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Books published by publisher Christian Audio

  • Even Better Than Eden: Nine Ways the Bible's Story Changes Everything About Your Story

    Nancy Guthrie,

    Audible Audiobook (, March 14, 2019)
    God's story will end better than it began.... Experienced Bible teacher Nancy Guthrie traces nine themes throughout the Bible, revealing how God's plan for the new creation will be far more glorious than the original. But this new creation glory isn't just reserved for the future. The hope of God's plan for his people transforms everything about our lives today. Made for individuals and small groups alike, this audiobook will help you understand God's plan for the future of his people - life in a garden even better than Eden - in order to experience the glory of this new creation break into your life even now.
  • Becoming MomStrong: How to Fight with All That's in You for Your Family and Your Faith

    Heidi St. John,

    Audible Audiobook (, Sept. 19, 2017)
    Have you ever looked into the faces of the people who call you Mom and wondered what in the world you got yourself into? If you're like many Christian moms today, you've been reading the headlines and watching the rapid-fire changes in our culture with frustration and fear. Let's face it: Moms today are facing questions that previous generations didn't even see coming, and even our right to determine what is best for our own children is under fire. Popular speaker and blogger Heidi St. John ("The Busy Mom") believes that today's mothers need a special kind of strength. We need to be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. We dare not rely on human strength for the battles we're facing right now. In Becoming MomStrong, Heidi has a powerful message just for you - the mom in the midst of it all. Through encouragement, practical prayer points, and authentic "me too" moments, Heidi equips you for a job that only you can do: to train your children to hear God's voice and to walk in truth no matter where our culture is heading. God wants to use this generation of mothers to do something extraordinary: To be strong in the Lord To know who you are in Christ To impart that strength to your kids In other words, he wants you to be MomStrong! So if you're feeling tired or inadequate today, get ready to find new strength as you join Heidi St. John in Becoming MomStrong.
  • Bad Girls of the Bible: And What We Can Learn from Them

    Liz Curtis Higgs,

    Audible Audiobook (, Aug. 25, 2015)
    Ten of the Bible's best-known femmes fatales parade across the pages of Bad Girls of the Bible with situations that sound oh-so-familiar. Eve had food issues. Potiphar's wife and Delilah had man trouble. Lot's wife and Michal couldn't let go of the past, Sapphira couldn't let go of money, and Jezebel couldn't let go of anything. Yet the woman at the well had her thirst quenched at last, while Rahab and the sinful woman left their sordid histories behind. Let these bad girls show you why studying the Bible has never been more fun!
  • Life of David Brainerd

    Jonathan Edwards, Nick Cordileone,

    Audible Audiobook (, Jan. 13, 2009)
    Though he was orphaned at age 14, repeatedly struck with debilitating illnesses, and unfairly expelled from college, Brainerd allowed nothing to deter him from serving God wholeheartedly. He traveled thousands of miles by horseback across treacherous terrain to preach the gospel to remote Indians. Their benefit ultimately brought about his early death at the age of 29. This book not only offers a captivating story, but an uplifting buoy for those who are weary, distant, or discouraged.
  • If You Only Knew: My Unlikely, Unavoidable Story of Becoming Free

    Jamie Ivey,

    Audible Audiobook (, Jan. 30, 2018)
    Among our greatest fears is the dread of what others would think of us "if they only knew" - the parts of our past we hope to forget, the parts of our present we work to conceal. Yet the part we actually do the best job of hiding is not the unsightly debris of our own mess, but rather the stunning beauty of God's grace. The fear that demands we protect this false image at all costs leads us to unwittingly declare a false gospel at every turn. Jamie Ivey finally grew tired of doing that, tired of being too ashamed and insecure to let others see the full extent of what God was capable of doing with our unworthiness. So she quit hiding. She let him get praise for what she'd been pretending she didn't need. What she found as a result is how a willingness to just open up and say the stuff that most people refuse to reveal about themselves gives others permission to join us in our transparency. And how the process of becoming real ignites an ongoing passion in us for living out our ongoing redemption, enabling us to more fully embrace not only our relationship with him but also with one another. If You Only Knew is the utterly inviting, often humorous, incredibly authentic back-story of one woman's life, told for the purpose of helping you strip away both the inner and outward hypocrisy that cripples Christian freedom, choosing instead to live with courageous confidence in God's ability to make you truly one person. His.
  • The Pharaoh's Daughter CA: A Treasures of the Nile Novel

    Mesu Andrews, Robin Miles,

    Audible Audiobook (, July 22, 2015)
    "You will be called Anippe, daughter of the Nile. Do you like it?" Without waiting for a reply, she pulls me into her squishy, round tummy for a hug. I'm trying not to cry. Pharaoh's daughters don't cry. When we make our way down the tiled hall, I try to stop at ummi Kiya's chamber. I know her spirit has flown, yet I long for one more moment. Amenia pushes me past so I keep walking and don't look back. Like the waters of the Nile, I will flow. Anippe has grown up in the shadows of Egypt's good god Pharaoh, aware that Anubis, god of the afterlife, may take her or her siblings at any moment. She watched him snatch her mother and infant brother during childbirth, a moment that awakened in her a terrible dread of ever bearing a child. Now she is to be become the bride of Sebak, a kind but quick-tempered Captain of Pharaoh Tut's army. In order to provide Sebak the heir he deserves yet protect herself from the underworld gods, Anippe must launch a series of deceptions, even involving the Hebrew midwives - women ordered by Tut to drown the sons of their own people in the Nile. When she finds a baby floating in a basket on the great river, Anippe believes Egypt's gods have answered her pleas, entrenching her more deeply in deception and placing her and her son, Mehy, whom handmaiden Miriam calls Moses, in mortal danger. As bloodshed and savage politics shift the balance of power in Egypt, the gods reveal their fickle natures, and Anippe wonders if her son, a boy of Hebrew blood, could one day become king. Or does the god of her Hebrew servants, the one they call El Shaddai, have a different plan - for them all?
  • In the Middle of the Mess: Strength for This Beautiful, Broken Life

    Sheila Walsh, Nan McNamara,

    Audible Audiobook (, Nov. 7, 2017)
    How do you turn your struggles into strengths? Beloved Bible teacher Sheila Walsh teaches listeners how the daily spiritual practices of confession, meditation on God's Word, and prayer result in fresh freedom in Christ. In her long-awaited new book, Sheila Walsh equips women with a practical method for connecting with God's strength in the midst of struggle. From daily frustrations that can feel like overwhelming obstacles to hard challenges that turn into rock-bottom crises, women will find the means to equip themselves for standing strong with God. Using the spiritual applications of confession, prayer, and meditation on Scripture to form a daily connection to Jesus, women will learn how to experience new joy as a child of God who is fully known, fully loved, and fully accepted. In In the Middle of the Mess, Walsh reveals the hardened defenses that kept her from allowing God into her deepest hurts and shares how entering into a safe place with God and practicing this daily connection with him have saved her from the devil's prowling attacks. Though we will never be completely "fixed" on earth, we are continually held by Jesus, whatever our circumstances.
  • The Prince Warriors

    Priscilla Shirer, Gina Detwiler, Vikas Adam, Nora Hunter, Andrew Eiden,

    Audiobook (, May 30, 2016)
    The battle is real. As brothers, Xavier and Evan are used to battling each other. But now they're discovering that there is a much bigger battle going on all around them. And it's their turn to fight. Based on Ephesians 6:10-18, The Prince Warriors is the first book in Priscilla Shirer's epic new children's series that brings to life the invisible struggle ensuing in the spiritual realm. Xavier, Evan, and their friends have typical lives until they enter a mysterious land called Ahoratos. There they meet their guide, Ruwach, who offers wisdom and direction as the kids' initial adventure begins - an adventure filled with armor and danger and a very real enemy. Written by New York Times best-selling author Priscilla Shirer, The Prince Warriors series was created for middle-grade listeners and will include the fiction trilogy as well as the 365 Prince Warriors Devotional and app.
  • Habits of Grace: Enjoying Jesus Through the Spiritual Disciplines

    David Mathis, Adam Verner,

    Audible Audiobook (, March 11, 2016)
    The Christian life is built on three seemingly unremarkable practices: reading the Bible, prayer, and fellowship with other believers. However, according to David Mathis, such "habits of grace" are the God-designed channels through which his glorious grace flows - making them life-giving practices for all Christians. Whether it's hearing God's voice (the word), having his ear (prayer), or participating in his body (fellowship), such spiritual rhythms of the Christian life have the power to awaken our souls to God's glory and stir our hearts for lifelong service in his name. What's more, these seemingly simple practices grant us access to a host of spiritual blessings that we can only begin to imagine this side of eternity - and the incredible joy that such blessings bring to God's children today.
  • Blue Like Jazz: Non-Religious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality

    Donald Miller, Scott Brick,

    Audible Audiobook (, Feb. 16, 2009)
    "I never liked jazz music because jazz music doesn't resolve. . . . I used to not like God because God didn't resolve. But that was before any of this happened." In Donald Miller's early years, he was vaguely familiar with a distant God. But when he came to know Jesus Christ, he pursued the Christian life with great zeal. Within a few years he had a successful ministry that ultimately left him feeling empty, burned out, and, once again, far away from God. In this intimate, soul-searching account, Miller describes his remarkable journey back to a culturally relevant, infinitely loving God.
  • Looking for Lovely: Collecting the Moments That Matter

    Annie F. Downs,

    Audible Audiobook (, April 6, 2016)
    "I want you to take every step of your life with excitement for where you are headed. And I want you to feel beautiful and confident as you do." But how, when the enemy whispers lies that we are not smart enough, pretty enough, or rich enough? Or are you too dumb, too loud, too quiet, too thin, too fat, too much, or not enough? What if you don't have what it takes to be who you really want to be? In Looking for Lovely, Annie F. Downs shares personal stories, biblical truth, and examples of how others have courageously walked the paths God paved for their lives by remembering all God had done, loving what was right in front of them, and seeing God in the everyday - whether that was nature, friends, or the faces they saw in the mirror. Intensely personal yet incredibly powerful, Looking for Lovely will spark transformative conversations and life-changing patterns. No matter who you are and what path God has you on, we all need to remember the lovely, fight to finish, and find beautiful in our everyday!
  • Start with the Heart: How to Motivate Your Kids to Be Compassionate, Responsible, and Brave

    Kathy Koch PhD, Ann Richardson,

    Audible Audiobook (, March 14, 2019)
    Parenting strategies you can be proud of. You know the feeling. You got frustrated, desperate, or overwhelmed, and you reacted before you could think it through. Whether it's a onetime thing or it becomes a habit, we all parent in ways we don't like. But it doesn't have to continue. Whether it's bribery, yelling, counting to three, or threats of punishment you didn't mean to make, reacting never feels good. But if you can learn to act with intentionality, you'll feel better about your choices and be grateful for the results. Dr. Kathy Koch (pronounced "cook"), author of Screens and Teens and 8 Great Smarts, will teach you proven strategies for training your child's heart and parenting in a way that honors God. She'll help you move your child from "I can't, I won't" to "I can, I will, and I did". We can do better than "Because I said so" or "No screen time for three days". We can do better than mere behavior modification. We can change our children's hearts and teach them to do what is good, godly, and right even when we're not around. Once you've learned to put these motivation strategies in place, there's no more need to nag; you'll be astounded at what your kids will do without being asked. Dr. Kathy doesn't offer a quick-fix. Starting with the heart is all about changing what children believe in order to change their behavior. And learning to use this kind of motivation takes effort, consistency, and strategy, but it works. And it's never too late! If you're willing to commit to a little hard work up front, you'll enjoy your kids, your life, and yourself much more when you learn to start with the heart.