Educational music software for Windows only. Learn about the story of Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker while you play colorful, fun music games. High-quality recordings and colorful graphics make this a good value as well as fun to play.
1985 Classics for Kids -- The Happy Prince (P) by Oscar Wilde / Illustrated by Hieronimus Fromm / Adapted For Young Readers by Vincent Buranelli ***ISBN-13: 9780382090998 ***Pages: 27
A child's journey through Mozart's operatic masterpiece - the Magic Flute. Children travel through the story as 'Wolfie', a young hero out to rescue princess Pamina from the clutches of the Queen of the Night. Wolfie saves the day by matching instruments to the sounds they make. Figuring out which instruments are playing in a quartet, and even matching a piece of music to a a little distorted version of it. All the while he's defeating the evil Queen bit by bit. As your child plays as Wolfie he or she will absorb some of the greatest pieces of music ever composed or played. Mozart's Magic Flute is fun and educational.
(Silver Burdett Company, March 15, 1985)
Discusses types of bicycles and their uses, how to choose and purchase an appropriate bicycle, how to care for it, and safety rules. Also describes clubs, races, tours, and other activities for bicyclists.