Learn-at-Home Reading: Bundle Grade 5
Christine Dugan, Dona Herweck Rice, Margot Kinberg, Stephanie Paris
(Shell Education, May 1, 2016)
The Learn-at-Home: Reading Bundle Grade 5 offers a variety of readers and activity sheets. The bundle comes with daily practice sheets that cover educational topics, with activities aligned to national and state standards. The individual readers discuss literacy concepts in a fun way, and include text features, such as bold print, captions, index, and glossary, to increase comprehension and language fluency. For classroom and home use, this bundle comes with digital resources, including assessment tools and reproducibles of activity sheets to reinforce students' literacy skills. The Learn-at-Home: Reading Bundle Grade 5 comes with 21st Century: Mysteries of Deep Space; Bad Guys and Gals of the High Seas; Where Does Your Money Go?; and 180 Days of Reading for Fifth Grade.