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Books published by publisher Christian Focus

  • Augustine: The Truth Seeker

    K. C. Murdarasi

    eBook (Christian Focus Publications, April 27, 2014)
    Although his mother was a faithful Christian, Augustine managed to stray into a sinful life. His life changed when he realised the truth of the Gospel. Augustine became a bishop and a tower of faith in the early church. His life is a glimpse into the days of Roman Africa and a powerful picture of the wisdom and durability of God's Word in a pagan culture.
  • Helen Roseveare: On His Majesty's Service

    Irene Howat

    eBook (Christian Focus Publications, Nov. 1, 2008)
    Helen Roseveare qualified as a doctor, packed up her life in England and set off to be a missionary in the belgian congo (now the Democratic Republic of Congo). She went there to set up hospitals and rural clinics and train national nurses to work in them. Her work often took Helen on long journeys through dense forests on roads that would make a fairground ride seem tame!After Congo became an independent country Helen's service was interrupted by the Simba Rebellion, during which she was assaulted and held captive for several months.After some time of recovery Helen went back to the renamed 'Zaire' to serve the Lord by working with people there. In the years that followed she established a nurses' training college in the hope that the nurses', midwives and health workers who trained there would spread out through the vast northeast region of the country, taking the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ with them.Since returning to the UK, Helen has become well known as a conference speaker. Her experiences in Africa have been an encouragement to many and made her well known and loved throughout the world.
  • How God Stopped the Pirates: And Other Devotional Stories

    Joel Beeke, Diana Kleyn

    eBook (Christian Focus Publications, Feb. 8, 2015)
    As the pirates near the helpless ship, they raise their grappling irons and prime their cannons for battle. The captain stands ready to defend his vessel and the lives of the people on board. The missionaries go to their cabins to pray. Can anyone stop these pirates? God can.There are many stories in this book. Read about the pirates, a burglar and a Russian servant girl as well as many other stories about the amazing things that missionaries encounter as well as how God can change lives.
  • Ten Girls Who Made History

    Irene Howat

    language (Christian Focus Publications, March 1, 2004)
    These Christian women were once little girls playing with dolls, making mistakes and growing up in quite a different world. But was it that different? Irene Howat has researched the lives of these famous women of God and draws out lessons we can all relate to, especially youngsters today.Ida Scudder (Missionary in India), Betty Green (Co-founder of MAF), Jeanette Li (Evangelist and Bible teacher in Communist China), Mary Jane Kinnaird (Founder of the YWCA), Bessie Adams (Co-founder of CLC), Emma Dryer (Co-founder of Moody College), Lottie Moon (Missionary in China), Florence Nightingale (Pioneer in Health Care), Heanrietta Mears (Pioneer in Children's Ministry), and Elisabeth Elliot (Missionary to the Aucas).Find out how Mary Jane Kinnaird prayed and helped young women; Emma Dryer studied astronomy and became a Bible teacher; Florence Nightingale became a nurse and was useful to God; Lottie Moon thought Missionaries were silly and then became one herself; Ida Scudder changed her mind and then changed India; Henrietta Mears dreamed big and wrote books; Bessie Adams became a missionary in a horse-drawn caravan; Betty Green flew planes in World War II; Elisabeth Elliot's husband was killed but she forgave his murderers and Janette Li became a Christian and told her own Chinese people about the one true God.This is a wonderful book - in fact it's a wonderful series. Irene Howat writes with a real warmth and insight. People that you have never met come alive on the page. Christian legends and unsung heroes all become friends you can understand and look up to. In a world where role models of real integrity are few and far between the Lightkeeper's series fills the gap!Catherine MacKenzie ~ Author and CF4K EditorIf you like this, you'll love this: Jim Elliot - He is no fool. Elizabeth Elliot's husband was killed along with four others during a missions trip to the Auca Indians. Once you've read her story in Ten Girls who made history, read his in this new Torchbearer title.Catherine MacKenzie ~ Author and CF4K Editor
  • Rescue and Redeem

    Mindy Withrow, Brandon Withrow

    eBook (Christian Focus Publications, Nov. 1, 2010)
    Let history come to life - just the way it should do. As the modern world exploded with rapid changes - in transportation, in communication, in manufacturing - people around the globe faced overwhelming new challenges. As Christians arrived for the first time in other countries, they realized that being a Christian was about living out the gospel in every culture. And they realized that great injustice was everywhere! So they met the challenges of modern life with new ways of communicating Christ's ancient gospel. From Niijima Jo and Pandita Ramabai to Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Janani Luwum, they set out to rescue God's global people and redeem them to new life in Christ. Extra features throughout this book look deeper into issues such as modern Bible translation, living the Golden Rule, new developments in missions, and big moments in modern Christianity. The fifth book in a series intended to cover the history of the Christian church through its people and key events. Written primarily for 9-14 year olds with a modern, relaxed and enthusiastic style. Many adults also enjoy these as a good read. This is history without the wooliness - and with all the wonder.
  • Robert Moffat: Africa's Brave Heart

    Irene Howat

    eBook (Christian Focus Publications, April 27, 2014)
    The story of a Scottish minister and his wife in Africa - the precursors to David Livingstone. With a sword, a shovel, a Bible, and great courage, Robert used the skills he had learned growing up in a Scottish village to translate the Bible into Tswana and to share God's love with Africa.
  • Amy Carmichael: Rescuer by Night

    Kay Walsh

    eBook (Christian Focus Publications, Jan. 1, 2008)
    'I can't see! It's dark everywhere. What place is this? Where am I?'Jeya was only four years old and was terrified as she tried to peer about the dark and gloomy temple. Between the pillars was a huge stone body. She shivered when she saw its face. This, she knew, was Kali, the goddess of death and destruction.Why was Jeya there? Who would leave a little girl in the dark like that? Certainly not the God of love - he sent a woman to rescue these children from destruction - Amy Carmichael. And she had been a little girl herself once a little girl with long dark hair, and deep brown eyes. Once she had even begged God to make them blue - but he hadn't. And as Amy leaned over to pick little Jeya up and rescue her from a life of temple-slavery - she was very glad that God hadn't listened to her prayers. Blue eyes were not the eyes of India - but Amy's brown eyes were."Amy Carmichael is one of those women who should be every young girl's heroine. Her childhood escapades and journey of faith are wonderful stories in their own right. Her adventures in India are the concluding part to this extraordinary life."Catherine MacKenzie ~ Author and CF4K EditorIf you like this, you'll love this: When buying the Amy Carmichael Trailblazer for 9-14 year olds check out the Amy Carmichael Little Lights for 4-8 year olds. Amy Carmichael: Can brown eyes be made blue? A fully illustrated children's book for younger readers. Amy Carmichael also features in Ten girls who changed the World by Irene Howat.Catherine MacKenzie ~ Author and CF4K Editor
  • Jim Elliot: He Is No Fool

    Irene Howat

    eBook (Christian Focus Publications, Sept. 1, 2005)
    Jim Elliot had a loving wife, a beautiful little girl, and a reason for real joy. God had called him to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to the Auca Indians. The love of Christ not only thrilled him but also gave him peace. Jim would spend the rest of his life bringing Jesus to the lost Aucus ... but the rest of Jim's life was only a matter of months.Persecution and death are a reality for many Christians today. Jim Elliot and four other young men died in the middle of doing God's work. The very people they had come to rescue came out against them with machetes and clubs. Jim had realised for quite some time what serving God really meant. There is nothing that is worth more than Jesus - not even your life. 'He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.This is the story of Jim's love for a fighting people and of his fight for a loving God.When his life ended, the work went on and many of the Auca Indians today have the same reason that Jim Elliot had for real joy.Included in this book are a map, timeline and information on Ecuador.
  • Ten Boys Who Made History

    Irene Howat

    eBook (Christian Focus Publications, Sept. 1, 2010)
    These Christian stalwarts were once young boys playing games, learning from mistakes and growing up in quite a different world. But was it that different? Irene Howat has researched the lives of these men of God and draws out lessons we can all relate to, especially youngsters today.Charles Spurgeon (Preacher and Writer); Jonathan Edwards (Revival Preacher and missionary); Samuel Rutherford (Westminster Confession of Faith; Preacher); D L Moody (Evangelist and Children's Worker); Martin Lloyd Jones (Physician and Preacher); A W Tozer (Preacher and Writer); John Owen (Preacher and Writer); Robert Murray McCheyne (Preacher and Mission worker); Billy Sunday (Sportsman and Evangelist); George Whitfield (Revival Preacher and Orphanage founder)Find out how Samuel showed people that love works better than fear; John made friends with powerful rulers and humble craftsmen; Jonathan helped the Iroquois Indians and then was asked to teach at Princeton; George preached Salvation to thousands and saved the lives of children; Robert lost his brother but found Jesus; Dwight sold shoes in a shop and then taught children in a caravan; Billy played professional baseball and then preached the gospel; Charles became a Christian in a snowstorm and then told the world about Jesus; Aiden rescued orphan lambs and then he was saved by Jesus; Martyn became a doctor but found a better medicine for souls."If you like this, you'll love these: Martin Lloyd Jones - From Wales to Westminster. Robert Murray McCheyne - Life is An Adventure."Catherine MacKenzie ~ Author and CF4K Editor"This is a wonderful book - in fact it's a wonderful series. Irene Howat writes with a real warmth and insight. People that you have never met come alive on the page. Christian legends and unsung heroes all become friends you can understand and look up to. In a world where role models of real integrity are few and far between the Lightkeeper's series fills the gap!"Catherine MacKenzie ~ Author and CF4K Editor
  • Jonathan Edwards: America's Genius

    Christian George

    eBook (Christian Focus Publications, March 1, 2008)
    Jonathan Edwards was just an ordinary American boy but he was different too. The country he lived in wasn't the America of today - but a new world full of adventure and opportunity. Battles and Tomahawks were just some of the thrilling adventures that his family lived through.But Jonathan also loved the small things in life too. In an age of scientific discovery, Edwards saw God's beauty displayed most perfectly through nature. His journals are filled with drawings of plants, animals, and spiders because he knew that each one of them reflected the creativity of its Creator.His mind was full of questions and he grappled for the answers. Intellectually there were few to beat him. However it wasn't just his amazing intelligence that set him apart from other boys his age - he may have had a thirst for knowledge but he also had a strong desire for the things of God. His genius and abilities teamed up well with his faith and love for the Lord Jesus Christ.One day the country that would become the United States of America would look back at this man of brilliance as a founding influence on their land.Edwards kept diaries from an early age, and author Christian George has seemed together key entries to create an interesting biography for youth 12 and up.CBA Retailers + Resources (CBA Magazine)
  • John Calvin: After Darkness Light

    Catherine MacKenzie

    eBook (Christian Focus Publications, Jan. 1, 2009)
    Calvin had ideas on how we could live better lives - particularly how we could live in close harmony with God and each other - but because his ideas were radical, his life was filled with dramatic events and dangers. He was run out of town - and then welcomed back. He was accussed of being too harsh - and also too tender hearted. When he explained what the bible meant he was considered too logical and too spiritual! He must have been an amazing man to have caused such a stir!
  • William Wilberforce: The Freedom Fighter

    Derick Bingham

    eBook (Christian Focus Publications, March 1, 2008)
    'No! No! cried the little boy, 'Please no! I want to stay with my Mother!' 'Be quiet!' shouted the man who roughly pulled his mother from him. She was taken to a raised platform and offered for sale, immediately. The heart-broken mother was to be separated from her little boy for the rest of her life.This was the fate of thousands of women and children in the days before slavery was abolished. One man fought to bring freedom and relief from the terrors of the slave trade; it took him forty-five years. His name was William Wilberforce.This is his exciting story that shows the amazing effect his faith in Christ and his love for people had on transforming a "A story deserving to be told to a new generation."Rt. Hon. Tony Blair, Former Prime Minister"If ever I relived a life in my imagination it was while writing this life of the greatest Christian politician of all time. I travelled with him in my mind to his life as a boy in Hull and on to Cambridge University. I marvelled at the way the Lord reached him and saved his soul. I held my breath as he took on the horrendous slave trade in a three-hour speech before the House of Commons that became one of the greatest speeches in the history of mankind. His eventual triumph over slavery, three days before he died was astounding! The greatest joy I have experienced following the writing of this book has been to see it published in Arabic"Derick Bingham ~ Was the teaching pastor at Christchurch, Belfast"The abolition of slavery in the U.K. has an anniversary in the year 2007. This is why teachers, sunday school teachers and children's workers should make sure they stock up on Wilberforce material in the run up to this. A film on Wilberforce's life is also being launched in 2006. Make the most of these events and get Christian books into children's homes on the back of them!"Catherine MacKenzie ~ Author and CF4K Editornation.