Dream Days
Kenneth Grahame
(CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, July 17, 2016)
Sequel to "The Golden Age" "In 'Dream Days' we are conscious of the same magic touch which us in 'The Golden Age.' There is magic in all the sketches, but it is perhaps in 'Its Walls Were as of Jasper' - the beautiful title of a beautiful story - that Mr. Grahame stands confessed as a veritable wizard." -Literature "Happy Mr. Grahame who can weave romances so well." -Daily Telegraph "Nobody with a sense of what is rare and humorous and true can afford to miss this volume." -Outlook "Here we must leave this charming little work. We have said nothing of Mr. Grahame's sympathy with child nature, his penetrating and kindly humor; but that is because we have said these things before. They are commonplaces." -Academy "No writer has more of the secret of childhood than Mr. Kenneth Grahame. Those who remember his 'Golden Age' will need no urging to possess themselves of 'Dream Days.'" -Westminster Gazette "Well, we are more than a trifle dull, nous autres and we should be grateful to Mr. Kenneth Grahame for throwing in a story or two of his own." -Daily Telegraph "In 'Dream Days' Mr. Grahame is at his best." -Critic "There are many writers who are haunting the doors of the nursery, and the corners of school playgrounds, with more or less success; there is none who is doing, or who is able as far as we know to do, just what Mr. Kenneth Grahame does." -Speaker "The book is, from the artistic point of view, of such importance to all true lovers of literature, it is so entirely out of the common and thoroughly delightful." -Country Life "It is certainly his most sustained and most finished performance." -Saturday Review "Could only have been written by a poet full of happy imaginings, quaint conceits, and a certain winsome waywardness which has a charm of its own....The closing chapter is full of a tenderness and reticent pathos far above anything the author has yet achieved. It is certainly a book to be read, for it would be a pity to miss the many exquisite passages it contains." -World "It is this very quality of humor, rare and unexpected, along with other virtues for which he is so well known, that gives to his new book that indefinable charm which he justly declares to be, in art and elsewhere above all fixed law of beauty." -National Observer CONTENTS THE TWENTY-FIRST OF OCTOBER DIES IRAE MUTABILE SEMPER THE MAGIC RING ITS WALLS WERE AS OF JASPER A SAGA OF THE SEAS THE RELUCTANT DRAGON A DEPARTURE