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Books published by publisher Notion Press

  • Rhyme Time

    Veera Das

    eBook (Notion Press, March 31, 2017)
    At last, a collection of amusing poems for children of all ages, that sees the world through the magic and mystery of a child’s eyes… Ideal for recitation in elocution competitions or as a ‘fun way’ for parents/teachers to bond with kids... here is what some happy readers have to say…“ Kind of Dr.Suessish in style, but defiantly your own. I smiled while reading this and could not help thinking how much children would love it too! “- Anthony Lane Stahlhut“… a great way to introduce them to poetry. It’s clever, with good rhyme, and the repetitions give it a bounce. Original and most enjoyable.”-William Muth“… a delightful poem with fresh language and appropriate parallels. I can picture the Snail, Crow and other animals. The imagery is vivid and alive!”- Gregory Christiano“I like the hesitations; it breaks the fluidity, just like children like it.”- Roger Crique“… Great poem for kids and the kid in all of us… Well constructed with good rhythm. It made me smile and made my day… humorous, serious, and warm hearted all at once….”- Richard Reed Junior“…your poem created a sense of me looking into the sky… Taking me back to when I was a kid. Innocence is spoken in these words of the butterfly”- Jack Curson“Ah...this was a delightfully amusing work!”- Debra Rose"
  • The Myth : Prince Chandra and the Demon’s War

    Dr. Piyush Kumar

    eBook (Notion Press, Oct. 19, 2018)
    Chandra, is the newest recruit in the Elders’ army, a peacekeeping force in Aryavart. As he begins his new journey, a deadly threat looms on the common folk, the Demon and his menacing Mrityusena. But for the Elders’ army it is not easy to track down this elusive Demon. As Chandra and his friends, try to track down the evil incarnate, several intriguing secrets tumble out which point to a larger conspiracy. The stage is set for a war with the Demon. But, in the midst of all the turmoil and mayhem, Chandra’s hidden past confronts him. As a child, his very identity was snatched and he was thrown in a life that was not supposed to be his. And now, he must deal with it and save himself and his friends from the Demon’s rage. How will the knowledge of his past impact his present and future? Can Chandra weather the storm and emerge victorious in the war against the Demon?
  • Pyrrhic Victory

    Chetan Shah

    language (Notion Press, June 1, 2019)
    A Pyrrhic victory inflicts such a devastating toll on the victor that it is tantamount to defeat. This negates a true sense of achievement or profit. We follow the tale of Chetan, an ambitious, young entrepreneur from an Indian business family who decides at a young age to go zig where his family went zag. He embarks on the unpredictable journey of his first business venture, against his family's wishes. He develops a multi-million Dollar innovative business plan, and has first mover advantage in a huge market. He is soon faced with greed, deceit and deception and encounters multiple challenges with his Japanese conglomerate partner. As we follow his struggles against a formidable opponent intent on winning at any cost. We soon realise that his journey is not only about winning a case, but a case of winning back what he stands for as a human. As the glimmer of hope fades away and threatens to take everything away, the timely arrival of his newborn son helps him realise why life in itself is such a gift.
  • Kissing Strangers

    Neha Singh

    language (Notion Press, May 20, 2019)
    “Strawberries and cigarettes still taste like you.” Arya, a voguish overachiever gets into IIT and finds herself in a whirlwind of reckless antics and youthful highs. She is a misfit at the prestigious engineering college as she resolves to pursue art. As life happens on campus that seems estranged to her, she keeps chasing highs with her friends until she stumbles upon an art instructor. The irrevocable collision of their worlds turns out to be an aesthetic awakening for Arya. She is caught up in an exquisite affair of love and pain as she encounters strangers on the way who make her world tragical and magical in their own ways.
  • If I Don’t Like Something Or Someone, I Can Say No : My body is My Body

    Megha Bhatia

    language (Notion Press, Feb. 15, 2018)
    Children need to be protected at all times from the “Stranger Danger” and even from the known people. Empower your child with the extremely important and emancipating guidebook on Child Body Safety. Composed in a child-friendly and easily comprehendible way for the kids, the book teaches about: Feelings, Safe and Unsafe Body’s Early Warning Signs Body’s Private Parts Our Safety Circle Surprises and Secrets Our Body Bubble Something Strange About Strangers It’s Not Your Fault Kids are encouraged to speak out their feelings and choices. Say NO! because ‘My Body is My Body, No Trespassing!’ An excellent and one of its kind compilation for empowering your children, informing the parents, guardians and the educators about child body safety and their right to say NO!
  • The Big Banyan Tree

    Vibha Pandey

    eBook (Notion Press, Feb. 27, 2017)
    Chimpu the squirrel is the smartest kid in Yahoo jungle. His family is one among the lucky families to get shelter in one of the most luxurious trees of the Jungle. Chimpu with all his friends witness the most adventurous trip to Human City. Will they survive and will they ever be able to come back home safely? What made Chimpu the smartest kid? The Big Banyan Tree is a book revolving around the life of Chimpu and his friends and families in Yahoo forest. The author tried to imagine a world where animals are living like humans. Each story ends with a very relevant moral and it will surely remind all of you about Panchtantra narrated in a modern style.
  • The Third Mumbai

    Philipose Thomas

    language (Notion Press, April 2, 2018)
    The earth looks calm from space. Its majestic rotation continues on its eternal journey—a serene sight. From the high sky, all looks well over the Indian subcontinent with its unmistakable jutting coastline. The ethereal vision is suddenly muddled by a mushroom-shaped cloud arising from the west coast of the Mumbai peninsula. Shortly thereafter, similar clouds arise. This time, they’re over Islamabad and Karachi. What would a post-apocalyptic India look like? Philipose Thomas’ The Third Mumbai is the first book to explore this question. With geo-political relations between India and Pakistan deteriorating rapidly, nuclear attacks become inevitable. Set in the aftermath of such a devastating war, the author portrays a stark picture of a barely-recovering India. Filled with pirates, gangsters, whales and guerrilla attacks, The Third Mumbai is a story of loss, hope and justice that is sure to keep readers enthralled.
  • The Trip to Paradise Island

    Deepika Jayasekar

    Paperback (Notion Press, Aug. 14, 2019)
    Jennifer, Julie, Laurie and Joe were perfectly normal siblings, that is, until their vacation to Paradise Island. When their love for adventure leads them to a new realm that they weren’t meant to discover, the children find the fate of the world on their shoulders. Moreover, an unknown villain is lurking about, seeking power that the four can’t even begin to imagine. Will they be able to save Earth with the help of their new friend? Or will the monster of the depths take over? With thrilling action and awe-evoking sceneries, little do the children know that they are about to embark on a journey that will change reality as they know it.
  • Stuck In Space

    Aarav Mehta

    eBook (Notion Press, Feb. 15, 2018)
    “Yipee!” Jake exclaimed, “I have finally reached the Moon!”Jake was exuberant, until some peculiar events, unexpected creatures and uncanny mystery envelop him and he finds himself on the most menacing journey he could ever imagine…Embark with Jake on his journey to the Moon and witness the camaraderie, courage and his adventurous mission which eventually reiterates the power of good over evil in this enthralling tale.


    eBook (Notion Press, March 12, 2018)
    This is a work of fiction. A novel based on a foundation of certain firm probabilities. The reader never knows if he has reached the end. He is unwilling to leave the Kingdom; he is unwilling to forget Princess Rajeswary; he does not want to leave the company of the ascetic Vishnushatry; he is willing to remain spellbound by the lectures of Professor Arjun and Catherine; he wants to visit the North Woods to have a glimpse of the majestic Promi Sierra; he wants to see how Suryawarma’s sword blazes. He wants to return again and again to the chapters that are so adorable and so realistic. He is caged within the pages…No, this is not a novel. It is a visit to an extraordinarily enchanting place. The stories are intertwined cohesively to present the story of a small civilization, and there is a shade of mystery! The kingdom of Promipur is a wealthy and advanced kingdom—advanced in terms of human progression in the absolute sense. At the conclusion, the reader is unwilling to keep the book down, wishing only that what happens at the end ought not to have happened.
  • The Reluctant Terrorist and Other Stories

    Rajeev Ahal

    eBook (Notion Press, Aug. 18, 2017)
    Every minute in life, you are at a crossroad. Do you feel it? The heart pounding, breathtaking, exhilaration of it all? If not, you aren’t alone. This is a book for those moments when you feel stifled, constricted or just simply not where you want to be. Take a journey into a seemingly haphazard past spent off the beaten track. Starting with a disillusioned college kid and continuing on into the life of a somewhat grown man, these twelve tales offer entertainment but also insights into the true flavors of rural and urban life, rooted in an ancient yet developing country like India. Meet people whose trysts with their daily lives hold insights into friendship, love, justice, pain, inspiration and more. This is a book of both adventure and reflection. It is for the soul.As the adage goes, ‘Truth and amla (wild gooseberry) are the same – they are bitter at first but sweet and healthy in their aftertaste.’ These stories deal with some questions that may well echo those that you hold. The meanings you derive from each story, or choose not to, should be of great interest to you, for therein lie the seeds of the learning in your own lives!
  • Shades of Adolescence

    Harshita Sharma

    language (Notion Press, April 1, 2017)
    Everyone goes through amazing situations in life, especially in adolescence. This transitional phase of life from childhood to adulthood brings spectacular physical and psychological changes in one's life which is remembered for good. The same is expressed here. This is a story of a young guy who would remember all the unusual experiences he had as a teenager that made him taste a slice of life. Possessing every quality of a good human being, Samay, who ponders over his past and recollects what all adolescence has introduced in his life; anxiety, curiosity, stiffer muscles, essence of friendship, fragrance of love and much more. Though, we grow older each day, we still long to go back to this dynamic phase of life. Join Samay on this journey and in the process discover your true self!