Matisse: Cut-Out Fun With Matisse
Henri Matisse, Nina Hollein, Max Hollein
(Prestel Pub, March 1, 2003)
Henri Matisse created some of his most exquisite works by cutting shapes out of paper. Delightfully entertaining and playfully inventive, his "paintings with scissors" are also a superb introduction to the most basic artistic concepts: color, line, and form. This engaging and accessible look at MatisseÂ’s cut-outs, arguably the highlight of his magnificent career, follows the artist as he goes in search of pure forms of expression. Illustrated with beautiful reproductions and details of MatisseÂ’s most famous works, the book explains how the artistÂ’s paintings evolved over the course of his life, gradually becoming flatter, simpler and more chromatically pure until they resembled the cut outs themselves. MatisseÂ’s spontaneity, his love of bold colors, and his seemingly effortless ability to capture movement on paper make him one of the most appealing artists to children. Fun and easy-to-follow, this exploration of MatisseÂ’s cut-outs invites children of all ages to grab a pair of scissors, find some colored paper, and "paint."