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Books published by publisher Dragon Scale Publishing

  • Dimwater's Dragon

    Sam Ferguson, Bob Kehl

    (Dragon Scale Publishing, Nov. 19, 2015)
    Young Kyra is destined for four years of sorcery training at Kuldiga Academy. After that she will be wed to the man her father has chosen for her and embark upon the perfectly respectable and confining life of a noblewoman in the Middle Kingdom, something she never wanted. But, when Kyra’s mother is murdered by strange creatures, she is thrust into a world of demons and magic before she is ready. More dangerous still, she finds a dragon egg. Though wisdom would suggest she destroy it before it hatches and wreaks havoc on the land, she realizes that it needs her to survive, for there is a terrible curse threatening to destroy it. As their relationship grows, she comes to understand that she needs the dragon just as much, if not more so, if she is to survive the creatures that killed her mother and are now tracking her.
  • A Land of Glass and Fire

    Sam Ferguson, Bob Kehl

    (Dragon Scale Publishing, July 30, 2018)
    Jonathan Haymaker never expected to find himself needing to defend a hero’s legacy, but when a summons from the chief military inquisitor brings him and his brother Jason in for questioning, not only his own, but his former captain’s reputation have been called into question.Captain Ziegler, Jonathan’s friend and fellow veteran, is being posthumously charged with murder and treason, and the Haymakers’ freedom and livelihood is being caught up in the investigationJonathan has one chance to uncover the truth and prove his friend’s innocence.
  • The Dream Chest

    E. P. Stein

    Paperback (Dragon Scale Publishing, May 2, 2018)
    Looking for a brief escape after a hard day of being bullied at school, Bridgette stumbles upon the Dream Chest. Disguised as a simple internet-based role playing game, the Dream Chest is really a doorway to the glittering land of Shard where the lost and lonely are attracted with the promise of a new life of adventure and romance. But what is valuable and what is enticing are not always the same thing. When Bridgette discovers another girl trying to escape from her troubles inside of the Dream Chest, she will need to decide how she will respond to the allure of a world that seems to tailor itself to her wishes, but comes with a few strings of its own.
  • Tharzule's Tome of Wishes

    Malinda Smiley

    Paperback (Dragon Scale Publishing, March 5, 2018)
    Coleen frizzles every wand she waves, explodes every potion she mixes, and is generally considered to be bad luck in every class she steps foot into. Sure, she bakes the most delicious chocolate cake her friends at school have ever seen, but that will not save her from a month of detention courtesy of Professor Thumblewort: a month of detention reading Tharzule's Impossible Tome - the book no student has ever managed to cast from in hundreds of years. No student that is, until Coleen and her disastrous brand of magic manage to summon the mischievous entity that lives inside the book!
  • The Blackwell Family Secret: The Guardians of Sin

    Jonathan L. Ferrara

    eBook (Dragonwell Publishing, Dec. 5, 2014)
    Seven deadly sins have been unleashed, and the only one who can defeat them is the boy who set them free.Nicholas Blackwell has no idea he is supposed to fulfill a destiny. All he knows is that he draws trouble like a magnet. Orphaned at seven when two demonic men killed his parents, he copes with the strict rules of his new home, St. Christopher’s academy, unaware that he has been the real target for the killers and that his guardian angel has saved him in the nick of time. And now, his problems are only beginning when a mysterious serpent lures him into the woods and tricks him into a demonic ritual that will unleash the Seven Deadly Sins to destroy the humankind. Nicholas has no choice but to correct his mistake--or die trying.Aided by Amy, a shy but determined girl who seems to know more about his task than she should, Nicholas's quest is to travel into the City of Demonio and defeat the Seven Guardians of Sin. To succeed, he must confront demons, monsters, and lost souls, learn the mysteries of the Chapel of Dreams, discover the true meaning of friendship and love, and face the darkest secret of all: the Blackwell Family Secret.
  • The Grotto Book One: Phu Bai, Vietnam: 1969 - 1970

    Harold G Walker

    Paperback (Dragonfly Publishing, July 23, 2018)
    The Grotto is the true story of Marine Aviators in Vietnam who flew CH-46 Sea Knight helicopters near the end of the first, and probably last, great helicopter war. This part of the war has seemingly been forgotten and barely written about. Marines who entered Vietnam during this era knew they would not be leaving as winners or be welcomed back home as victors. The polite political phrase “Vietnamization and Redeployment” the sole purpose of which was the withdrawal of all American forces, branded that era. The Marines came from inner cities, suburbia, small farm communities, as well as wealthy, influential families. They lived and worked together under the extreme pressures of flying Marine Grunts into battles and bringing them back, dead or alive—no matter what. It’s the hijinks, the fraternity-like pranks, unorganized pick-up football and volleyball games played in monsoon rains and deep red mud under the auspices of loosely defined “jungle rules.” It’s the legacy of those who came before us, and new guys learning how to fly and survive in combat. It’s the missions that without warning went horribly wrong. It’s also hope, doubt, tension, and camaraderie, the kind that comes from a unique atmosphere, the kind that makes you brothers to the bone… forever. This is the story of HMM-262 in Phu Bai, South Vietnam, 1969-1970, as seen through the eyes of one of those men, a Marine who lived in The Grotto.
  • Erik and the Dragon

    Sam Ferguson, Bob Kehl

    (Dragon Scale Publishing, March 14, 2015)
    Tu'luh the Red has revealed himself and struck the first blow. Though Erik and his friends managed to drive him away, time is running short. The dragon now raises his army in its full strength and is preparing to march upon the Middle Kingdom. With Master Lepkin awakened from his coma, Erik must swiftly resume his training if he is to have any hope of facing the dragon down. All the while, the more Erik learns about the dangers he is challenging, the better he understands that simply defeating Tu'luh is not enough. There is a much greater threat looming on the horizon that threatens to destroy not only the Middle Kingdom, but all of Terramyr. Worse still, Erik learns that joining forces with Tu'luh may be the only way to prevent the end of the world.
  • White Feathers from Emmett

    Dr. Sue Clifton, Jeff Gentry

    Paperback (Double Dragon Publishing, Sept. 12, 2017)
    In 1955, fourteen-year-old African American Emmett Till left Chicago to visit family in Money, Mississippi. While at the general store in Money, Emmett impulsively “wolf whistled” at pretty (white) Carolyn Bryant. The whistle became the trigger leading to the most brutal torture and murder of a child in Mississippi history. The murderers went free! Many details are NOT known about what happened in those early morning hours of August 28, 1955, until—two who were there that hateful morning, speak from the grave! Is it possible for voices from the past to be heard in the present? Included in the book is paranormal evidence recorded by Dr. Sue at three major Delta sites. (YouTube links of voices recorded are accessible only in this book). Open your hearts and minds and hear messages of peace and love as Dr. Sue receives four White Feathers from Emmett. After reading, decide for yourself what is real!
  • Winter Solstice

    Rosemary Snow

    eBook (Dragon Ridge Publishing, Jan. 8, 2019)
    Young Fairy Velvet attends the yearly Winter Solstice festival with her friends on the longest night of the year, when she realises that all is not well. Strange happenings begin all over the little town her friends know and love, as mysterious foes walk in the deep shadows. Before she knows it, Velvet will be confronted with a tale of love and intrigue, lost legends, and broken friendships, as a threat more powerful than Velvet has ever known rises from the darkness.
  • Return of the Dragon

    Sam Ferguson, Bob Kehl

    (Dragon Scale Publishing, Oct. 5, 2015)
    In the final volume of The Dragon's Champion series, Erik has found the Immortal Mystic, but his training is failing. Haunted by guilt and grief over a close friend who was murdered in front of him, he cannot focus his power. Meanwhile, Gilifan has found a way to resurrect Tu'luh and plunge the Middle Kingdom into subjugation with Nagar's Secret. Lepkin finds himself stuck between a horde of invading orcs and the press of Gilifan's forces. Worst of all, Erik may not be the champion about whom the prophecies were written. Meddling wizards have interfered with the very fabric of fate, altering prophecies and manipulating events. Because of this, Lepkin may have chosen the wrong champion to train, which now threatens to tip the balance heavily in Gilifan's favor. Erik will have to not only succeed in his final training, which he was never meant to undergo, he will have to rise against the reborn Tu'luh, and hope that he and his allies are strong enough to defeat the beast.
  • CATACLYSM: Return of the Gods

    Stephen H. King, TOSK, Tom Gehrke

    eBook (Dragon Tale publishing, Feb. 16, 2012)
    Her world upended in a disastrous cataclysm, Crystal faces her new world beside her husband. First, though, she has to deal with the dark secret he’s been harboring: his other identity, Mars, the God of War. Along the way she also has to deal with threats to her life from his ex-wife, the Goddess of Love, who wants her Mars back. Join Crystal as she fends off Venus while coming to grips with the reality of her own husband's immortality.
  • The Fur Trader 2

    Sam Ferguson, Bob Kehl

    Paperback (Dragon Scale Publishing, March 12, 2018)
    Garrin thought he had hired on to simply guide a pair of travelers through Dryden Pass. He soon learned the truth of their identities after overcoming ancient automotons, mage-assassins, and epic wizard battles, but the real danger lies ahead of him. The harshest storms are rolling in, some augmented and exacerbated by magic. And that's not all. Soldiers and thugs pursue them at every turn, while frost trolls and deadly creatures from the mountain emerge, eager to make a meal of them. Garrin will have to use every trick at his disposal to ensure they make it through the pass alive.