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Books published by publisher Twenty-First Century Books TM

  • Smart and Spineless: Exploring Invertebrate Intelligence

    Ann Downer

    Library Binding (Twenty-First Century Books, Aug. 1, 2015)
    When you think of smart animals, what comes to mind? Wise old owls? Problem-solving dolphins? Maybe you have heard of Koko the gorilla, who has mastered one thousand signs in American Sign Language, or Chaser the border collie, who recognizes one thousand names for her stuffed toys. But what about ants building megacolonies or bees reporting to the hive about new nesting sites? What about escape artist octopuses and jellyfish that use their eyes (they have twenty-four!) to navigate? Are insects, spiders, and other animals without backbones considered smart, too? When we think of intelligent creatures, we often think of vertebrates, or animals with spinal columns and relatively large brains. We don't usually think of invertebrates, or animals without a spine. But invertebrates can be astonishingly intelligent. These animals exhibit surprising feats of learning, memory, and problem-solving using their relatively simple, tiny brains―some the size of a sesame seed or even smaller. In fact, some intelligent invertebrates have no brain at all! Scientists around the world are putting invertebrate intelligence to use in mind-boggling ways. Engineers are designing swarmbots based on bees to take part in search-and-rescue efforts. And materials scientists are basing a new, tough ceramic on the structure of a mantis shrimp's claw. In Smart and Spineless, readers will be challenged to think in a whole new way about what it means to be smart!
  • Underneath It All: A History of Women's Underwear

    Amber J. Keyser

    language (Twenty-First Century Books TM, Jan. 1, 2018)
    For most of human history, the garments women wore under their clothes were hidden. The earliest underwear provided warmth and protection. But eventually, women's undergarments became complex structures designed to shape their bodies to fit the fashion ideals of the time.In the modern era, undergarments are out in the open, from the designer corsets Madonna wore on stage to Beyoncé's pregnancy announcement on Instagram. This feminist exploration of women's underwear reveals the intimate role lingerie plays in defining women's bodies, sexuality, gender identity, and body image. It is a story of control and restraint but also female empowerment and self-expression. You will never look at underwear the same way again.
  • Whale Quest: Working Together to Save Endangered Species

    Karen Romano Young

    eBook (Twenty-First Century Books TM, Aug. 1, 2017)
    Decades of commercial whaling nearly decimated a variety of whales considered a keystone species. Keystone species are indicators of the overall health of Earth's habitats. While whales have made a comeback through an international ban on commercial whaling, they are still threatened with extinction. Global warming, water and noise pollution, and commercial shipping and fishing are among the most serious threats to whale survival. Meet the scientists, citizen scientists, researchers, whale watching guides, and other concerned citizens who are working together to protect whale populations around the globe. Learn about whale biology, habitats, and behavior, and discover more about the high-technology tools that help researchers in their work.
  • Germany in Pictures

    Jeffrey Zuehlke

    Library Binding (Twenty-First Century Books, April 1, 2003)
    Describes the geography, history, government, economy, people, and cultural life of Germany.
  • The Iranian Revolution

    Brendan January

    Library Binding (Twenty First Century Books, Dec. 15, 2007)
    The Iranian people despised their leader, Reza Shah, who catered to foreign businesses while ruling Iran as a dictator. In 1979 discontent boiled up into all-out revolution. Led by the charismatic Ayatollah Khomeini, the Iranian people seized control and created a new government based on the Islamic religion.
  • Kiyo Sato: From a WWII Japanese Internment Camp to a Life of Service

    Connie Goldsmith

    Library Binding (Twenty-First Century Books TM, Sept. 1, 2020)
    "Our camp, they tell us, is now to be called a 'relocation center' and not a 'concentration camp.' We are internees, not prisoners. Here's the truth: I am now a non-alien, stripped of my constitutional rights. I am a prisoner in a concentration camp in my own country. I sleep on a canvas cot under which is a suitcase with my life's belongings: a change of clothes, underwear, a notebook and pencil. Why?"―Kiyo Sato In 1941 Kiyo Sato and her eight younger siblings lived with their parents on a small farm near Sacramento, California, where they grew strawberries, nuts, and other crops. Kiyo had started college the year before when she was eighteen, and her eldest brother, Seiji, would soon join the US Army. The younger children attended school and worked on the farm after class and on Saturday. On Sunday, they went to church. The Satos were an ordinary American family. Until they weren't. On December 7, 1941, Japan bombed the US naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The next day, US president Franklin Roosevelt declared war on Japan and the United States officially entered World War II. Soon after, in February and March 1942, Roosevelt signed two executive orders which paved the way for the military to round up all Japanese Americans living on the West Coast and incarcerate them in isolated internment camps for the duration of the war. Kiyo and her family were among the nearly 120,000 internees. In this moving account, Sato and Goldsmith tell the story of the internment years, describing why the internment happened and how it impacted Kiyo and her family. They also discuss the ways in which Kiyo has used her experience to educate other Americans about their history, to promote inclusion, and to fight against similar injustices. Hers is a powerful, relevant, and inspiring story to tell on the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II.
  • Up for Sale: Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery

    Alison Marie Behnke

    Library Binding (Twenty-First Century Books, Aug. 1, 2014)
    "Trafficking thrives in the shadows. And it can be easy to dismiss it as something that happens to someone else, somewhere else. But that is not the case. Trafficking is a crime that involves every nation on earth, and that includes our own."―US secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton, 2009 Human trafficking is as old as slavery and continues to be practiced in the modern world. Victims of human traffickers include workers in restaurants and in garment factories, maids and nannies in the homes of wealthy families, child sex workers, beggars on the street, boy soldiers, even infants kidnapped for foreign adoptions. Women and children are more likely to be coerced or seized than men and boys, especially if they are poor and uneducated. Traffickers sell their victims for their bodies or for their labor and reap an enormous profit. Human trafficking is estimated to be a $30 to $45 billion industry on an annual basis, rivaling weapons and drug trafficking as one of the most profitable criminal undertakings in the world. Up for Sale takes a hard look at human trafficking, identifying perpetrators and telling the stories of victims through their own words. You'll discover why some people become vulnerable to trafficking and you'll read about what their lives are like on a daily basis. You'll also meet some of the courageous individuals and organizations working to free people from lives in bondage so that, in the words of US president Barack Obama, each person can "forge a life equal to [their] talents and worthy of [their] dreams."
  • Victoria Woodhull: Fearless Feminist

    Kate Havelin

    Hardcover (Twenty-First Century Books, June 27, 2006)
    Chronicles the life of the first woman to run for United States president, who was also one of the first women in the United States to run a stock trading business and publish a weekly newspaper.
  • Body 2.0: The Engineering Revolution in Medicine

    Sara Latta

    eBook (Twenty-First Century Books TM, Nov. 5, 2019)
    Scientists are on the verge of a revolution in biomedical engineering that will forever change the way we think about medicine, even life itself. Cutting-edge researchers are working to build body organs and tissue in the lab. They are developing ways to encourage the body to regenerate damaged or diseased bone and muscle tissue. Scientists are striving to re-route visual stimuli to the brain to help blind people see. They may soon discover methods to enlist the trillions of microbes living in our bodies to help us fight disease. Learn about four strands of bioengineering—tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, neuroengineering, microbial science, and genetic engineering and synthetic biology—and meet scientists working in these fields.
  • You Do You: Figuring Out Your Body, Dating, and Sexuality

    Sarah Mirk

    Library Binding (Twenty-First Century Books TM, Nov. 5, 2019)
    Teen sex. STIs. Sexting. Rape. Sexual harassment. #MeToo and #YesAllWomen. Today's teens launch into their sexual lives facing challenging issues but with little if any formalized learning about sex and human reproduction. Many of them get their sex ed from online porn. Through this authoritative, inclusive, and teen-friendly overview, readers learn the basics about sex, sexuality, human reproduction and development, birth control, gender identity, healthy communication, dating, relationships and break ups, the importance of consent, safety, body positivity and healthy lifestyles, media myths, and more. Advice-column-style Q&As and real-life stories add human drama and authenticity.
  • Maggie L. Walker: Pioneering Banker and Community Leader

    Candice F. Ransom

    Library Binding (Twenty-First Century Books, Nov. 1, 2008)
    Retells the life and career of Maggie L. Walker, who founded the St. Luke Penny Savings Bank, the first bank established specifically for African Americans.
  • Prom: The Big Night Out

    Jill S. Zimmerman Rutledge

    eBook (Twenty-First Century Books TM, Jan. 1, 2017)
    Prom is about more than corsages and boutonnieres, promposals and after-parties. It's an event that teens are claiming as a way not only to have fun with friends but to also express their creativity and their identities.Learn about the first gay and lesbian teen couples to insist on the legal right to bring their dates to prom. Discover how modern prom fashions are pushing the boundaries of what guys and girls can wear to the big night out. You'll also get tips from high school graduates about dealing with prom pressures—and how to protect your physical and emotional health while you celebrate.