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Books with title The Keepers

  • The Time Keeper

    Barbara Bartholomew

    language (, Oct. 30, 2011)
    From School Library Journal (refers to print edition)GR 6-10A light, fast-paced and readable adventure that combines elements of romance, science fiction and fantasy. Jeanette Lacy, an unhappy 15 year old, attempts to find her runaway brother Neil and ends up being transported to another time. The time-transport stones are located in an old hotel scheduled to be destroyed in a few days, so the plot-clock starts ticking as Jeanette and Neil wander thorugh different centures, not always on Earth, before reaching home. Reviewer Yvonne A. Frey, Peoria Public Library, Illinois.The glowing stones seemed to throb with some unknown power. What were these stones and why were they here in this hidden cavern? All fifteen-year-old Jeanette Lacy and her younger brother Neil knew was that the stones were calling to them. . .and they couldn't resist.But their first steps on this weird pathway took them whirling through time to Texas--one hundred and thirty years ago in another past. Texas, where two moons hung in the sky, where unicorns were only too real, and where a boy named Jesse became an unexpected ally in their quest to return home. Then, instead of home, the stones sent them off to a frightening future where traveling in time was the worst crime of all. Originally pulished in 1985 by New American Library and Dragon Books (United Kingdom).
  • The Keep

    Tenille Berezay

    language (, Nov. 12, 2016)
    After a pardon from the convergence, Desiree returns to the protection of home. But safety is an illusion and her family is shattered by the violent retribution of a desperate enemy. On the run again, Desiree struggles to keep those she loves from a host of gathering threats—debilitating doubts, manipulative converters, dark technology, and a murdering madman. To save them all, Desiree will need more than her ability to convert, she’ll need to redefine her strength.THE KEEP is the dramatic sequel to THE CONVERGENCE; a continuation of Desiree and Blake’s story.
  • The Grave Keepers

    Elizabeth Byrne

    eBook (HarperTeen, Sept. 12, 2017)
    Hugo and Nebula Award-winning author Kelly Link calls Elizabeth Byrne's debut novel The Grave Keepers "a lyrical and gorgeously uncanny coming-of-age story of incantatory power.” And Edgar Award-winning author Mindy McGinnis says of The Grave Keepers: “At times deeply atmospheric and darkly haunting, The Grave Keepers takes us on a spine-tingling journey into a world much like our own, where more lies beneath than above.”The Grave Keepers is a unique coming-of-age story set in a society obsessed with grave keeping.Lately, Athena Windham has been spending all her spare time in her grave.Her parents—owners of a cemetery in Upstate New York—are proud of her devoutness, but her younger sister, Laurel, would rather spend her time exploring the forest that surrounds the Windham’s’ property than in her own grave.The Windham girls lead secluded lives—their older sister died in a tragic accident and their parents’ protectiveness has made the family semi-infamous. As the new school year begins, the outside world comes creeping in through encounters with mean girls, a new friend, and a runaway boy hiding out in the cemetery. Meanwhile, a ghost hangs around the Windham property—the only grave keeper never to cross over—plotting how to keep the sisters close to home and close to her . . . forever.
  • The Time Keeper

    Mitch Albom

    Audio CD (Hyperion, Sept. 24, 2013)
    From the author who's inspired millions worldwide with books like "Tuesdays with Morrie" and "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" comes his most imaginative novel yet, "The Time Keeper"--a compelling fable about the first man on Earth to count the hours. The man who became Father Time. In Mitch Albom's newest work of fiction, the inventor of the world's first clock is punished for trying to measure God's greatest gift. He is banished to a cave for centuries and forced to listen to the voices of all who come after him seeking more days, more years. Eventually, with his soul nearly broken, Father Time is granted his freedom, along with a magical hourglass and a mission: a chance to redeem himself by teaching two earthly people the true meaning of time. He returns to our world--now dominated by the hour-counting he so innocently began--and commences a journey with two unlikely partners: one a teenage girl who is about to give up on life, the other a wealthy old businessman who wants to live forever. To save himself, he must save them both. And stop the world to do so. Told in Albom's signature spare, evocative prose, this remarkably original tale will inspire readers everywhere to reconsider their own notions of time, how they spend it, and how precious it truly is.
  • The Folk Keeper

    Franny Billingsley, Leonid Gore

    eBook (Atheneum Books for Young Readers, Dec. 21, 2001)
    "Here in the Cellar," Corinna says, "I control the Folk. Here, I'm queen of the world." As Folk Keeper at the Rhysbridge Home, she feeds the fierce, dark-dwelling cave Folk; keeps them from souring the milk, killing the chickens, and venting their anger on the neighborhood; and writes it all down in her Folk Record. Since only boys are Folk Keepers, she has disguised herself as a boy, Corin, and it is a boy and a Folk Keeper she intends to stay. Yet there comes a moment when someone else knows the truth. Old, dying Lord Merton not only knows she is a girl, but knows some of her other secrets as well. It is at his bidding that she, as Corin, leaves Rhysbridge to become Folk Keeper and a member of the family on Cliffsend, an isle where the Folk are fiercer than ever they were at Rhysbridge. It is on Cliffsend that Corinna comes face to face with herself, with the powers she does have (some quite unexpected) and those she does not have (even if she lies and says she does). Who really is she? Why does her hair grow two inches a night? Why does the sea draw her? What does she really want? And what future can and will she choose?
  • The Keeper

    Ellen Jensen Abbott

    Paperback (Skyscape, Sept. 30, 2014)
    Abisina is ready to assume the role of Keeper that has been her destiny, leading the future of the Watersmeet community. But the survival of the land depends on the north and south—the centaurs, dwarves, fairies, humans, and fauns—joining together to confront a gathering evil. The rift that opened in the Mountains Eternal has continued to spew forth terrible creatures: überwolves, leviathan-birds, minotaurs. Abisina knows that the most challenging creature of all has arrived—though what shape it will take is still a mystery. She sets out to bring the folk together to confront this unknown evil, but the land has never been more divided. As she faces hostile centaurs, ambitious fairies, the destruction of the only home she’s ever known, and separation from those who love her, Abisina doubts if she has the strength to be the leader that everyone needs. Even the power of the Keeper’s necklace doesn’t seem to be enough—and when that is taken from her, she’s left on the brink of hopelessness. Can Abisina’s faith in the power of love, acceptance, and unity that she’s learned from her friends and family survive this final test?
  • The Gatekeepers

    Jacques Steinberg

    Hardcover (Viking Adult, Sept. 16, 2002)
    A revealing study of the college admissions process sheds light on the inside workings of America's "meritocracy," focusing on SAT scores, student essays, transcripts, and other factors vital in the process. 35,000 first printing.
  • The Word-Keeper

    Veronica Del Valle, Eleanor Hardiman

    Paperback (Silverwood Books, May 29, 2019)
    What would happen if words disappeared forever?Set in a whimsical town called Inkwell, a place with an ancient secret history, this fairytale-like adventure will uncover the key to the power hidden within words.The Word-Keeper is a tale about a savvy bookmark named Ben that unwillingly becomes an evil imp with only one objective: follow the orders of his master and destroy the words that live inside books.Only one girl can stop him. Her name is Florence Ibbot. She is eleven years old, oddly eloquent and a quiet observer of the world. But above all, Florence is a keen logophile and is willing to sacrifice everything to protect the words. She sets out to discover who is behind all this. The journey will take her to the origins of writing and inspiration. But she’ll also have to face the most treacherous adversary, Zyler, a ruthless sorceress whose sole mission is to ruin one of humankind’s most precious possessions: the gift of language.As the final battle approaches, Florence will have to learn how to wield words instead of the sword. Is Florence brave enough to become who she was born to be?
  • The Soul Keepers

    Devon Taylor

    Paperback (Square Fish, Aug. 27, 2019)
    Full of danger, stormy otherworld seas, ghost ships, and terrifying monsters, this thrilling debut young adult novel is perfect for fans of Taran Matharu and James Dashner.Death is just the beginning.After dying in a terrible car accident, Rhett awakens in the afterlife and is recruited to join the crew of the Harbinger, a colossal seafaring vessel tasked with ferrying the souls of the dead. To where exactly, no one knows. But the crew must get the souls there, and along the way protect them from vicious soul-eating monsters that will stop at nothing to take the ship and all of its occupants.Rhett and his new friends have a hard enough time fighting back the monsters that grow bolder and more ferocious every day. But then a new threat emerges, a demon who wants something that Rhett has. And if she gets it, it could mean the end of everything... for both the living and the dead.Chosen by readers like you for Macmillan's young adult imprint Swoon Reads, The Soul Keepers is a pulse-pounding, cinematic adventure by debut author Devon Taylor.Praise for The Soul Keepers:"A fantastic high-stakes adventure on a ghost ship sailing forever into eternity, where every soul is (literally) worth fighting for―what's not to love? Devon Taylor weaves an endearing tale of friendship and loss with heart-stopping action and a whole lot of terrifying monsters." ―Rin Chupeco, author of The Bone Witch and The Girl from the Well“Definitely different from anything I’ve ever read before, and I’ve read a lot of books.” ―Rachel Carrington, reader on
  • Kingdom Keepers, The

    Ridley Pearson, Gary Littman

    MP3 CD (Brilliance Audio, Oct. 28, 2014)
    Using a cutting-edge technology called DHI - which stands for both Disney Host Interactive and Daylight Hologram Imaging - Finn Whitman, an Orlando teen, and four other kids are transformed into hologram projections that guide guests through the park. The new technology turns out, however, to have unexpected effects that are both thrilling and scary. Soon Finn finds himself transported in his DHI form into the Magic Kingdom at night. Is it real? Is he dreaming? Finn’s confusion only increases when he encounters Wayne, an elderly Imagineer who tells him that the park is in grave danger. Led by the scheming witch, Maleficent, a mysterious group of characters called the Overtakers is plotting to destroy Disney’s beloved realm, and maybe more. This gripping high-tech tale will thrill every kid who has ever dreamed of sneaking into Walt Disney World after hours and wondered what happens at night, when the park is closed.
  • Keepers of the Game

    Dennis D'Agostino

    eBook (Potomac Books Inc., Feb. 28, 2013)
    There was a time when the most prestigious job on a major newspaper belonged to the baseball beat writer, who enjoyed unparalleled longevity and influence within his profession. Through a variety of events and circumstances—television, expansion, all-sports radio, lifestyle changes, and the Internet revolution—those days are long gone. The baseball beat writers endure, but jobs change, and they now face new challenges.Keepers of the Game celebrates the last generation of baseball writers whose careers were rooted in Teletype machines, train travel, and ten-team leagues, and who wielded an influence and power within the game that are unimaginable today. Dennis D'Agostino brings together, for the first time, the personal histories of a group of journalists whose influence and dedication to the game of baseball are part of the golden age of sports journalism. Twenty-three vintage beat writers tell their own stories, with an individual chapter devoted to each writer. The interview subjects include nine winners of the Baseball Hall of Fame's J. G. Taylor Spink Award, the baseball writing profession's highest honor: Ross Newhan, Hal McCoy, Murray Chass, Peter Gammons, Bob Elliott, Rick Hummel, Tracy Ringolsby, Nick Peters, and Bill Madden.They and their colleagues were the best of their breed, that last generation of writers who were the unquestioned gatekeepers of the national pastime. For decades, their words shaped the history of the game.
  • The Soulkeepers

    G. P. Ching

    Paperback (Carpe Luna, Ltd., June 4, 2014)
    Sometimes the end is just the beginning. Book 1 of 6 in the bestselling Soulkeepers Series. When fifteen-year-old Jacob Lau is pulled from the crumpled remains of his mother's car, no one can explain why he was driving or why the police can't find his mother's body. A beautiful and mysterious neighbor offers to use her unique abilities to help him find his mom. In exchange, she requires Jacob to train as a Soulkeeper, a protector of human souls. He agrees to her demands, desperate for any clue to the mystery of his mother's disappearance. But soon Jacob finds himself trapped in a web of half-truths and questions her motives for helping him. Don't miss these other books in The Soulkeepers Series! Weaving Destiny (Book 2) Return to Eden (Book 3) Soul Catcher (Book 4) Lost Eden (Book 5) The Last Soulkeeper (Book 6) Read the bestselling novel that readers call an utterly spellbinding, elaborate and spectacularly written adventure! Genre: Young Adult Sci Fi & Fantasy Book 1 of 6