Ecology Crafts For Kids: 50 Great Ways To Make Friends With Planet Earth
Bobbe Needham
(Sterling, June 30, 1998)
These awesome, excellent eco-adventures show kids what's happening in nature! With these creative "recycling" ideas, they'll have a ball making sure that nothing goes to waste--especially if it can make a pot, a painting, or a puppet. Children can scoop up clay and collect twigs and birchbark to turn into animals, frames, and baskets. "Cool Tool" suggestions even show how to create a sawdust kiln! Birds will happily settle in a gourd birdhouse, and fabulous facts on bald eagles and grizzly bears teach kids about the dangers of extinction. Have a burned-out lightbulb? It will shine again as a puppet. Have a "trashy" good time turning eggshells into mosaics, beach glass into jewelry, and cornhusks into angels. Old news is good news when newspapers transform into paper-maché birds. Bottle gardens, ocean waves bath salts, lemonade lip gloss, and tin can marionettes: saving the earth has never been so much fun! 144 pages (all in color), 8 1/2 x 10. NEW IN PAPERBACK