The poetical works of Geoffrey Chaucer Volume Ñ‚. 6
Geoffrey Chaucer
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1866 Excerpt: ...hym, and makith hym feeste. For certeynly no such beeste To be loved is not worthy, Or bere the name of drurie. Noon shulde hir please, but he were woode, That wole dispoile hym of his goode. Yit nevertheles I wole not sey 5070 That she, for solace and for pley, May a jewel or other thyng Take of her loves fre yevyng; But that she aske it in no wise, For drede of shame or coveitise. And she of hirs may hym, certeyn, Withoute sclaundre, yeven ageyn, And joyne her hertes to-gidre so In love, and take and yeve also. Trowe not that I wolde hem twynne, 50s0 Whanne in her love ther is no synne; I wole that they to-gedre go, And don al that they han ado, As certeis shulde and debonaire, And in her love beren hem faire, Withoute vice, bothe he and she; So that al-wey in honeste, Fro foly love to kepe hem clere That brenneth hertis with his fere; And that her love, in ony wise, 5090 Be devoide of coveitise. Good love shulde engendrid be Of trewe herte, just, and secre, And not of such as sette her thought To have her lust, and ellis nought, So are they caught in Loves lace, Truly, for bodily solace. Fleshly delite is so present With thee, that sette alle thyne entent, Withoute more what shulde I glose? 5100 For to gete and have the rose, Which makith thee so mate and woode That thou desirest noon other goode. But thou art not an inche the nerre, But evere abidist in sorwe and werre, As in thi face it is i-sene; It makith thee bothe pale and lene, Thy myght, thi vertu goth away. A sory geste in goode fay, Thou herberest hem in thyne inne, The God of Love whanne thou let inne Wherfore I rede thou shette hym oute, Or he shalle greve thee, oute of doute; For to thi profit it wole turne, Iff he nomore with thee sojourne. In gret myscheef and sorwe sonken Ben hertis, that...