1-India and Britain; 2- Ghana and South Africa; 3- soviet Union and China; 4- Russia and Germany; 5- Israel and Syria; 6- Ukraine and Yugoslavia; 7- Mexico and Brazil; 8- Argentina and South Africa; 9- Japan and Mexico
1999 McDougal Littell Modern World History: Patterns of Interaction -- Reading Study Guide Spanish Translation (P) ***Featureing: *To the Student *Taking Notes *Taking Tests in History *2-Page Study Guide for Every Section *Reading Support *Vocabulary Support *Chapter Reviews *Glossary for Every Chapter ***ISBN-13: 9780395942079 ***Pages: 222
This book is titled Modern World History High School by HOLT MCDOUGAL and is nearly indentical to the more current editions including ISBN 054749114X or ISBN 9780547491141 the 1st edition or 2010 edition or even more recent edition.
2004 McDougal Littell World History: Patterns of Interaction -- Power Presentations (CD) ***Contents: *Interactive Lectures *Fully Customizable *Visual Summaries, Maps, and Other Graphics ***ISBN-13: 9780618186235