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Books published by publisher Telemachus Press, LLC

  • Jack and the Körner Princess

    A.L. Collins

    eBook (Telemachus Press, LLC, )
  • Don’t Be That KID! At Home

    Lois McGuire

    language (Telemachus Press, LLC, Oct. 7, 2018)
    The KID is at it again! Older but not wiser! Each scene of Don’t Be That KID! At Home unfolds as our KID misbehaves at dinner, with friends, in the supermarket and even with the babysitter! Does he learn his lesson? You have to read the book to find out!Each scene of Don’t Be That KID! At Home provides an opportunity to discuss character building values such as honesty, kindness, consideration, responsibility, respect, good sportsmanship, making good choices, completing tasks, being positive and self-reflection.The Don’t Be That KID! Books and Resource Guide assist parents and teachers to stress life lessons. They reinforce proper behavior and character education principles.
  • Exceeding Expectations: How Yelp! Can Help

    Heather McNeil

    eBook (Telemachus Press, LLC, Feb. 15, 2014)
    It used to be that what determined the success of a restaurant occurred solely within its four walls. Today, the reputation of your restaurant in the online world has a dramatic effect on your success or failure in the real world. With the explosion of social media, particularly Yelp, the restaurant industry is experiencing its biggest change in decades. In the first and only book of its kind specifically written for restaurateurs, this step-by-step guide will take you through every detail of managing your online reputation. No longer will you be cursing Yelp; rather you will be harnessing Yelp’s power as one of the most trafficked websites in the world to market your business in a completely new and innovative way.A 25 year veteran of the restaurant business, Heather McNeil has been consulting restaurant owners on the importance of responding to online reviews nearly since the inception of such sites. Whether your reviews are positive or negative, Heather demonstrates the significance of “listening to your guests” and how this translates to repeat diners and dramatically increased revenue. Exceeding Expectations: How Yelp! Can Help uses real life examples and demonstrates the extraordinary results that follow. This book is for restaurant owners as well as any business owner interested in delivering experiences that will have guests raving.
  • Webbster and Button Children's Stories Book 20, The Comic Strips, Laughter, it's better than therapy!

    K.C. Remington

    language (Telemachus Press, LLC, Feb. 27, 2012)
    A collection of Webbster and Button cartoons from the very beginningwill leave you laughing (we hope) at their hilarious antics.
  • The Sorcerers’ Prophecy: Secrets of Eileen

    Taylor Evans

    eBook (Telemachus Press, LLC, Nov. 25, 2016)
    Twin sisters Casey and Kate were destined to be enemies from birth, and now they must build armies in preparation for their nearing battle. In order to ally with the most powerful army in Alagia, Casey and Brennon must travel to the kingdom of Eileen and seek the help of Aiden, a wanted deserter and spy who has a bounty on his head. But the dark secrets of Aiden's past may threaten their mission and put them all in mortal danger. Meanwhile, Kate is building a sinister army of Sagen with the aid of a mysterious sorcerer from the north. Together, they are gathering the elements of an ancient curse that will make Kate powerful beyond measure, and change her forever. As Casey and Kate fortify their forces, dangerous and forgotten truths are uncovered, revealing secrets that will betray bloody schemes and determine the course of the war.
  • Sophie and The Finn: Mystery of the Disappearing Dogs

    J. Peter Clifford

    language (Telemachus Press, LLC, April 14, 2014)
    Erica Stafford has just entered the sixth grade in Vermont after the family moved there from New Jersey just two years earlier.She leaves behind her old friends and is forced to make new ones in her new home. Fortunately she meets Abigail Adrianna Post or Abby, who becomes her very best friend. Abby’s dog, Sandy, joins Sophie and The Finn and they form a bond that leads them on a number of adventures together.Then one day, by chance, Erica gets thrown into a mystery that she just can’t let go of, but it could place her and her pups in imminent danger. She is torn between solving the mystery and turning her head as if it never happened. With Sophie and The Finn at her side she decides that she must see it to the end no matter the risk.Erica has also recently discovered that something strange is happening to her that she can’t explain or understand. Is it something that she can control or does it only occur randomly without warning and what does it all mean?She and her two constant companions, Sophie and The Finn embark on an adventure that will begin with a discovery, but as they unravel the clues will eventually lead them into a dangerous encounter that places everyone at great danger. “Unfortunately she never heard Sophie’s warning because of all of the noise coming from inside the factory building.The next thing she felt was a pair of large strong hands pinning her arms together. She struggled to try and free them, but it seemed like the more she squirmed, the tighter the grip became. It was as if she was caught in a vise. Next, she felt her feet being lifted off the ground, “Oh my God, she thought to herself, I’ve lost complete control of my body.” It felt like a giant had picked her up like she was a helpless doll. It all happened so fast, she didn’t know how to react. She thought, “What’s happening to me, I can’t even make a sound?” Finally she started to scream, but the odd thing was that there was no sound coming out of her mouth. Her legs were kicking out at this giant, but he was way too strong. To him it must have felt like nothing more than a mosquito attacking his tree trunk legs.”It is a story of a young inquisitive girl and her two dogs that have built this incredible bond together and a sense of adventure that leads them into the Mystery of the Disappearing Dogs.Look for the second book in the series, “Secret of the Box”, which will be out shortly.Visit us at:
  • Olivia's Trek

    DM Sharp

    language (Telemachus Press, LLC, Sept. 19, 2013)
    After years of living in poverty on an Indian reservation, seventeen-year-old Olivia Carter has been given the chance for a new life among the wealthy elite of Manhattan’s Upper East Side. Yet despite the efforts of the uncle who is now her guardian, Olivia feels alienated from her privileged peers by her insecurities and memories of a traumatic childhood.Desperate to escape the secrets of her past, Olivia turns to her love of water and progresses to become a championship swimmer. Her tenuous hold on happiness is destroyed, however, when Lucien Borgia, her only close friend, turns on her in a violent sexual attack. Crippling anxiety and depression put a stop to Olivia’s swimming career and, unable to speak out, she is placed on a cocktail of prescription medications. But she soon finds herself requiring more drugs than the Carter family physician can provide, and begins to resort to illegal means.As Olivia’s life escalates out of control, an intervention is staged and she is sent to a rehabilitation program in Utah. Out in the wilderness and amid a series of gruelling challenges, she realises that she must confront her past and her addictions, and comes to experience friendship and love for the first time. She forms a close bond with Gabriel Carmichael, a young, grieving doctor, but he too has his demons, not to mention the ethical dilemma his relationship with Olivia represents. A departure and a death within the program leave Olivia feeling vulnerable again as she returns to Manhattan, ultimately to face up to the life she wanted to leave behind.A disturbing run-in and the discovery of the presence of a certain someone in the city leave Olivia with a choice; either succumb to the lure of an addiction-fuelled abyss, or find the strength to pursue a new life. On the brink of decision, a final tragedy strikes and Olivia must ask herself, ‘Where will life take you when you want to die?’
  • Ebony Swan: The Case for Shakespeare’s Race

    Jeffrey Hunter McQuain PH. D.

    eBook (Telemachus Press, LLC, March 17, 2015)
    Everyone knows William Shakespeare was white --- or was he?“Ebony Swan: The Case for Shakespeare’s Race” is the startling new book that dares to ask, “Was Shakespeare black?”This explosive nonfiction work by Dr. Jeffrey Hunter McQuain explores whether the world’s greatest writer was not white but biracial. Behind that mystery, though, lies a 400-year-old conspiracy of silence, perhaps the biggest cover-up in literary history.In exposing that conspiracy, “Ebony Swan” carefully examines all the racial evidence from the Bard’s life and times. The intriguing clues range from Shakespeare’s being called “an upstart crow” to messages that have remained long hidden in his famous sonnets and on his gravestone.The book provides readers with all of the known facts about Shakespeare’s life, from his 1564 baptism in Stratford-upon-Avon until his burial at the same church exactly 52 years later. It also studies the many plays and poems penned by the writer known as the Swan of Avon.From the earliest of his tragedies, “Titus Andronicus,” to such great works as “Othello” and “The Tempest,” Shakespeare’s work demonstrates an unusual sensitivity to issues of race and multiculturalism not found in other writers of his time. Even his great rival, Ben Jonson, produced theatrical works that were clearly racist in comparison to dramas by the Bard.But how was the Renaissance writer supposed to tell future generations the truth about himself? Despite the 400-year-old conspiracy meant to silence him, the Bard found ways to counter the cover-up and reveal the secret that made him the world’s greatest writer. The title of this book, in fact, comes from an anagram that Shakespeare was able to hide in Sonnet 55. Backed up by years of exhaustive research, “Ebony Swan” offers and explains more than two dozen exhibits of the relevant racial evidence. In addition, this illuminating study ends with a complete guide to the hundreds of “black” quotations found in the Bard’s poems and plays.Not only does “Ebony Swan” make the compelling argument that the Bard was in fact biracial, but this revolutionary new book also offers readers a different and exciting new way to view Shakespeare.
  • Out of the Darkness

    Marcia Ward

    eBook (Telemachus Press, LLC, March 9, 2016)
    After a visit to the Rehab Center in Connecticut to see her belovedMother, Willa decided it was time to take a bigger look at her life.Since last May and the shocks of the death of her younger sister, Addie,and the serious stroke her mother had suffered, Willa had been able totake only one day at a time.On the plus side, Willa had seen how hard her Mother was working toget better. The staff at the Rehab Center said they were very pleasedwith her progress. It had been so disheartening to see that after fivemonths she still needed a walker. At least her speech was almost backto normal. But when, if ever, would she be back to her previous level oftennis, for instance?It was still hard to take the fact that her Dad was still spending so muchtime in China. How long he’d be there depended on how soon thebranch company he had set up would be operating on its’ own. Itseemed to take so long. Was Willa just being unrealistic?She didn’t see much of her older brother, Danny, because he was atWest Point, and he made huge efforts to get down to see their mother asoften as he could. She smiled to herself, thinking how she had buggedhim when she was younger. It all paid off, though. He expectednothing but the best, and consequently she was very competitive insoftball, tennis, and skiing. That certainly gave her an advantage at TheDay School in Milwaukee.Reflecting on her present home life at her Grandmother Nordbergs’house, really an estate, brought another small smile. Danny had givenher the name ‘The Ice Lady’ because he said she had no warm feelingsat all.Willa had been in full agreement when she first arrived in Milwaukee.But slowly things seemed to be changing for the better. Read to findout how Willa and her Grandmother manage to work out a truce!Upon arrival last year, an immediate comfort to Willa was the presenceof the housekeeper, Mrs. Werner, and her granddaughter, Polly, age ten.Mrs. Werner, a Nordberg relative, had been brought over from Germanyby her Grandfather, after her husband, her only son, and his wife, hadbeen killed in a horrible crash on the Autobahn. Polly came severalyears later. Her maternal grandparents were not able to care for her.Mrs. Werner was a wonderful cook! Willa hadn’t asked if herGrandmother cooked, but she had never seen her in the kitchen with anapron on. Her Grandmother was paying the tuition for both Willa andPolly at The Day School. Willa felt pleased when she looked back tothe ‘old’ Polly. After Willa came she just seemed to open up. Mostlikely because someone younger was around.Finally, she had to do an assessment of school. After all, it did consumethe majority of her time. Academically, she knew it was tops. Hermind went back to being ‘The New Girl’. It had been tough at first.Amy Wu, still her best friend, was a friend right away.As for the majority of her female classmates, she had seemed to be theenemy. Now, Willa was not unaware that she was an attractive person.She had thick blond hair, like her mother’s. And she had big iceblueeyes, just like her grandmother’s.Her slim build spoke to herparticipation in sports. So the girls might have been worried about theirboyfriends?Willa didn’t know the answer to that. But she smiled thinking howWoody Reston came into her life at that bad time. And was still there!There are many adventures and experiences still ahead. You won’twant to miss these adventures, scary times, and the good times.
  • Family Tree

    Katherine Ayres

    language (Telemachus Press, LLC, Nov. 24, 2013)
    Eleven-year-old Tyler Stoudt starts sixth grade off on the wrong foot. She has Ms. Custer, the toughest teacher in school, who has announced that the schoolwork for the year will revolve around one project: a family tree. Tyler doesn't have a family tree--she has only Papa. As Papa said, her family tree was "chop down and burnt up. " But Tyler decides to do her best on the family tree project. Does she have grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles? Tyler wants to know, but she is afraid of what she might find out.
  • Sam O’Riley and the Dream Catchers

    Tony Worden

    language (Telemachus Press, LLC, Nov. 30, 2014)
    "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." – Walt Disney"Reality leaves a lot to the imagination." – John LennonSam O'Riley is by all accounts a typical middle-schooler living in bustling Chicago. He has never met a ghost. He's never prowled around graveyards, been chased by killer clowns, or soared without wings. All Sam knows is that a long grueling school year cannot compare to summer break in Chicago. But all that is about to change when he closes his eyes one night . . . when he discovers what lies behind each of us when we dream . . . when he finds the Dream Catchers.It all starts on the worst possible night – the first night of summer break when his whole life is changed by a young woman who is already dead. Deep inside a dream, Sam is thrust into the impossible, into a mystery that turns his idea of reality upside down. He is shown that life is much more than what we see, that when we dream the mind escapes the body and everything becomes connected; past and present, living and dead. But among the abundant wonders and unlikely friends he finds along the way, he also learns that good and evil are at war and that he is but a pawn.Despite being told to keep secret what is happening to him at night, to hide what is a mystery even to him, Sam must rely on his friends Joe and Nancy to help keep him sane and safe from the terror that has followed him into the waking world. But as he plumbs Chicago's unusual history, ghost stories, demons and dangers for a solution, Sam learns a difficult truth and a great purpose begins to take root in his life . . . if he can survive long enough to fulfill it.So be warned. This story is not about witches, wizards or wands. This story is not about everyone living happily ever after either. This story is about what’s already in the room with you and unseen. This story is about them.Whether you enjoy ghost stories, mysteries, or Chicago history, discover what dead people already know . . . dream with your eyes wide shut!Keywords: ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective ghost stories ghost story Chicago mystery detective
  • Olivia's Choice

    DM Sharp

    language (Telemachus Press, LLC, Oct. 9, 2013)
    In this sequel to Olivia’s Trek, Olivia Carter is thriving under the love and guidance of her boyfriend, Dr Gabriel Carmichael. But her past returns to haunt her on the day of her MCAT results, when she makes a detour to the offices of the Carter Foundation, set up by her uncle, and finds there a previously incarcerated drug dealer who is out for revenge. A dramatic gun battle ensues and Olivia is shot.Gabriel’s father, keen to protect his beloved only child from the dangers associated with Olivia’s former life, seizes the opportunity to separate them, embroiling the Carter family in his plan to convince Olivia to let Gabriel go. Unable to bear the thought of harm coming to Gabriel as a result of her past actions, it is ultimately Olivia’s choice to break up with the love of her life. Heartbroken, Gabriel leaves for Europe.Seven years on, Gabriel has rebuilt his life to become an addictions specialist, and has just been awarded a professorship in Manhattan at the tender age of thirty-three. Olivia, meanwhile, having successfully completed a medical degree in the Caribbean, is also returning to the city to take up a residency. She is stunned to discover that fate has intervened, however, by placing them both at the same hospital. Naively believing she will manage to avoid him, Olivia finds herself overwhelmed with guilt and the feelings that still remain for Gabriel, and begins to regret her choice.As their two worlds collide once again, a furious Gabriel confronts Olivia and resolves to leave Manhattan as soon as possible. A violent incident in the ER throws them together before he has the chance, however, and they find themselves unable to fight their resurfacing feelings any longer. That is until Olivia discovers the existence of a certain impediment and flees, running into an unwelcome face from the past along the way – one who believes Olivia owes him her life.With Olivia questioning her choices and beginning to doubt a long-held hatred, she escapes to the Hamptons with far-reaching consequences. Olivia Carter is about to find out that you never know how strong you really are, until being strong is the only choice you have.