Way Chronicles: Stakfar Crater
J.A. Tarlton
(Ice Bridge Press, Dec. 22, 2014)
The explosive continuation bygenre defining authorJ.A.TarltonWAY CHRONICLES:Stakfar CraterThe second installment in the WAY CHRONICLESseries- a ground breaking saga,that is revolutionizingthe concept ofScience Fiction.In theWAY CHRONICLESgalaxy,humanity has dividedinto five Great Empires- Thalaharl, Dafashia, Sharlaqun,Aengenon and Raedon.The Great Empires battleviciously against each otherfor control of theMilky Way Galaxyand its resources.This Book reveals theOrigins of the Dafashia Empire.Stag Berserker Corpsare a Battle Hardened,Thalaharl Special Forces Unit.Stag Berserker Corpscomprises ofCommander Venussar,Eskandais, Mercosand Thalundor.Stag Berserker Corpsenjoy having fun, and partying;but they also have a serious side,they train hard, they are intelligent.Stag Berserker Corpshave consistently proven themselvesin battles, large and small,against rival factions,pirates and mercenaries.Stag Berserker Corpsare the best Special Forces Teamin the Thalaharl Empire.When the Philecodas,a fringe, tyrannical group,obsessed with mind control,attack Planet Iscewei Majoris,a frozen inhospitable Planet,on the outskirts of theMilky Way Galaxy,Stag Berserker Corpsreceive the call of duty.The impending battle is a game changerfor the fate of thePlanet Iscewei Majoris.Will Stag Berserker Corps be able toprove themselves again in this coming Mission,as they attack the PhilecodaGSM (Ground to Space Missile) Silo Facility,so that Thalaharl Air Support can makeAir Strikes on Planet Iscewei Majoris?Or will they fail?The impending battle is a game changer for the fate of the Thalaharl Empire.Will Stag Berserker Corps be able tosave the day again and bringpeace to the Thalaharl Empire?Or, will the Philecodas be able to achieve victory andgain a vital foothold at theedge of the Galaxy,from which they can form aPhilecoda Empire of their own?Either outcome will change the course of history.Science Fiction AuthorJ.A.Tarltoncontinues to liven up the scenewith the second installment of theWAY CHRONICLESseries- dystopian, science fiction thrillersfilled with electrifying decisions, heartbreaking betrayals,stunning consequences, unexpected romanceand divergent characters.Discover what the WAY CHRONICLES universe has to offer.The WAY CHRONICLES could quite possibly be thebest series you will ever read.+ A 'stuck in the middle', rather than 'one verses one' faction dynamic; which provides more intrigue.+ Distinct battle scenes.+ Interesting in-depth politics, mild sexual references and romantic intrigue.+ 5 different factions.+ Fast moving plot.+ Historical developments and interesting artifacts; which will be developed in the series.+ All set within the Milky Way Galaxy; with semi-realistic distance calculations and physics.+ Divergent factions and characters.+ Galactic Empire.+ No swearing/cursing.ICE BRIDGE PRESS presentsan ICE BRIDGE PRESS productionâWAY CHRONICLES: Stakfar Craterâby J.A.TARLTON