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Books published by publisher Curiosmith

  • A Man of His Word

    Hesba Stretton

    Paperback (Curiosmith, Dec. 12, 2014)
    Christmas Williams was well respected in his town, but he despised the new prayer meetings, psalm-singing and talk of a Savior. When Christmas’ daughter, Easter, believed in Jesus as her Savior he threw her out of the house and promised never to talk with her again. She became married and had a son, but he kept his word and did not speak to them. The story continues and Christmas must be a “man of his word.” When “keeping his word” becomes hypocritical, pride and reputation are seen for what they are in God’s sight.
  • The Dairyman's Daughter

    Legh Richmond

    Hardcover (Curiosmith, )
  • Memoir of Harriet Ware

    Harriet Ware, Francis Wayland

    (Curiosmith, Dec. 27, 2018)
    Harriet Ware (1799–1847) was born in Paxton, Massachusetts. She was a school teacher in Maine and Rhode Island. She had a selfless, passionate love of orphans and began a school for destitute children on India Point in Providence, Rhode Island. Although people had advised her to give up, she was determined to do the impossible. Francis Wayland helped her to found the Providence Children’s Friend Society, a place for suffering children that needed help and provision. This edition contains letters of Harriet Ware with explanatory remarks by Francis Wayland.“How was it that a young woman, almost wholly unknown, and wholly destitute of means, should have been enabled to accomplish so great an amount of good? I think the answer is obvious. She acted on principles peculiar to the gospel of Christ. She was, in the first place, sincerely and earnestly desirous to do good; and, to accomplish this purpose, was willing to make any personal sacrifice. In the next place, she puts this desire into practice, by engaging in the first benevolent labor that was placed before her. She did not wait until something precisely in harmony with her intellectual tastes or social affections should present itself, but undertook the first work that her Master placed before her.”—Francis Wayland.FRANCIS WAYLAND (1796–1865) was born in New York City, New York. He attended Union College and Andover Theological Seminary. He became a minister at the First Baptist Church in Boston. He was professor at Union College for a short time, and then became President of Brown Theological Seminary (1827-1855). After 1855, he was a minister of First Baptist Church in Rhode Island. He was known for his textbooks on the topics of Moral Science and Political Economy.
  • A Night and a Day

    Hesba Stretton

    Paperback (Curiosmith, Dec. 12, 2014)
    Disaster came to the coal mine one day when it flooded with water. Simeon, Rueben’s brother, was trapped along with several other people. Rueben went into the mine to save them, but not all went as planned. This story illustrates the Biblical principle of “Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.”—John 15:13.
  • Memoir of Richard Sibbes

    Alexander Balloch Grosart

    (Curiosmith, Feb. 19, 2019)
    Puritan Richard Sibbes (1577–1635) was faithful to preach the gospel while he remained in the Church of England. This biography contains his childhood, his education at Cambridge, his ministry at Gray’s Inn, his Mastership of Catherine Hall, his conflicts with Archbishop William Laud, and his last days. Many excerpts of old documents are reproduced as well as several of his “Introductions” to other works. The text of this edition is from The Complete Works of Richard Sibbes, D.D., Vol. 1., Edinburgh: James Nichol, 1862. This edition preserves the wording of the original edition and includes all footnotes and the Appendix. Author Alexander Balloch Grosart (1827–1899) was born at Stirling, Scotland. He was educated at the University of Edinburgh. In 1856, he was a pastor at the United Presbyterian Church of Kinross. In 1865, he pastored at Princess Park, Liverpool, and in 1868 at Mount Street Presbyterian Church, Blackburn whose congregation moved to St. George’s Church in Preston New Road. He was also an historical and literary writer who was prolific in printing literary collections. He had a special interest in Puritan theology and edited works by Richard Sibbes, Thomas Brooks, and Herbert Palmer. He is the editor of The Fuller Worthies' Library (39 vol.), The Chertsey Worthies' Library (14 vol.), Early English Poets (9 vol.), Occasional Issues of Unique and Very Rare Books (38 vol.), and The Huth Library (29 vol.).
  • The Life of Mr. John Howe

    Edmund Calamy

    (Curiosmith, March 24, 2019)
    Puritan John Howe (1630–1705) was educated at Cambridge and Oxford. He began his ministry at Torrington, Devon. He was taken from Torrington to be chaplain to Oliver Cromwell’s household. When the Act of Uniformity passed he voluntarily became a silenced nonconformist. This biography includes discussion of dissenters and conformist views. Included is a letter to Lady Russel, consolation to a bereaved wife that highlights the importance of the Gospel and a view of eternity. The text of this edition is the 51-page memoir and four pages of letters found in Volume 1 of the “Works of the Rev. John Howe, M.A.” New York: John P. Haven, 1838. Author EDMUND CALAMY III, D.D. (1671–1732) was born in London, England. He was educated at the University of Utrecht and Oxford. He ministered at Blackfriars London, Bishops-gate’s Street and Tothill-street, Westminster. He gave lectures at Salter’s Hall. He wrote a biography of Richard Baxter and a compilation of the lives of nonconformists.
  • St. Helena and the Cape of Good Hope: Incidents in the Missionary Life of the Rev. James M'Gregor Bertram of St. Helena

    Edwin F. Hatfield

    (Curiosmith, April 10, 2019)
    Missionary James M‘Gregor Bertram (1806– ) was born at Southfield, Scotland. He left England with the intention of ministering at The Cape of Good Hope but soon learned of a dire need on the island of St. Helena. On Monday, July 14, 1845 he arrived at St. Helena Island on the ship Velox, and found only four or five Christians on the whole island. He started a Baptist church and many came to know Christ. This edition contains a description of the death and burial of Adoniram Judson’s second wife Sarah B. on the Island of St. Helena. Author Edwin Francis Hatfield (1807–1883) was born at Elizabethtown, New Jersey. He was educated at Middlebury College and Andover Theological Seminary. He ministered at the Third Presbyterian Church of New York and the Second Presbyterian Church in St. Louis, Missouri. He then served 21 years at New York’s Seventh Presbyterian Church. He then served seven years at the North Presbyterian Church. He also wrote hymns and biographies.
  • Memoir of the Rev. David Abeel

    Rev. George R. Williamson

    (Curiosmith, May 29, 2019)
    This biography is a collection of letters and journal entries that relate David Abeel’s missionary adventures sailing to China, Singapore, Siam and other locations. David Abeel (1804–1846) was born at New Brunswick, New Jersey. He was educated at the Theological Seminary at New Brunswick and became part of the Reformed Dutch Church. He began pastoring at Athens, New York, which was his only pastoral charge. He was a missionary in China, but he also went around the East Indies Islands distributing books and tracts and preaching the Gospel.Author Rev. George R. Williamson (1823–1852) was born at Caldwell, New York. His paternal uncle was Rev. David Abeel, D.D. In 1837, he attended Rutger’s College, New Brunswick, N.Y. In 1840, he attended the Theological Seminary of the Dutch Reformed Church. He became the pastor (1844) of the Second Reformed Dutch Church of Ghent, Colombia Co. N.Y. Afterward he moved to the Second Reformed Dutch Church of Newark, N.J. After health problems he moved to the Reformed Dutch Church of Amity, Saratoga County, N.Y. He died shortly after a severe injury from a boiler explosion on a steamboat, age 29 years.
  • A Man of His Word

    Hesba Stretton

    Paperback (Curiosmith, March 15, 1750)
  • Little Meg's Children by Hesba Stretton


    Mass Market Paperback (Curiosmith, March 27, 1810)
  • No Place Like Home by Hesba Stretton

    Hesba Stretton

    Paperback (Curiosmith, March 15, 1765)
  • The Crew of the Dolphin by Hesba Stretton

    Hesba Stretton

    Paperback (Curiosmith, March 15, 1647)