Creepy Crawlies Dot-To-Dot
Monica Russo
(Sterling, Dec. 31, 1998)
They slither and slink. Some live in the desert, others mostly in water. They have scales or shells, and sometimes claws. What are they? Connect the dots and you'll see--they're reptiles and amphibians! You may even have one as a pet, but these creatures are lots more interesting in the wild. And as you draw these 30 pictures of snakes, turtles, iguanas, salamanders, and toads, you'll also get fascinating facts about each animal. Find out their size, where they live, what they eat, how to pronounce their names, what's most intriguing about them, and how to color in your drawing so it is scientifically accurate.The anole (ANN ol), for instance, is a reptile that grows up to 8 inches long, and is found in Texas, the southeastern U.S., the Bahamas, and Cuba. It munches flies, beetles, and other small insects; and though it's usually a bright green (the better to stay hidden in foliage), it can change to brown. Other reptiles you'll meet include the box turtle, five-lined skink, flying dragon, gila monster, goanna, and 12 more. Among the 13 amphibians are the crested newt, greater siren, green tree frog, and mudpuppy. 64 pages, 60 b/w illus., 8 1/4 x 11.