AIDS & Society
Sheila Nelson
Library Binding
(AlphaHouse Publishing, Sept. 1, 2008)
AIDS & Society covers the broad range of HIV- and AIDS-related issues as they have impacted and changed human society throughout the world. AIDS and HIV have affected politics and governmental policy, health care treatment, family life, dating and sex practices, sex education, and much more. The disease has especially deeply impacted people living in developing countries, with 95% of the estimated 33.2 million people living with HIV residing in third-world countries, as reported by the UNAIDS, as well as the poor and less educated in many other countries. The book explains how AIDS and HIV take their toll on familial, regional, and global economies in many ways; how the stigma of having AIDS/HIV permeates societies and can result in violence and discrimination; and how education and treatment are necessary in all segments of society and throughout the world. AIDS & Society uses an abundance of special features to capture the interest of students: * over 60 full-color photos and illustrations * ask the expert sections, providing real answers to insightful questions * find out more sections, directing readers to additional resources * glossaries of terms at the beginning of each chapter, reinforcing important terms * real-life stories and events, providing examples to reinforce the text * excerpts from primary sources, modeling document-based questions and answers, providing cross-curriculum links