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Books published by publisher Aneko Press

  • Faithful to Christ: A Challenge to Truly Live for Christ

    Charles H. Spurgeon

    Paperback (ANEKO Press, Nov. 30, 2019)
    Only fear the Lord and serve Him in truth with all your heart; for consider what great things He has done for you. - 1 Samuel 12:24If there is a true faith, there must be a declaration of it. If you are a candle, and God has lit you, then let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in the heavens (Matthew 5:16). Soldiers of Christ must, like soldiers of our nation, wear their uniforms; and if they are ashamed of their uniforms, they ought to be drummed out of the army. I believe that many Christians get into a lot of trouble by not being honest in their convictions. For instance, if a person goes into a workshop, or a soldier into a barracks, and if he does not fly his flag from the beginning, it will be very difficult for him to run it up afterwards. But if he immediately and boldly lets them know, “I am a Christian, and there are certain things that I cannot do to please you, and certain other things that I cannot help doing even though they might displease you” – when that is clearly understood, after a while the peculiarity of the thing will be gone, and the person will be let alone. However, if he is a little dishonest and thinks that he is going to please the world and please Christ too, he can depend on it that he is in for a rough time. If he tries the way of compromise, his life will be like that of a toad under a harrow or a fox in a dog kennel. That will never do. Come out. Show your colors. Let it be known who you are and what you are. Although your course will not be smooth, it will certainly not be half as rough as if you tried to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds, which is a very difficult piece of business. - Charles H. SpurgeonList of ChaptersCh. 1: PrideCh. 2: Broken KeysCh. 3: Double-MindednessCh. 4: Labor that Doesn’t SatisfyCh. 5: The Table of the ReprobateCh. 6: The Self-Righteous GuestsCh. 7: Drunk with the WorldCh. 8: Going through the FireCh. 9: LazinessCh. 10: FaithCh. 11: Awaken, Oh Sleeper! Ch. 12: An Innkeeper’s PrayerCh. 13: Punishment of EvildoersCh. 14: Priceless LifeCh. 15: No Excuse for IgnoranceCh. 16: We Must PrayCh. 17: Popular ErrorsCh. 18: Don’t Wait Until You’re DyingCh. 19: Our Days Are NumberedCh. 20: How the World GivesCh. 21: Have CourageCh. 22: Be FaithfulCh. 23: The Light of EveningCh. 24: Beds That Are Too ShortCh. 25: Mistaken ZealCh. 26: Selfish EaseCh. 27: Be SoberCh. 28: Through Floods and FlamesCh. 29: Show Your ColorsCh. 30: Keep Your Own GardenCh. 31: A Talk about DeathCharles H. Spurgeon – A Brief BiographyAbout the AuthorCharles Haddon (C. H.) Spurgeon (1834-1892) was a British Baptist preacher. He started preaching at age 17 and quickly became famous. He is still known as the “Prince of Preachers” and frequently had more than 10,000 people present to hear him preach at the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London. His sermons were printed in newspapers, translated into many languages, and published in many books.
  • Walking With God: 101 Lessons for Life and Ministry

    Dr. Stephen A. Gammon

    eBook (ANEKO Press, July 20, 2014)
    Are you longing to walk closer to God, or wondering if it’s even really possible? Would you and your sphere of influence benefit from being mentored for a lifetime of walking with God? Or, are you a minister leading people of various ages and in various seasons of life, but finding it difficult to relate to them?God teaches priceless lessons through life, including some we may resist learning. Dr. Stephen Gammon shares timeless biblical wisdom and treasured personal insights learned through 14 successive chapters of life in Walking With God: 101 Lessons for Life and Ministry. Applying these lessons will...•Heighten your enjoyment of walking with God•Expand your awareness of lessons God is trying to teach you•Reduce your resistance to leaving your comfort zone in obedience to Jesus•Increase your anticipation of fruitful ministry for Christ until your last breathAbout the AuthorDr. Stephen Gammon is a third-generation minister and has walked with God since early childhood. A pastor since age 25, he has served more than 30 years wherever and whenever God has led him, including in two local church pastorates, as a denominational leader of ministers and churches (Conservative Congregational Christian Conference), and as an active duty and Navy Reserves chaplain. Steve and his wife, Helen, reside in Colorado Springs, Colorado. They have three adult children, a son-in-law, and a grandson.Vision StatementI will glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by walking closely with God through every transition and chapter of life and by showing others how they can do the same.
  • The Golden Alphabet: An Exposition of Psalm 119

    Charles H. Spurgeon

    Paperback (Aneko Press, May 1, 2018)
    Blessed are those who walk in the perfect way, who walk in the law of the LORD. – Psalm 119:1The singular blending of testimony, prayer, and praise in Psalm 119 is admirable. In one verse, the psalmist bears witness; in a second verse, he praises; in a third verse, he prays. It is an incense made up of many spices, but they are wonderfully mixed and worked together to form one perfect sweetness. The blending greatly increases the value of the whole. You would not like to have the first third of the psalm composed of prayer, then second third made up exclusively of praise, and the third portion entirely made of testimony. It is best to have all these divinely sweet ingredients intermixed and worked together into a sacred unity, as you have them in this thrice-hallowed psalm. Its prayers bear witness, and its testimonies are fragrant with praise. This wonderful psalm, from its great length, helps us to marvel at the immensity of Scripture. As it keeps to the same subject, it helps us adore the unity of Scripture. Yet, from the many turns it brings to that one subject, it helps us see the variety of Scripture. How manifold are the words and thoughts of God! In His Word, just as in creation, the wonders of His skill are displayed in many ways.
  • What Do the Amish Believe?: The Doctrine of the Plain People Compared with Scripture

    Aneko Press, MAP Ministry

    eBook (Aneko Press, July 1, 2017)
    The majority of Amish and conservative Mennonites are certain concerning church and lifestyle practices, but are content to avoid diving into most deep, biblical topics. That lack made compiling this book a bit of a challenge, so we drew heavily from The Dordrecht Confession of Faith and information provided by Anabaptist scholars of today to make sure we accurately portray what the majority of plain people believe.Each chapter focuses on one important biblical topic and is essentially an Amish and Mennonite systematic theology study. In addition, each section includes a closer look at what the Bible teaches about each topic. That biblical context makes this an informative resource for those who wish to know more about the plain people and a helpful book for Anabaptists who wish to better understand what they themselves are being taught and believe. This study defines:•Who is God the Father?•Who is Jesus Christ?•Who is the Holy Spirit?•What is the Bible?•What and Who is the Church?•What are Angels, Demons, and Satan?•What is Humanity and Who are Men and Women?•What Happens at the End?
  • What Do the Amish Believe?: The Doctrine of the Plain People Compared with Scripture

    Aneko Press, Map Ministry

    Paperback (Aneko Press, July 1, 2017)
    The majority of Amish and conservative Mennonites are certain concerning church and lifestyle practices, but are content to avoid diving into most deep, biblical topics. That lack made compiling this book a bit of a challenge, so we drew heavily from The Dordrecht Confession of Faith and information provided by Anabaptist scholars of today to make sure we accurately portray what the majority of plain people believe. Each chapter focuses on one important biblical topic and is essentially an Amish and Mennonite systematic theology study. In addition, each section includes a closer look at what the Bible teaches about each topic. That biblical context makes this an informative resource for those who wish to know more about the plain people and a helpful book for Anabaptists who wish to better understand what they themselves are being taught and believe. This study defines: •Who is God the Father? •Who is Jesus Christ? •Who is the Holy Spirit? •What is the Bible? •What and Who is the Church? •What are Angels, Demons, and Satan? •What is Humanity and Who are Men and Women? •What Happens at the End?
  • Out of the Dust: Story of an Unlikely Missionary

    Avis Goodhart, Marti Pieper, Moira Brown

    Paperback (Aneko Press, Nov. 1, 2014)
    “Don’t waste your pain,” says unlikely missionary Avis Goodhart. She didn’t – and neither should you.Despite a background of childhood abuse, dyslexia, and marital infidelity, Avis took her first international mission trip at age fifty. The church, school, and orphanage she later founded in northern Peru, all products of both her pain and her radical obedience to the Lord, have brought thousands of others out of the dust. This compelling story of an ordinary woman who serves God in extraordinary ways will challenge, inspire, and empower you to: * Eliminate excuses from your life* Recognize that in God’s kingdom, availability matters more than ability* Allow your pain to produce – not prevent – your obedience* Serve the Lord with the same abandon shown by one unlikely missionaryNote: Proceeds from the sale of this book are sent to the author’s orphanage in Peru.
  • Redefining Truth: Delusions of Replacing God and Calling Evil Good

    David Fiorazo

    eBook (Aneko Press, Oct. 1, 2017)
    We now live in a culture that has embraced moral relativism, a generation that no longer believes truth can be known. Right and wrong, good and evil are measured by feelings and opinions. It is all part of a satanic delusion and much is at stake. Redefining Truth provides answers and biblical perspective to the most pressing issues in today’s postmodern society. Practically everything in life changes, but if God never changes and if absolute truth exists, then this investigation matters tremendously. You will be informed as we evaluate the overwhelming evidence supporting Christianity. You’ll also be encouraged to cultivate an eternal perspective even as attacks on believers are increasing. Redefining Truth will show you how to respond to others in a loving and confident way. This book will also help you successfully navigate through the noise, agendas, distractions, and confusion prevalent in America today. It will give you facts, history, and Scripture you can use to answer skeptics and challenge others to consider the truth of Jesus Christ. No decision is more critical.About the AuthorDavid Fiorazo is an author, public speaker, content contributor, and co-host of the daily radio talk show Stand Up for the Truth. He has been involved in Christian ministry for over twenty-five years and the broadcasting industry for over thirty years. He loves the living Word of the only true God and seeks to defend and proclaim Christ without apology or compromise. David has spoken at church groups, political groups, men’s retreats, festivals, and education conferences. He also fills the pulpit, sharing from God’s Word at Sunday services on occasion and is open to speaking opportunities. He and his wife, Rosanna, live near Green Bay, Wisconsin.
  • Everyone, Everywhere: Glimpses of God's Global Work Through People Like You

    Dr. Erick Schenkel

    Paperback (Aneko Press, June 1, 2017)
    This book will help you activate your God-given gifts in the greatest adventure this side of eternity. Dr. Bruce WilkinsonNew York Times best-selling author and speakerErick's influence has been a crucial foundation for everything I have done in my life and ministry. We may not all be called to a full-time foreign ministry, but we are ALL called to a full-time life of sharing the Good News wherever we are. Shaunti FeldhahnBest-selling author of For Women Only and For Men OnlyQuietly, unreported and uncelebrated, the kingdom of God is exploding around the world. Erick Schenkel's book Is bursting with reports of miraculous, lifechanging encounters with God. Erick expertly weaves his own life journey from a small Kentucky town to the highest halls of learning at Harvard, after which he gained a vision to reach the entire world. He recounts the relevance and power of living a life fully committed to God in a way that challenges and inspires readers to join in the adventure of taking God's love and freedom to Everyone, Everywhere.
  • The Power of the Blood of Jesus

    Andrew Murray

    Paperback (Aneko Press, Dec. 1, 2017)
    Seek to enter more deeply into the perfect reconciliation with God, which is yours by the shed blood of Christ. Live by constantly exercising faith in the assurance that the blood cleanses from all sin and yield yourself to be sanctified and brought near to God through the blood; let it be your life-giving nourishment and power. You will thus have an unbroken experience of victory over Satan and his temptations. He who walks with God will rule as a conquering king over Satan.
  • They Call Me Momma Katherine: How One Woman’s Brokenness Became Hope for Uganda’s Children

    Katherine Hines, Sheila Wilkinson

    Paperback (Aneko Press, June 1, 2016)
    Do you ever sell yourself short? That’s what Katherine Hines did before she realized she was selling God short. After years of tragedies, Katherine learned that God could do more in her life than she ever imagined if she trusted Him and believed. She discovered that He wants to change lives through us and bless us in the process. Whoever we are, wherever we came from, God can use us to make a difference in someone’s life.Katherine’s story begins with tragedies, but God touched her heart at a crusade and led her to Uganda as a missionary to the children. Leaving her prestigious job and home, she went to a land of mud huts and polluted water. In the midst of sickness and poverty, she loved and cared for the orphans of the war-torn country, as she faced witch doctors and Muslim agitators. Katherine shares her life story to help us know that we can all make a difference – if only we let God . . .EndorsementWhen William Carey opened the modern missionary movement in 1793, he said to his supporters, "I will go down into the well; you hold on to the ropes for me."In 1994, Katherine Hines left a successful career in America and descended into the well of poverty and deprivation in rural Uganda. She embraced the children, worked to heal their broken hearts and fill their lives with both daily bread and everlasting bread.This book will lower you down "into the well" where you can see the needs, hear the voices, and feel the heartbeats of these innocent ones. You'll see how one population of children have been transformed into beautiful and productive young adults, who are a credit to their nation and a testament to the power of Christ.Pastor Jim WaltersBear Valley ChurchLakewood, Colorado
  • Soaring Higher: One Man’s True Story of Following God in an Adventurous and Rewarding Lifetime of Field Evangelism

    Dr. Philip C. Eyster

    eBook (Aneko Press, Sept. 1, 2018)
    Field evangelism is taking the gospel to where people are already located, instead of trying to get people to come to you. In 1989, Phil Eyster was called by the Lord to international field evangelism, and since then, he's preached in open-air markets, hospitals, factories, jungle villages, nomadic huts in the desert, AIDS colonies, schools, leper colonies, discos, at funerals, at ferryboat landings, and in many other unique and surprising places. This has resulted in some alarming and even near-death experiences, hilarious misfortunes due to cultural and language barriers, but most importantly, many inspiring testimonies to the goodness and saving power of our Lord Jesus Christ.About the AuthorDr. Phil Eyster, B.A., M.Div., D.Min., realized early in his Christian life that God had called him to international ministry. Eagle Projects International, where he serves as president, conducts evangelism, church planting, leadership training, and humanitarian work in countries around the world – from the mountains of Nepal to the favelas of Brazil, from India to Italy, from Mozambique to Myanmar, and in places where the gospel has never been or rarely been preached. Phil has studied at Gordon College, Western Seminary, and Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his amazing wife, Marcia, live in rural Maine. They have seven children, including two adopted daughters from China.
  • American Christianity’s Slide into Apostasy: What We Must Do Before It’s Too Late

    Michael D. LeMay

    eBook (Aneko Press, March 1, 2019)
    Therefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and do not touch the unclean thing; and I will receive you – 2 Corinthians 6:17 Always remember this: If your church is drifting from Biblical Christianity to American Christianity, your church leaders may not even realize it. In all probability they are not purposely leading the church away from God and His Word. The subtle and dangerous deception Satan has mastered along with ignorant but dedicated allies in public education, media, entertainment, and government create a powerful yet subtle deception that is well masqueraded. Unless we are completely immersed and grounded in God’s Word, we may even be deceived into thinking we are serving God when in reality we serve His enemy. This book is a call to professing Christians to examine their beliefs and actions and to compare them to God’s truth and standards in His Word. It is an attempt to help every professing Christian understand the deception perpetrated by the father of lies that infects both the secular and professing Christian institutions in our nation, such that in the final days one will not be able to distinguish between evil human government and religion. And it is a call for truly born-again, spirit-filled Christians to spot deception and lovingly but firmly confront church leaders who are leading congregations away from true Biblical Christianity. About the AuthorMike LeMay is an author, biblical apologist, radio talk show host, and general manager of Q90 FM, a Christian radio station in Green Bay, Wisconsin. He has extensively studied and reported on news, issues, and trends pertaining to the Christian life, pointing people to the truth of God’s Word.His books have received critical acclaim for their insight in bringing news and topics of the day into correct biblical context and understanding, helping Christians see the big picture of what is happening around them. His latest book, American Christianity’s Slide into Apostasy: What We Must Do before It’s Too Late, points out the growing disparity between Biblical Christianity and an “American Christianity” that is integrating secular beliefs, thoughts, and processes into the church, leading people further away from God and His eternal truth. Mike is also owner of Christian Thought Consulting, LLC, and he helps families and business professionals find peace, joy, and purpose in their increasingly busy lives.