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Books published by publisher Village Earth Press

  • A Kid's Guide to Cancer

    Rae Simons

    Hardcover (Village Earth Press, Dec. 10, 2013)
    Cancer is a major health problem for people all over the world. Millions of people are affected by cancer each year. Many people have family or friends who they've lost to cancer. Others know a friend who has lost someone they love. You hear about cancer on TV and read about it online. But many people-kids and adults-don't understand much about cancer. What happens when someone gets cancer? How do you get cancer? What is life like for the people around the world who have cancer or live with someone who does? How are people fighting back against this deadly disease? In this book, you'll find the answers to all of these questions and more!
  • Space Telescopes

    Christie Marlowe

    Hardcover (Village Earth Press, Feb. 14, 2014)
    For centuries, people have used telescopes to look up at the stars. Today, powerful telescopes in space are still helping scientists learn more about the stars and galaxies around our planet. Discover the amazing history of space telescopes, from the very first telescopes to the incredible modern Hubble Space Telescope. Learn about the future of using space telescopes to explore the furthest reaches of our universe.
  • A Kid's Guide to Bugs and How They Can Make You Sick

    Rae Simons

    Paperback (Village Earth Press, June 21, 2016)
    Bugs are a very important part of our world. They help move forward the natural patterns of the planet. They are a big part of the world's food chain and natural environment. But some bugs can also make you very sick. Bugs can bite and sting. Mosquitoes, ticks, and flies can carry deadly diseases. Bugs are all around us, but many people–kids and adults–don't understand much about how bugs can affect our health. What does a bug bite do to your body? How can people catch diseases from bugs like ticks and mosquitoes? How can you keep yourself safe from bug bites and the diseases that some bugs carry? You'll find answers to all of these questions and more!
  • Nicki Minaj

    C. F. Earl

    Hardcover (Village Earth Press, Feb. 27, 2014)
    Few rappers have ever reached the level of success that Nicki Minaj has in just a few short years. Since her first album Pink Friday came out in 2010, Nicki has been everywhere. From music to the Internet to the television show American Idol, Nicki has taken over the music world. Find out the true story of one of hip-hop's biggest stars, including how Nicki grew up in a tough family situation before making music her life. Discover how Nicki became the incredible star that fans love today.
  • Random Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty

    Anne Herbert, Margaret Paloma Pavel, Mayumi Oda, Desmond Tutu

    Paperback (New Village Press, Jan. 3, 2017)
    A Haiku-like text with the message that each person can become an agent of goodness and beauty With beautifully crafted words and exuberant watercolor illustrations, Random Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty offers a poetic and empowering message for world peace. Recognizing "we are right on the edge of destroying ourselves," this modern allegory inspires taking joyful steps to end violence. It expands upon the idea that "we are all in the circle together," and presents a timeless parable for readers of all ages. The Haiku-like text delivers a call to "make a new earth grow beneath our feet." In the playful style of 12th century Japanese picture scrolls, Mayumi Oda's art depicts humans as animals who lose their way when their leaders become confused and drawn to violence. It is up to each individual - the frog who plants a thriving garden, the cat who supports an elderly neighbor as they walk - to create a better world through simple acts of kindness. The message of this book is the sweet realization that each person can become an agent of goodness and beauty. This twentieth-anniversary, full-color edition, with a new foreword by venerable peacemaker Desmond Tutu, is dedicated to world peace and recovery in the face of world climate crises. All royalties will be donated to community resiliency across boundaries and antinuclear advocacy.
  • A Kid's Guide to Viruses and Bacteria

    Rae Simons

    Hardcover (Village Earth Press, Jan. 15, 2014)
    Germs are in the air and in our food, on door handles and dinner plates, in our bodies and on our pets. Germs like viruses and bacteria are everywhere. Some are harmless, but others can make you very sick. Viruses and bacteria can cause a range of illnesses and diseases, from the common cold to tuberculosis (TB). Viruses and bacteria are all around us, but many people-kids and adults-don't understand much about how germs can affect our health. What does a virus do to your body? How can people catch diseases from bacteria? How can you keep yourself safe from the diseases that some germs carry? As you read, you'll find answers to all of these questions and more!
  • How Do AIDS & Science Connect?

    Nat Cotts

    Paperback (Village Earth Press, July 1, 2016)
    Throughout the world, millions of lives have been changed forever by the AIDS crisis. Since the first cases in the 1980s, scientists have been working to understand the deadly disease and combat its spread. In this book, you’ll learn about the science behind the AIDS epidemic, from identification and treatment, to prevention and medical research. You’ll read about the initial discovery of the first HIV/AIDS cases in 1981 as well as modern efforts to find better treatments and educate people about how AIDS spreads. Explore the stories of scientists working toward a vaccine, and find out what today’s fight against AIDS looks like from a scientific perspective.
  • Caring for Small Animals

    Rae Simons

    Paperback (Village Earth Press, Sept. 7, 2016)
    A love and appreciation for animals can shape a child's entire life, teaching important lessons about responsibility, empathy, and respect for nature. In Caring for Small Animals, young readers will learn about how to care for the fish, birds, reptiles and other small creatures in their lives, as well as the importance of treating all animal life with respect. Whether you're considering bringing a new pet into your home and want your child to learn about care and feeding or just want to teach your child about the value of a connection to animals, Caring for Small Animals can be the beginning of a lifelong love of our furry and feathered friends, no matter how small. A portion of all profits earned from your purchase of this book will be sent to Every Dog's Dream Rescue, an organization in Johnson City, New York, that works to find homes for cats, dogs, and other animals. Explore the rest of the series in: Caring for Cats: Caring for Dogs: Caring for Farm Animals: Caring for Wild Animals: or buy all five books in one with the combined volume, Animals Need YOU!:
  • Macklemore

    C. F. Earl

    Hardcover (Village Earth Press, May 30, 2014)
    In a very short time, rapper Macklemore and his music-making partner Ryan Lewis seemed to take over the pop world. Giant hit songs like "Thrift Shop" and "Can't Hold Us"-as well as the successful album The Heist-have earned Macklemore fans of all ages. Find out the facts of Macklemore's life, from growing up listening to hip-hop to becoming one of the most successful rappers working in music. Discover how Macklemore became the star that millions of fans around the world love today.
  • A Kid's Guide to a Healthier You

    C F Earl

    Paperback (Village Earth Press, June 14, 2016)
    Taking care of your body is the best way for you to feel good. Staying healthy isn't always difficult, but it does take some work. You've got to remember to brush your teeth and wash behind your ears. You've got to make healthy food choices and get outside to play every once in a while. You've got to stay safe when riding your bike or hanging out with friend. Even though everyone wants to be healthy, many people–kids and adults–don't understand what they can do now to stay healthy in the future. How do the foods you eat affect your health and how you feel? Why is brushing your teeth so important? What happens to your body when you don't exercise? What are a few choices you can make today to become more fit and in better shape? As you read, you'll find answers to all of these questions and more!
  • A Kid's Guide to Asthma

    Rae Simons

    Hardcover (Village Earth Press, Dec. 6, 2013)
    Asthma affects millions of people around the world every day. Asthma can keep you from taking part in your favorite sport or even make taking a single breath difficult. Even if you don't have asthma, you probably have family or friends who do. Asthma can even be deadly in some cases, making it much more than just an annoying cough or a bit of trouble breathing. You may hear about asthma on TV and read about it online. But many people-kids and adults-don't understand much about asthma. What does asthma do to your body? Why do some people have asthma while others don't? What is life like for the people around the world who have asthma or live with someone who does? How can people live normal lives while taking care of their asthma? You'll find answers to all of these questions and more!
  • How Does Air Pollution Affect Your Health?

    Ellyn Sanna, Emily Sanna

    Hardcover (Village Earth Press, May 21, 2014)
    From car exhaust to factory smokestacks, air pollution seems to be everywhere in the modern world. While many people know air pollution is harmful, few know the real causes and effects of air pollution. Learn about the true consequences of polluting the Earth's air, including the devastating impact this pollution has on people's health. Discover how people around the world are working to keep our air clean and make sure it stays unpolluted for future generations.