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Books with title The Invasion of 1910

  • The Invasion

    Jack Baldwin

    eBook (, May 16, 2015)
    Mysterious things are happening in the city while no one knows what will happen. Ash, a newly aged kid and his bloodline seems to be in the middle of it. Unfortunately, he has to be the person to stop it as well because of the connection he has with this……… problem.
  • Invasion of the Dregs

    Kenneth Edward Barnes

    Paperback (AuthorHouse, Aug. 23, 2011)
    Invasion of the Dregs is a story of adventure and drama in a mysterious land of strange animals and countless dangers. Strange animals like: monothorian dragons, grawls, hopspurs, vulgons, triodons, dreers, dredons, giant forest wolves, the “thunder beast” and others. The Gossets are a race of tiny people, who lived on the earth before humans, and the world, as we knew it. They are the ancestors of all little people, except for Elves. The land is invaded by beings called Dregs. No one will help the Gossets defend their territory. Even the Trolls turn their backs on them and become their enemie. Now they have no choice. Commander Rufus T. Gruff, Queston, Nason, Orpis, Markis and Nod must go to “the top of the world” to find King Zedar, to see if he can help bring justice to the land of Adreus. Go with the Gossets and Piper the Elf, on their long incredible journey; a journey that is full of dangers, adventures, drama, and surprises.
  • The Invasion of the Dregs

    Kenneth Edward Barnes

    eBook (, Aug. 6, 2018)
    This is a story of adventure and drama in a mysterious land of strange animals and countless dangers. Strange animals like monothorian dragons, grawls, hopspurs, vulgons, triodons, dreers, dredons, giant forest wolves, “thunder beasts” and others. The Gossets are a race of tiny people, who lived on the earth before humans and the world as we know it. They are the ancestors of all the little people, which would later come, except for Elves.The Gosset’s island-continent is invaded by evil beings called Dregs. After which no one will help the Gossets defend their territory. Even the Trolls turn their back on them and also become their enemies. Now the small clan of Gossets have no choice. Commander Rufus T. Gruff, Queston, Nason, Orpis, Markis and Nod must go to “the top of the world” to find King Zedar, to see if he can help bring justice to the land of Adreus. Note: Adreus is pronounced A-dree-us.
  • Invasion of the Robots

    Daniel James Long

    The robots have had enough of Derek and his friend, Harry, and plan to launch their biggest and greatest offensive against them. Not about to stand around and watch, the two friends attempt to defend the city and drive the robots back using the MK IV Assault armor.
  • The Invasion

    Peadar O Guilin, Amy Shiels

    Preloaded Digital Audio Player (Scholastic Audio, April 1, 2018)
    The sequel to the chilling, unforgettable book that asks. . . Could you survive The Call? After so much danger, Nessa and Anto can finally dream of a happy life. But the terrible attack on their school has created a witch-hunt for traitors -- boys and girls who survived the Call only by making deals with the enemy. To the authorities, Nessa's guilt is obvious. Her punishment is to be sent back to the nightmare of the Grey Land for the rest of her life. The Sídhe are waiting, and they have a very special fate planned for her. Meanwhile, with the help of a real traitor, the enemy come pouring into Ireland at the head of a terrifying army. Every human they capture becomes a weapon. Anto and the last students of his old school must find a way to strike a blow at the invaders before they lose their lives, or even worse, their minds. But with every moment Anto is confronted with more evidence of Nessa's guilt. For Nessa, the thought of seeing Anto again is the only thing keeping her alive. But if she escapes, and if she can find him, surely he is duty-bound to kill her. . .
  • Invasion of the Thistles

    Barbara A Fanson

    eBook (Sterling Education Centre Inc., June 18, 2020)
    Thistles take over when people stop using the playground due to the COVID-19 restrictions. Can the grade 8 graduates use their social media savvy to get others to help them eradicate the prickly pests before the restrictions are lifted? How will they confront Queen Bea who wants to save the thistles for the bees? Will 'les trois amis' conquer the prickly pests, take back the abandoned park, and prevent another Covid casualty?Unfortunately, most of this story is based on true events during the Covid-19 pandemic.Author Barbara Fanson pulled over 220 thistles from her local playground so children could eventually use the swings.
  • Invasion of the Thistles

    Barbara Fanson

    eBook (Sterling Education Centre Inc., June 17, 2020)
    Thistles take over when people stop using the playground due to the COVID-19 restrictions. Can the grade 8 graduates use their social media savvy to get others to help them eradicate the prickly pests before the restrictions are lifted? How will they confront Queen Bea who wants to save the thistles for the bees? Will ‘les trois amis’ conquer the prickly pests, take back the abandoned park, and prevent another Covid casualty?Unfortunately, most of this story is based on true events during the Covid-19 pandemic.Author Barbara Fanson pulled over 220 thistles from her local playground so children could eventually use the swings.
  • The Invasion

    K.A. Applegate

    Paperback (Scholastic Paperbacks, Aug. 16, 1700)
  • Invasion of the Ufonuts


    Hardcover (HenryHolt&Company, Feb. 28, 2014)
    Title: Invasion of the Ufonuts <>Binding: Hardcover <>Author: LaurieKeller <>Publisher: HenryHolt&Company
  • The Invasion of 1910

    William Le Queux

    (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, May 24, 2016)
    “I sometimes despair of the country ever becoming alive to the danger of the unpreparedness of our present position until too late to prevent some fatal catastrophe.” This was the keynote of a solemn warning made in the House of Lords on July 10th of the present year by Earl Roberts. His lordship, while drawing attention to our present inadequate forces, strongly urged that action should be taken in accordance with the recommendations of the Elgin Commission that “no military system could be considered satisfactory which did not contain powers of expansion outside the limit of the regular forces of the Crown.” “The lessons of the late war appear to have been completely forgotten. The one prevailing idea seems to be,” said Earl Roberts, “to cut down our military expenditure without reference to our increased responsibilities and our largely augmented revenue. History tells us in the plainest terms that an Empire which cannot defend its own possessions must inevitably perish.” And with this view both Lord Milner and the Marquis of Lansdowne concurred. But surely this is not enough. If we are to retain our position as the first nation in the world we must be prepared to defend any raid made upon our shores. The object of this book is to illustrate our utter unpreparedness for war, to show how, under certain conditions which may easily occur, England can be successfully invaded by Germany, and to present a picture of the ruin which must inevitably fall upon us on the evening of that not far-distant day.
  • The Invasion of Kuwait

    John King

    Hardcover (Hodder Childrens Book, Sept. 30, 2003)
    On 2 August 1990, at the instruction of Saddam Hussein, Iraqi tanks crossed the border to invade Kuwait. This book examines the lead up to this event by looking back at the history of this troubled region. It then dramatically retells the events of the day of the invasion and the shocked response of the world - which led to the Gulf War of 1991. Finally it looks at the legacy this invasion had both for Iraq and for the world as a whole, climaxing with the second Gulf War at the start of 2003.Moment-in-time panels which present first-hand accounts of the events bring a sense of immediacy to the history being recounted.
  • Invasion of the Ufonuts

    Laurie Keller

    Hardcover (Henry Holt & Company, Feb. 25, 2014)