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Books published by publisher Edward Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC

  • Storm

    Linda Cargill

    language (Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC, July 13, 2016)
    Roxie has a dream of a pen pal. She’s been writing to Hayden since ninth grade. He has sent her tons of photos of himself and the ski shop where he works in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. She often thinks about him at night while she is asleep and has had funny dreams about turning into an icicle. For where she lives in Arizona she has never so much as seen a snowflake.But when she finally arrives in town, the snowstorm comes down fast and fiercely. Her family car almost gets buried in the snow. She remembers her dream about getting turned into an icicle. Is it coming true? And why does she hear a voice that sounds like Hayden? Where it is coming from? Is it her imagination? Or is it something far more sinister.Storm is brought to you by Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC. If you liked Storm, you will like other young adult thrillers by Linda Cargill including Mirror, Doubles, Bather, Reborn, and Missing.
  • Island

    Linda Cargill

    language (Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC, May 25, 2016)
    Chelsea is trapped on an island in the middle of a lake in Wyoming. She has gone here for the summer while her parents are on safari in Africa. Her Aunt Chelsea and her maids are the only people Chelsea sees for weeks. There is no one her own age like her friends back home. Even worse she does not want to venture outside. There is a boiling cauldron not far away from her aunt's house where the maids rumor that an evil spirit lives. She does not feel like a teenager in America anymore. She feels like a girl imprisoned in a fairytale haunted by demons without a prince to help her escape.Island is brought to you by Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC. If you liked Island you will enjoy other young adult thrillers by Linda Cargill such as My Aunt, the Witch, Jasper, Black Lake, Dear Diary, and Gold Hair.
  • Dig

    Linda Cargill

    language (Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC, Aug. 2, 2016)
    Nina and her best friend, Trixie, want to be archaeologists. They find a summer job on a mesa in Colorado digging up Indian ruins and catapult themselves into a murder mystery. The lead archaeologist, Dr. Van Der Meer, has just been murdered. His son, Josh Jr., has just taken over his millionaire father's dig. But queer things are going on at 7000 feet. Other workers are being murdered and disappearing. The late archaeologist's daughter is crippled in her attempts to set things straight. But Josh Jr. seems to be hiding something up his sleeve. When Nina and Trixie try to help, Josh Jr. threatens to arrest them. Nina had better get out of here before she gets pushed off a mountain ledge herself.
  • Thorns

    Linda Cargill

    language (Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC, May 11, 2016)
    Lindsey lives in a flower garden, a rose garden to be more exact. Her father cultivates white roses. One night she dreams about a dark shadow in a hooded cloak who invades the garden dropping red rose petals instead. She chases Lindsey and she gets caught in a tomb of rosebushes and thorns. She can’t escape until she wakes up only to find out that her father’s garden really has been invaded by red rose petals. They seem to be blowing in on a storm from the sea. And the robe that the dream image wore is standing there starting at her sending chills up her spine. When she grabs it nothing is there. It is caught on a thorn. But it keeps on appearing again and again until somebody at play practice steps on a particularly nasty thorn. Is a prankster at work? Who is invading the garden? The same girl who is stealing her boyfriend? Or it it something worse?Thorns is brought to you by Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC. If you liked Thorns you will like Linda Cargill’s other young adult thriller novels such as Gold Hair, Attic, Lighthouse, Ghost Town, and Cat Sleuth.
  • Stranger

    Linda Cargill

    language (Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC, Aug. 20, 2016)
    Kate has invited all her friends over to her bedroom to pull an all-nighter finishing a science project. But when they all dig in to have breakfast first one friend, then the other tries to keep her away from the newspaper. They turn off the radio. On the way to school they try to convince her to go somewhere else. Another friend shows up to block her from getting out of the car in the parking lot. Then she sees it. Johnathan, her old boyfriend who disappeared and could not be found at the beginning of their senior year, suddenly has turned up again. In fact, he's the tour guide for their field trip to Colonial Williamsburg that day! Worse, he doesn't even recognize her.What could be going on here? It isn't possible that Johnathan would not recognize her after only a few months. But he acts like a complete stranger! What has Johnathan been up to? Is it something illegal? Is that why he is so standoffish? Kate had better figure it out soon before the police show up and cart both her and Johnathan away.Stranger is brought to you by Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC. If you liked Stranger you will enjoy other young adult thrillers by Linda Cargill such as Sister, Haircut, Whispers, Nameless, and Blues.
  • Murder on Hollywood Beach

    Dora Benley

    language (Edward Ware Thrillers Y.A., an imprint of Cheops Books LLC, Jan. 31, 2018)
    A prowler is after Gina in her California seaside mansion where she has lived by herself since her mother’s death in a questionable airplane accident a few years before. She gets constant notes from the stalker: “Come to me, my bride, my love. We will be united in death”. She is afraid to emerge from her glitzy mansion, wondering if this creep was her mother’s killer, too.She is surrounded by a houseful of servants, some of whom seem suspicious such as the gardener. He is always watching her. Certainly there is no one she can trust. Enter Bruno, her ex-boyfriend, the sex maniac who is still trying to persuade the recluse Gina to leave her mansion on the rocks by the crashing sea and go swimming or have a party or drive along the coast, or something else equally dangerous. But what is Gina to do? Whom else can she trust besides Bruno? She had better get it figured out quickly, or else Gina, the daughter of the dead and beautiful Hollywood starlet, will soon become very dead herself.If you enjoy Murder at Hollywood Beach you will enjoy other young adult thrillers by Dora Benley that have a romantic edge such as Silver Wolf Moon, Mary’s Gone, Latin Lessons, Rose Red, Murder on Spirit Island, Murder in Jasper, and Ophelia Plot.
  • Vanished

    Linda Cargill

    language (Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC, June 14, 2016)
    Bridget has just met the date of her life at a party on the beach. But she forgot to ask his name. No matter, she was to meet him again the next day. But when she rushes to the beach, he’s not there as he promised. None of her beach-going friends seems to remember meeting the guy last night, though all the girls danced with him and the guys worked the grills and surfed with him. What is going on? Bridget had better figure it out, or she might just disappear next.
  • Midnight

    Linda Cargill

    language (Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC, April 4, 2016)
    Someone's out there on the Back Bay in Virginia Beach among the marshes with the banjo frogs, mosquitoes, and poisonous snakes. Leslie hears him rowing through the silent waters at midnight, sending chills up her spine. One night when she’s taking a walk he rows up to her, beckons with his finger, and in a gravelly voice beckons her to take a ride in his kayak. She backs up shaking her head. Whoever climbs in and paddles away is never seen again. Her best friend has already disappeared. Leslie doesn't want to be next in this young adult mystery thriller novel, Midnight.
  • Dear Diary

    Linda Cargill

    language (Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC, May 17, 2016)
    Abigail must move to the High Sierras so her geologist father can study glaciers. But she’s been haunted by bad dreams which she records in her diary. A girl’s reflection has been looking back at her from the surface of a lake. Before she wakes, the girl pulls her into the water night after night. When she gets to the town of Mirror Lake, California she is startled to find just such a lake right next to their cabin in the woods. It gets even worse when she and her mother try to swim in the lake and a boy hired to take care of the cabin tells them to stay away. It’s dangerous for real. He tells her to pack up and go home or she won’t live to see tomorrow.Dear Diary was originally published by Cora Verlag, Harper Collins Germany. It is now brought to you by Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC. If you enjoyed Dear Diary you will like Linda Cargill’s other young adult thrillers such as Attic, Blond Hair, Thorns, Lighthouse, and Ghost Town.
  • Whispers

    Linda Cargill

    language (Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC, Aug. 18, 2016)
    Viola has moved to a cottage on the bluffs in Washington State. Her first night there is a storm. She has a nightmare about an old crone who warns her to beware. When she wakes up her pets are both alerting to an old clam man down on the beach. They go investigate. The man looks ancient. He stares at her and asks her if she has come back. He won't believe her when she tries to explain that she is new around here. She tries to get away only to hear someone calling to her. It sounds like a girl's voice. But she cannot see a girl anywhere around. Finally she looks down at the sand. She gets down on her knees. She puts her ear to holes in the sand. She hears a voice that very distinctly complains, "You stepped on me."What is going on around the tiny town of Cliffs? Is Viola having a waking nightmare? Or it something far more sinister? Viola had better figure it out before she gets scared to death.Whispers is brought to you by Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC. If you liked Whispers you will enjoy other young adult thrillers by Linda Cargill such as Nameless, Blues, Sister, Dream, and Haunted.
  • Death by Volcano

    Linda Cargill

    language (Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC, Feb. 27, 2016)
    Sylvia heads to Mount Saint Helens Lake for the summer where her parents have bought a new resort. Once she arrives she is plunged into a tangled web of events that involve assault and murder.Why does somebody follow Sylvia wherever she goes? Why do they ransack her cabin as if they are looking for something? Sylvia had better figure it all out soon. Or she could be dead next --- as dead as the victims of the volcano when Mount Saint Helens blew its lid in this young adult thriller novel by Linda Cargill.
  • Murder on Spirit Island

    Dora Benley

    language (Edward Ware Thrillers Y.A., an Imprint of Cheops Books LLC, Sept. 25, 2017)
    Edith can’t go to school without finding Stripes. She and her lab, Tricks, search through the backyard with no luck. She sees a van parked in front of her driveway. They dog dashes aboard. She follows. The door slams behind them. They are headed up the road and out of town past her grocery store and even her high school where she was supposed to take a math exam today. She screams and yells but the driver won’t stop.As the van drives farther and farther north, only gradually does it dawn on Edith that she’s been kidnapped. It doesn’t make any sense to her that the girl in the cab is Eliza Fitzhugh, her next door neighbor from up the street. It makes even less sense that the driver looks just like some guy that she saw long ago last summer in a movie of her parents’ wedding from twenty-five years before.She finds herself transported all the way to a place she has never heard about before called Spirit Island. What do people there want with her? Edith had better figure it all out soon, or she might end up dead.If you liked Murder on Spirit Island, you will also enjoy other young adult thrillers, supernatural horror tales, time travel novels, and romantic historic thrillers by Dora Benley including Back to Venice, Book of the Dead, Doom of Egypt, Rose Red, and Julia: A Romance.