan Blackwood — the worst nightmare of every ambitious parent — may not be a mistake after all. If only you know what it means to be really screwed up.