Escape From The Fortress
Charles Weaver
(Createspace, May 4, 2014)
The true measure of a man is not expressed in terms of how many years he has lived or the number of miles he has traveled, but in terms of how far he’s willing to go to do what is right and serve others. By this standard, even a teenager can achieve greatness and, through courage, drive, and determination, reach goals his elders could not, despite their experience.And so it is that young Thomas set out to do what the king’s most noble, talented knights could not—rescue the king’s daughter from the confines of Braxton Castle, where her father’s cousin has imprisoned her under the safeguard of a fearsome and powerful dragon.Armed with nothing more than some basic, key equipment, a plan, and an unyielding desire to follow in his late father’s footsteps, Tom pursues the perilous path to Duke Karl’s fortress, repeatedly encountering threats to his life and objective along the way. But through it all, he remains committed, even though, at times, he questions his likelihood of succeeding.A book not to be missed, Escape from the Fortress is a story of chivalry, heroism, and honor that’s sure to appeal to young, adventurous readers and teach them about virtues and values.