In recent years, the stories of black women in scientific and mathematical fields have finally emerged from the shadows of history to inspire new generations of Americans. Through engaging main text filled with quotes from prominent figures, readers understand how black women who pursued careers in science and math helped shape the history of the world and continue to shape its future. Eye-catching photographs make this complex and influential topic easily relatable, while informative sidebars provide a thorough investigation of powerful women in powerful careers.
A high-quality history series places important topics of the African-American experience in context so that readers will understand the connection between black history and the sweep of America's story.
Presents information about the concept of reparations, examining slavery's effect on African Americans, the attempts at reparations over the years, and current controversies.
Beginning at the end of World War I, the Harlem Renaissance was America's first African-American literary and artistic movement. Based in Harlem and lasting through the early 1930s, the movement gave voice to a small but gifted group of black writers and artists.
A high-quality history series places important topics of the African-American experience in context so that readers will understand the connection between black history and the sweep of America's story.
Discusses the racism that ran rampant in the United States after the Civil War, the Jim Crow laws that were instituted in the South as a reaction to this racism, and the fight against these laws and to end discrimination.