The Third Balloon
Derek Richard Denton
(, June 16, 2012)
A balloon, surely, is a thing to give you pleasure. Go to almost any fair and you will see them, in a myriad of colours, at stalls, tethered like wild creatures. For a modest sum you can buy one and, if the fancy takes you, you may set it free.So, in your mind's eye now, look at them floating there, filled with helium, eager to be up and away. You have to admit they are fun, they are pure delight, they are a source of innocent joy. But for Richard Thompson, at his school fair, he should never have chosen the third balloon. For the third balloon was something very different indeed.This tale of magic is not about spells. It is about the unpredictable. And if you are hoping to control it, then perhaps you will need all the luck in the world, and then some.