In the Kingdom of Kerry and Other Stories
Bithia Mary Croker
(General Books LLC, Feb. 8, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated.1896 Excerpt: ... due to a carnal desire for further donations of port wine, beef tea, and fuel. He penetrated south--to old Madras, to out-of-the-world, teeming cities--fastnesses of Brahminism--on which one glimmer of nineteenth-century thought has never shed a ray! Here he witnessed, as a man in a dream, many curious ceremonies--the sacrifice in high places of sheep and oxen (precisely as in the days of Moses), and half-maddened wretches gashing themselves with knives, like the priests of Baal--and even beheld at a great distance that revolting spectacle known as " hook swinging." Truly, he had many awakening experiences, not the least of which occurred on the platform of Pothanore Railway Station. Here he was suddenly accosted by a fair, long-haired European, in native dress (turban and dothi all complete), who thrust a copy of the War Cry into his astonished hands, and eagerly demanded if he was "saved." This, as well as every other incident, the Rev. Herbert Eustace carefully inscribed in a large Letts's diary, which he wrote up conscientiously before retiring for the night. All his experiences were entered, with one notable exception--an experience he did not venture to set down in black and white, lest it should be read by unbelievers, discredited, and mocked at! It therefore falls to another to repair the omission, and to record the Rev. Eustace Herbert's curious adventure on the Glenvale Coffee Estate in Mysore. During his ramblings in the Madras Presidency, the clerical explorer found himself within easy reach--that is to say, within a hundred miles--of the home of an old school-fellow, who had failed for the army, married beneath him, and settled down in India for life. Mr. St. Maur had heard of his friend's arrival in the country, and had urged him to pay him a ...