My Book of Special Times of the Year
Anne Faulkner, Zoe Figg
(Barnabas, Sept. 17, 1999)
Written especially for young children studying Christianity as part of their National Curriculum syllabus, attending a church service, or who belong to a church-based group, this book is designed to help instil a sense of belonging. It can be used in a teaching situation or given to the child at the church door. The child is taken through the various seasons of the Church Year. Seasons covered include Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Candlemas, Lent, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Day, Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity, Harvest and All Saints. Keystage One requirements for Knowledge, Understanding and Significance have been taken into account as each season is explored through artefacts and their symbolic meanings, Bible passages, prayers and things to think and do. The book is suitable for children to read by themselves or to use with an adult.