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Books published by publisher Christian Focus

  • Peter The Apostle

    Carine Mackenzie

    Paperback (Christian Focus, May 3, 1999)
  • Lights in a Dark Place: True Stories of God at work in Colombia

    Rebecca Davis

    language (Christian Focus Publications, March 9, 2016)
    Colombia has been known as a land of violence - Colombian people have reacted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ by cursing the messengers, beating them, kidnapping them, killing them and burning down their houses. But from those burnings have shot out sparks and flames and laser beams of light, as the Gospel has continued to shine forth in the midst of darkness. God has delivered people from burning houses. God has healed the ones who cursed. God has even rescued kidnappers. Read fourteen true stories of the Light of the World shining in the land of Colombia, South America.
  • If I Should Die Before I Wake: What's Beyond this Life?

    K. Scott Oliphint, Sinclair B. Ferguson

    eBook (Christian Focus Publications, April 8, 2015)
    According to the pollsters, belief in Heaven is actually on the increase. Although heaven may be popular; probably less thought is given to how to get there than your annual holiday. It is only when events rudely awaken us that we are pressed into asking some of the serious questions about the place where most people expect to go. Sometimes the prompt is our children with a plaintive "Where is Grandma now?" Mostly, though, thoughts of heaven, and more particularly the death that precedes going there, are pushed out by the hedonistic lifestyle that most of us live. If the purpose of life is simply to enjoy: then an absence of life (i.e. death) is a recipe for no fun at all! Facing death enables us to face life - knowing more about your future makes an enormous difference to the present. It's time you looked your future square in the face and thought 'What does it hold for me?'
  • Billy Graham: Just Get Up Out Of Your Seat

    Catherine MacKenzie

    eBook (Christian Focus Publications, July 1, 2007)
    Billy was born on a dairy farm in Charlotte, North Carolina in 1918 just days after the signing of the armistice that ended the first world world war. At the age of sixteen Billy Graham came to Christ during a Christian revival meeting and it wasn't long before he felt the call to preach.With the help of his wife Ruth and many other friends and colleagues Billy Graham set out to preach to the world. The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association was founded and since that day Billy has preached to over 80 million people in more than 185 countries. Millions more have been reached through television, video, film and webcasts. He has founded newspapers; film companies, magazines and radio ministries.Communism and Apartheid, Segregation and Terrorism - Billy Graham has faced up to all Christianity's major opponents of the twentieth century. From playing the bail money to get Martin Luther King out of jail to addressing the memorial service in Washington after the colapse of the World Trade centre, Billy Graham has been there for people with practical help and a message of hope that is timeless.Billy Graham: "Yes Sir, take me to the cross, I can find my way from home from there""Catherine balances knowledge of the subject well with personal anecdotes that make the characters come to life. It also makes you want to praise God for them. If you were teaching about famous Christians or wanted to challenge young people about what God could do with their life these would be ideal. Questions at the back of each chapter are helpful for class or group study. The ‘how to become Christian' section at the back is a vital inclusion."Christian Marketplace"Billy Graham is the most effective world evangelist we have had since the New Testament Apostles. Thank you Catherine for the careful research and animated writing put into this inspiring story of our time"Richard Bewes ~ OBE, Author & retired rector of All Souls Church, Langham Place, London"As I grow older, my confidence in the inspiration and authority of the BIble has grown even stronger. So has my conviction that only Christ can give us lasting hope...As the Bible says in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life".Billy Graham
  • Bible Leaders

    Not Available

    Paperback (Christian Focus, Dec. 31, 1969)
  • Lottie Moon: Changing China for Christ

    Nancy Drummond

    eBook (Christian Focus Publications, Nov. 12, 2014)
    Lottie Moon was a dark-eyed, raven-haired mischief at school. She played pranks, cracked jokes and skipped church as often as possible. Her mother longed for Lottie to trust in Christ, but Lottie didn't want anything to do with God - she felt she didn't need him. So how did this young girl live through the Civil War before finally going to China as a missionary? This is her story, so read it and find out.
  • Ulrich Zwingli: Shepherd Warrior

    William Boekestein

    language (Christian Focus Publications, Aug. 26, 2016)
    By the end of his brief life Ulrich Zwingli would change the religious landscape of his home and the world. It wasn't until the last few years of his life that he became a reformer. He fought for truth and righteousness with his mind and pen, he fought for lost souls to hear the good news of Jesus Christ, and at the age of forty-seven, as an army chaplain, he was killed on the battle-field. The Shepherd Warrior, Ulrich Zwingli, fought the good fight.With his last strength he voiced his victory: "They can kill the body but not the soul!"
  • How to be a Bible Warrior

    Catherine Mackenzie

    language (Christian Focus Publications, March 3, 2016)
    If you were a warrior you'd have a sharp, shiny sword and an army of soldiers to fight with. There might be a giant to attack, or a throng of enemy soldiers to defeat. But is that all there is to being a warrior? And what does it mean to be a Bible Warrior?Abraham, David, Moses, Joshua, Gideon and Jehoshaphat are all men from the Bible who fought in real life battles, but the lessons we learn from their lives are not about sword skills or battle tactics, they are about honouring God and glorifying him. We learn about how God wants us to fight evil, to stand up for the truth and to trust in him to be our Lord and Leader, Defender and the Victor.There are other people in this book who didn't fight with a sword, yet they still fought the good fight. They fought with words - good words. They fought against evil by telling the true message of how Jesus died to save sinners. You can learn from them and be like them too. But most of all you can learn to be like Jesus - the one who fought sin and won, who fought satan and won and who fought death and won!Get ready to fight!
  • Hearts and Hands

    Mindy Withrow, Brandon Withrow

    eBook (Christian Focus Publications, Nov. 1, 2007)
    Let history come to life - just the way it should do! Read the stories of the gifted preachers and justice fighters who led the 1st & 2nd Great Awakenings in the 18th and 19th centuries. Meet the American preacher who started a national revival in his tiny church. Spend time with the wealthy English politician and the former American slave woman who helped abolish slavery in their countries. Get to know the missionaries who built lasting Christian communities in China, India, and Africa. For the first 1700 years of the church, God's people had worked to define Christian teachings and secure their freedom to worship. Now they began to see, in a new way, how the power of the gospel should change their feelings both toward Jesus and their fellow human beings. From John Wesley and Jonathan Edwards to Elizabeth Fry and Sojourner Truth, God used the tender hearts and strong hands of his people to offer mercy to the world. Extra features look deeper into issues such as social reform, the French and American Revolutions, and the rise of Protestant Denominations."The evangelical awakenings were also periods of remarkable social change, often brought about by Christians seeking to live their faith by helping those in need. We need to bring such lives to the attention of our children. Some names we know well, others we don't, but each moment in time from their lives is carefully chosen and beautifully written. "New Life ~ Australia's Christian Newspaper
  • How God Sent a Dog to Save a Family: And Other Devotional Stories

    Joel Beeke, Diana Kleyn

    eBook (Christian Focus Publications, Feb. 8, 2015)
    Emma and Alex have had nothing to eat all day and there is no food in the kitchen. Their mother has no money to buy food and all she can do is pray that somehow, someone will send them something to eat. In the morning something is scratching the door and the children go out to investigate.Find out what it is and discover how God has answered the family's prayers. Read other stories too about Flying Bread, Martha's Raven and the Stolen Sleigh. You will find out about how God cares for us and about how children can believe in Him.
  • D L Moody: One Devoted Man

    Nancy Drummond

    eBook (Christian Focus Publications, Nov. 12, 2015)
    Three words that sum up D. L. Moody's life are Passion, Vision and Devotion - for God! He could easily share the gospel with 20,000 people on a hillside and then do the same thing the next day with just a few people in a church hall. D. L. Moody was fiery and fun! Watch out for how he used a pony to get children to church. One life devoted to God really can change the world.
  • C.S Lewis: The Story Teller

    Derick Bingham

    eBook (Christian Focus Publications, Nov. 1, 2006)
    Adventures into another world, stories of mystery and wonder, these are what fascinated and excited Clive. He was just a boy but would sit for hours writing stories where animals came to life and lived and spoke just like human beings. This little boy grew up to become the world famous writer C. S. Lewis. However throughout his life he preferred to be called Jack. The reasons for this peculiar change of name and other interesting facts and stories about C. S. Lewis are retold in this book. It was written in the centenary year of his birth - this is a reprint. This book takes you into the life of C. S. Lewis, the child, the scholar, the husband, the writer and the believer in God. Derick Bingham has researched this book thoroughly and has lovingly retold the story of this great storyteller.‘I was challenged to write this book by my friend the distinguished sculptor Ross Wilson. At that time he was preparing his CS Lewis Centenary Sculpture to be erected in the great man's native city, Belfast in Northern Ireland. As I live in Belfast it was a privilege to be writing about our city's most famous writer, his upbringing, his adventures and how he came to know the Lord Jesus. As I researched his life I was amazed to discover how much sorrow CS Lewis experienced and I was deeply inspired by how he overcame his difficulties. My greatest joy following the writing of this book has been to see it published in Chinese.'Derick Bingham ~ Was the teaching pastor at Christchurch, BelfastIf you like this, you'll love this: Ten boys who used their talents by Irene Howat. This title includes a chapter on C. S. Lewis. Also why not look at the title: Talking about Dragons by William Chad Newsom. This is a review of the work of Tolkien and Lewis and how to use these to develop and encourage family devotional times.Catherine MacKenzie ~ Author and CF4K Editor