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Books published by publisher The Wild Rose Press, Inc. (Fantasy Rose)

  • Lavalieres: Gem Haven

    Nicholas Milano

    language (The Wild Rose Press, Inc, May 11, 2016)
    Amid the drama of high school exams, social cliques, and personal relationships, Milo Sylph prepares himself for the biggest test of all. Lavaliere testing has begun and at the end of the day, only a select few will bond with a gem to harness their hidden potential. Each bond bestows a unique set of abilities on the user. Milo wants nothing more than to be one of those select few, a Lavaliere. However, desires often come with a price, and the true test will be far more difficult. His friendships, willpower and sense of self hang in the balance. As he strives to stand out from the crowd, will he lose himself along the way?
  • Shadows of Quartz

    Nicholas Milano

    (The Wild Rose Press, Inc. (Fantasy Rose), March 17, 2017)
    John is having nightmares. Something is coming, something dark and powerful. Memories and shadows are pulling together and gathering a new strength. When John turns to the one person he could confide in, he finds Milo being elusive and deceptive. He understands everyone has their own secrets, but even surrounded by friends, he's never felt more alone. Can John be the one thing that holds them all together? Or are they destined to fall apart, letting secrets and lies break the bonds of their friendship?
  • Dragon's Shadow

    Allison Morse

    Paperback (The Wild Rose Press, Inc., Sept. 24, 2018)
    Royal twins ripped apart at birth become reluctant champions of good and evil. Kylie, a teenage science geek, has no faith in people. Instead, she relies on what she trusts the most, the facts—what she can see, touch, and hear but never feel. With enough pain to deal with in her own world, she is thrust into another—a kingdom at war whose strange inhabitants fear one thing the most—the return of the dragon. All of this is illogical to Kylie, but even more so, when she discovers she belongs there. Her brother, Prince Jarlon, journeys to kill the dragon who has laid waste to his kingdom. His only hope for destroying the beast is help from his sister, whom he has never met. Will their paths cross before the beast's malevolence infects Kylie and turns her into his creature or will Jarlon have to destroy her, too?
  • Ghostly Acts

    Melinda Rucker Haynes

    language (The Wild Rose Press, Inc, June 6, 2018)
    The world is ending…or so it seems for junior tennis champion Ele O’Neill. How can she face life in a Montana ghost town after Seattle? No tennis courts, no friends, and she’s stuck in a falling down old theatre with a rotten little brother and parents who are acting like aliens. And something’s hiding in Ele’s room, watching her every move, but no one will listen to her.Steven Douglas is a nineteen-year-old cowboy with one little problem—he’s been dead for over one hundred fifty years. He’s supposed to protect the weird O’Neill family from unimaginable evil lurking in the theatre, but the modern world of tight jeans and outspoken young ladies—namely tall, blonde Ele O’Neill—has his full attention.Though he seems kind of old-fashioned, Ele soon learns her ghost boyfriend Steven will brave her parents and hell itself to save her—and he’ll have to!
  • Challenging Destiny

    Cherie Colyer

    language (The Wild Rose Press, Inc, March 25, 2014)
    Logan Ragsdale and his younger sister, Ariana, have been marked, chosen to be unwilling participants in a war between angels and demons. Logan can sense something's not quite right. Like an unexpected chill on a summer's day, he can feel the unseen closing in. He's had these feelings before and, each time, someone close to him died. He's afraid this time it might just be Ariana. Logan's fears are soon confirmed when he discovers their new friends aren't human, but rather representatives from Heaven and Hell sent to Earth to ensure he and Ariana accept their roles in an ancient prophecy. Demons want Logan to open the gates of Hell. Ariana has the power to stop them, but if she chooses to side with Heaven to spare the lives of thousands of innocent people, she'll damn her brother for eternity. Together, they must derail the biblical event if they hope to save themselves and the future of mankind...but what price are they willing to pay to keep the other safe?
  • Down the River

    David Wilma

    Paperback (The Wild Rose Press, Inc, )
  • Duty and Defiance

    John Selby

    Paperback (The Wild Rose Press, Aug. 5, 2020)
    The Zanchee, an alien race with strong psychic ability, have been monitoring Earth and learn a catastrophic event is about to happen. Axel, son of the alien leader, learns the Zanchee refuse to help because their law prohibits intervention. Now he must choose whether to obey their laws and condemn the planet or defy his father and help humanity. Jeff, a high school senior, seems to be the only one who sees that alien spacecraft fly over the school. His subsequent search for the UFO leads him to Axel, who asks for his help. Jeff's decision puts himself, his sister, and his friends in danger. Together, Jeff and Axel need to fight the odds if they are to save a doomed planet.
  • The Haunting of Josh Weston

    Melinda Rucker Haynes

    language (The WIld Rose Press, Inc, Aug. 20, 2018)
    After the death of his cousin and his father’s subsequent death in Afghanistan, former star athlete and gifted student, Josh Weston and his mother move to a desolate ranch in the Arizona desert. Josh blames himself for his father’s death and for the shooting of his best friend. Besides giving up on everything he used be great at, he is relentlessly bullied at his new school.Unable to see any way out of his problems, he tries to end it all one moonlit night. Two of the mystical ranch’s ghosts stop him and pull him into dangerous tests of courage and intellect. Josh must learn to draw on his strengths and confront the haunted past that threatens his life and possible future with the beautiful and daring girl next door.
  • Dreaming of Daniel

    J. M. Admore

    Paperback (The Wild Rose Press, Inc. (Fantasy Rose), April 14, 2017)
    Ava McCoy has always been drawn to the ocean, but when a shocking memory resurfaces, the ocean is suddenly her answer. For years, Ava was blissfully unaware of the Mer world, but suddenly, she remembers Daniel and everything changes. Daniel is a Mer-Male and any knowledge of his world is forbidden for the humans of Tamuto. And now that Ava knows him, she can’t stay away and pretend their connection isn’t real. But Ava isn’t the only one who knows the Mer secret, and when it gets out that Ava and Daniel have been secretly meeting, Daniel is imprisoned. Daniel’s only hope is Ava, and she vows to do whatever it takes to save him, no matter the cost. Together, they must beat the odds and make sure they aren’t separated again—this time, for good.
  • Shadows of Quartz

    Nicholas Milano

    language (The Wild Rose Press, Inc, March 17, 2017)
    John is having nightmares. Something is coming, something dark and powerful. Memories and shadows are pulling together and gathering a new strength.When John turns to the one person he could confide in, he finds Milo being elusive and deceptive. He understands everyone has their own secrets, but even surrounded by friends, he's never felt more alone. Can John be the one thing that holds them all together? Or are they destined to fall apart, letting secrets and lies break the bonds of their friendship?
  • The New Apprentice

    Vincent Morrone, Danielle Morrone

    Paperback (The Wild Rose Press, July 29, 2020)
    For fourteen years, Z has wondered where she came from, why strange things occur around her, and what happened to her family. When she runs into an old bookstore to hide from a horde of school bullies, she starts to find the answers with the cantankerous owner, Barnabus Krane. Barnabus becomes her guardian, her magical instructor, and the family she's never had. He teaches her how to bring out the magic from within her 'Ka' and about the mystical world she never knew existed. But Barnabus also hides secrets. His connection to her past, his hunt for the warlock Blackwell, and the darkness that threatens to consume them all. The hardest lesson for Z to learn is to trust in her bond with Barnabus and believe that their relationship goes beyond family. For he's not just another magician. He is the Grand Master Sorcerer, and Z is the New Apprentice.
  • Lethal Landing

    Madelon Smid

    eBook (The Wild Rose Press, Inc, June 11, 2018)
    Corporate lawyer Damien Sharpe is tasked by his top client to find her unknown granddaughter, Arianna Choktaw. Finding the hot-air balloon pilot is simple, but getting her to meet with her paternal grandmother problematic. Add in a death threat against Damien that endangers Ari, and they must depend on both her piloting and survival skills to live through a crash landing in the Arizona desert.In Ari, Damien finally meets a woman who helps him find freedom and love. Yet, when her life is threatened, he keeps her safe by walking away. Ari has sworn she will never let a man flit in and out of her life the way her father had. When Damien finds a way into her guarded heart and then leaves her, she locks him out. Only a new threat to Damien moves her from her determination. Will she risk her heart to rescue him, knowing he might still disappear?