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Books published by publisher Northern Lights Publishing House

  • The Confessions of St. Augustine - English Translation

    Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis

    eBook (Lighthouse Publishing, Nov. 8, 2011)
    The Confessions of St. Augustine This is a unique work from one of the preeminent early leaders of the Christian Church. These are wonderful and inspiring writings of St. Augustine that not only teach us some of the intellectual and theological elements of our faith, but also of the passion.
  • Baby Bunny Blackjack and the Fruit of the Spirit

    Lisa White

    eBook (Lighthouse Publishing, Jan. 21, 2018)
    In the span of one day, Kaylee with the help of her pet bunny, Baby Bunny Blackjack, embarks on a mission to share with her classmates the importance of voting. As well as the importance of respecting the men, women, and animals who have served in the United States Armed Forces. Through a presentation at school she conveys this important patriotic message, but she has even a more important message to share, and that is the love of Christ. Kaylee and Baby Bunny Blackjack will be featured in a series of stories where each story focuses on one Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Galatians 5:22-23 New International Version (NIV) 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. This book will focus on the Spirit of Love (John 15:13). John 15:13 New Living Translation (NLT) 13 There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
  • Through the Eyes of a Child

    Mabel Chang

    Paperback (Lighthouse Publishing, Nov. 13, 2018)
    Experience the wonder, love, miracles and the meaning of Christmas through the eyes of a Child“For to us a child is born, a son will be given to us, and the government will be upon His shoulder. His Name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God My Father of Eternity, Prince of Peace.”Isaiah 9:5
  • Life's Arena

    Canyon Trevino

    language (Lighthouse Publishing, Dec. 23, 2016)
    A lot can be learned from a child. For adults a dream is something that happens while they sleep. But, for a child a dream can sometimes occur involuntarily in their heart.Can you remember when you wanted to be an astronaut, a bull rider, an author or dig your way to China?As a child you didn't know you couldn't be what you wanted. When someone asked, you simply told them "I am going to be a "Champion Bull Rider."When we become adults, that's when we begin making excuses, and not follow through on our dreams.What did you dream of doing, even if it is so "fantastical" that today you can't imagine it happening?Whatever that dream was when you were a young child, can give your life new meaning today!
  • Chelsea the Interrupting Cow

    Lilly Rose Knott, Annabel Kate

    Paperback (White Light Publishing House, Feb. 14, 2019)
    Meet Chelsea, a skateboarding cow who loves to have fun… but why is everyone shooshing her? All of the animals are starting to get annoyed because Chelsea just can’t stop interrupting! Join the animals on Farmer Patrick’s farm as they work together to understand this frustrating situation, and how to help Chelsea and everyone get along.
  • Buttons Visits Grandma

    Lynn Groth, Tammie Lyon

    language (Northwestern Publishing House, Feb. 25, 2016)
    Buttons, a playful and adorable young bear, teaches kids important lessons from the Bible in this fun book series! Children ages 3-7 will love listening to the entertaining stories and viewing the colorful illustrations, each of which contain a hidden button for them to find.In Buttons Visits Grandma, Buttons learns that obeying his grandmother is a way to show love for God. The book's theme is OBEDIENCE, and it draws from the biblical story of Noah obeying God by building the ark.
  • Amelia and the Magic Jungle Comic Book

    A.M. Overett

    language (Lighthouse Publishing, Dec. 27, 2018)
    Follow the fantastic adventures of Amelia, a young girl from Oregon, as she meets the many wonderful and whacky characters of the Magic Jungle. It is in this magical jungle that Amelia not only learns about the world, but about herself as well. In her "classrooms", she learns the importance of a good education and how she can one day become a great leader. Although for everyone, the tales and lessons are especially geared for girls and young women, and show you that with a little faith and education, the sky is the limit. This is a great story and serves as a primer to subjects including; language arts, math, science and social studies. Unlike other primers, Amelia brings these subjects to life with her infectious attitude, and her love of rhythm and rhyme.
  • Trouble In the Black Hills

    Dave Diamond

    eBook (Northern Hils Publishing, Sept. 25, 2013)
    The Troubleshooter gets shot at, wounded, and ambushed as he takes on the crooked claim jumpers and outlaws in the beautiful but rugged Black Hills of Dakota Territory. Does he get paid to do this? You bet he does, but not nearly enough.It's the wild days of Deadwood--with streets full of lusty men and loose women, dandies, card sharps, drunks, and desperadoes.
  • The Sorcerer Of Skuldark: A Misty Realm Novel

    S J Tyler

    eBook (Southern House Publishing, Sept. 14, 2019)
    In the darkness, an ancient evil attempts to rise up once again.The most powerful dark sorcerer to have ever roamed the Misty realm plans to escape his alternate dimensional prison - in which he has suffered for hundreds of years - and finally have his revenge.Meet the esteemed wizard 'Grey Fox', a decedent of perhaps some of the greatest wizards in history, he has the family name, he carries their reputation, he... would rather be doing his garden.The wizard Grey, his cat and long suffering servant 'Tulip' might be the only ones standing between the dark sorcerer and the destruction of all that they hold dear, the realm in which they live in itself.If they succeed... It will be a miracle.If the Lord Of The Rings met The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy...Except there's no rings and nobody hitchhikes!The best fantasy novel we've read this year - WIZARDS MONTHLY (JAN Edition) This book was magic - SORCERERS DIGESTBought by mistake, but proper awesome - SWORDS AND ARMOUR REVIEW
  • Royal Rodger and the Great King

    P Edwin Harris

    eBook (Lighthouse Publishing, Nov. 5, 2018)
    Follow the adventures of Royal Rodger, King of the Great North Woods, as he is captured to be the showpiece in King Herod's zoo in Jerusalem. In the midst of his captivity and hardship, Rodger the moose demonstrates grace, peace, and dignity as he maintains his faith in the supremacy of the Creator of All. Eventually, Rodger is guided by the goodness and faithfulness of God to Bethlehem where he discovers the true meaning of Christmas.Royal Rodger and the Great King is a book that can be enjoyed by the whole family. Start a new family tradition by reading Royal Rodger and the Great King during your Christmas celebration.P. Edwin Harris is a graduate L.I.F.E. Bible College in San Dimas, California; and has served the Lord Jesus Christ as a children's pastor, youth pastor, senior pastor, and prison chaplain for over thirty years. The author and his wife live in Santa Clarita, California with their two rescue dogs.
  • Rejoice in the Lamb: Excerpted and Adapted from Christopher Smart’s Jubilate Agno

    Janet Payne, Jedidiah Angkasa

    eBook (Lighthouse Publishing, March 5, 2019)
    Parents and children alike will fall in love with this unique book, Rejoice In the Lamb. This trilogy of story poems: Consider My Cat; A Creature of Great Personal Valor; and Consider The Lilies, all tenderly illustrated by Jedidiah Angkasa, will bring children to an early, deep love for God's creation. They will become more aware of how His creation glorifies Him, and how important it is for us humans to take care of it. The stories bring life and personality to each of the accompanying scripture references, and give children a starting point for developing their creation care theology. Christopher Smart's 18th C. poetry is no less relevant today. In fact, it is more important. Janet Payne and Jedidiah Angkasa have brought his genius to the pages of children's literature. The Latin title of Smart's epic poem, Jubilate Agno, from which these lines are excerpted, means "Rejoice in the Lamb." The "Lamb" refers to Jesus Christ, The Lamb of God. The vision of the poetry is to demonstrate nature praising the Creator by being what He intended it to be. And so, as all creation praises The Creator, we too are rejoicing in The Lamb. The Lamb of God!Endorsement for Jan Payne’s Rejoice in the Lamb:Delightful vignettes on the deep message spoken to us from God’s creation. Don’t be fooled that simple means shallow, for Rejoice in the Lamb is profound theology that hits its mark for people of all ages. Your heart will be warmed with a smile on your face as you listen to Jeoffry the cat, a noble mouse, and a fragrant lily, all eloquently proclaim their Maker. --Mark Saucy, Professor of Theology, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University.Payne and Angkasa have embraced the simple wonder of Smart’s poems—and, like him, they give us new reasons to praise God for small marvels. --Paul BuchananWe can learn much from observing and entering the wonder of children as they encounter the world, and Christ told us that we needed to become like children to enter His kingdom. Janet Payne reminds us of the wonder of God’s creation. She reminds us of what Job had learned:“But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind. Job 12:7-10 Carol Taylor, PhDPresident – Evangel University "Rejoice indeed! We are also rejoicing that such a book is now available. Filling an immensely important niche Payne's book is just the tool we need to reach out to our children at the best possible time of their lives to gain an indelible and everlasting appreciation for God's created world." Dr. Robert K Pelant, CEO, Pacific Rim Institute, Coupeville, WA"It is one of the great joys of my life to be a great grandfather. I'm very concerned about what I read to them. That’s why I am so delighted about Janet Payne’s children’s book, Rejoice In The Lamb. I want these dear great grandchildren to know and love the Lamb. This book will be a wonderful beginning.”Dr. Lloyd John Ogilvie, Pastor, Author, and Former Chaplain of the United States Senate
  • The Little Candle That Was Frightened of the Dark: A Family Advent Devotion

    Cheryl Kincaid, Sheila Jacobs

    language (Lighthouse Publishing, Nov. 8, 2011)
    The Little Candle who is Afraid of The Dark is an family Advent Devotion that is prefaced by Children’s story about baptismal candle who sits in shadowy place by a great advent wreath in a church sanctuary. The candle trembles in the dark until he hears the advent story told by each of the candles around the wreath. Each of the Advent Candles, represent the lessons of Advent, try to comfort to the baptismal candle by re-telling the lessons of advent in the nativity. This story culminates with an advent family devotion, which walks the family members through the lessons of advent I think the vivid imagery of this story would inspire an excellent picture book. The Little Candle is written for children between the ages of three and six, although, it can be enjoyed by all ages for the story’s timeless lessons.