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Books published by publisher Richard Vaughn Linville

  • When I Told Lies and I Learned to Be Honest

    Rich Linville, Freddy Moyano, Richard Vaughn Linville

    Audiobook (Richard Vaughn Linville, Oct. 9, 2017)
    At one time or another, we all tell lies (white lies versus hurtful lies) for different reasons. This colorful story uses a group of students and adults to discuss why children tell lies and what lessons they can learn from lying?
  • Dental Health for Kids Plus Dentist Jokes

    Rich Linville, Dr. Richard Ronneburg DDS, Christine Carter RDH, Tom Mailey, Richard Vaughn Linville

    Audiobook (Richard Vaughn Linville, March 7, 2019)
    Why should you brush your teeth, tongue, and gums at least twice a day? What is the right way to brush your teeth? How should you floss your teeth? Which kind of mouthwash should you use? Find out in this audiobook.
  • The Dog in the Manger: An Aesop Fable for You to Find the Meaning

    Rich Linville, Serg Salinas, Richard Vaughn Linville

    Audiobook (Richard Vaughn Linville, Feb. 12, 2019)
    This is an Aesop fable about a mean dog who wanders onto a farm where he does not belong. He sees the farmer in the dell driving his tractor. The farmer and an ox are pulling out an old tree stump. The mean dog decides to hide in the barn until sunset. What do you think will happen next?
  • My Rocky Adventure by Rocky Magma: Someday I’d like to be a rock instead of magma.

    Rich Linville, Falon Echo, Richard Vaughn Linville

    Audible Audiobook (Richard Vaughn Linville, Aug. 3, 2018)
    The adventures of Rocky Magma start deep in the earth. Rocky flows up through layers of earth to the surface to become the three kinds of rocks. The rock cycle is also shown.
  • Fun Words to Exaggerate with Hyperbole

    Rich Linville, Stephen Knowles, Richard Vaughn Linville

    Audiobook (Richard Vaughn Linville, Nov. 5, 2019)
    Hyperbole (HIGH-purr-buh-lee) are groups of words that exaggerate to make a point. If you say I have a ton of work, you don’t really have 2,000 pounds of work. You overstate to make the point that you have lots of work to do. See if you can guess the meaning of these hyperbole before you listen for possible answers. There can be many other possible answers for them that are not stated.
  • People of the Great Plains: From Prehistoric Ages to the 1800s for Kids

    Rich Linville, Rich Brennan, Richard Vaughn Linville

    Audiobook (Richard Vaughn Linville, Jan. 11, 2019)
    From prehistoric times to the 1800s, the Plains or Great Plains were settled by people who migrated from Asia. Around 10,000 years ago, the earliest settlers of America were the Stone Flaked people (Lithic). They chipped rocks to make heads for their spears to hunt food or to make scrapers. The scrapers were for cutting wooden spear handles or for cleaning animal hides to make them soft for wearing. Do you think you could have survived as one of the Great Plains People?
  • Tide Pools: Visiting Tips and Home Set-Ups

    Rich Linville, Stephen Justice, Richard Vaughn Linville

    Audiobook (Richard Vaughn Linville, Oct. 7, 2019)
    What do you think a tidepool might be? Some tidepools only exist at low tide. In what locations do you think tidepools are found? Tidepools are usually found at the seashore. The seashore, foreshore, or intertidal zone is the place that is above water at low tide and below water at high tide. This is also called the tidal range. Tip #1. Take careful steps. When visiting a tidepool, you are not walking on soft grass. Do not walk barefooted. Sometimes you cannot see the broken glass and sharp rocks that may be there. Wear shoes like good hiking boots that grip the rocks and are thick enough to walk on broken glass and sharp rocks. Do not wear flip-flops or you just might injure yourself as you flip and flop on the rocks.
  • A Froggy Prince: His Dream Comes True

    Rich Linville, Bernard Faricy, Richard Vaughn Linville

    Audiobook (Richard Vaughn Linville, Aug. 5, 2019)
    The Winking Stork says, “This is a tale that takes place twice upon a time in a magical, enchanted land." The Winking Stork remarks, “Froggy do you remember now that you were once a human prince who lost his memory?“ Froggy replies, “What are you talking about?” Froggy says, “All I can remember is that I’ve always been a frog who loves to eat flies, sing, and dance” The Stork says, “Let me tell you your story as a prince before you ever became a frog.”
  • Static: A Science Fiction for Kids

    Rich Linville, Donald Eugene Kinsley, Richard Vaughn Linville

    Audible Audiobook (Richard Vaughn Linville, Oct. 17, 2019)
    I decide to do something about the problems with technology. I'm a computer expert who has seen technology change our world for the worst. Sitting behind my computer, I begin typing a special code. My anonymous code crashes the worldwide internet! The internet is now nothing but static. People all over the world are without internet. Now, maybe, people will pay attention to each other.
  • Kaitlyn, Cats, and the Ballet: A Forever Story

    Rich Linville, Jo Warren, Richard Vaughn Linville

    Audible Audiobook (Richard Vaughn Linville, Oct. 30, 2017)
    This book is based on a true story. Kaitlyn was never a typical little girl. She thinks about all that she has learned since she was three years old. From her pet cat, Mel, she learned responsibility and unconditional love. From her ballet teachers and classes, she learned about teamwork, perseverance, and discipline. But most of all, she loves her parents for all their love and support.
  • Thanksgiving Turkey Blues: What Do You Think Is Going to Happen to the Pilgrim Turkey?

    Rich Linville, Mel Jackson, Richard Vaughn Linville

    Audiobook (Richard Vaughn Linville, Nov. 28, 2018)
    The year is 1620. You ask me why I’m scared, sad, and blue? I’m a wild turkey, and everybody’s out to get me. Owls, foxes, bobcats, snakes, humans, and other predators want me for dinner. Will I survive?
  • The Zombie Sings Be Ready to Be Scared for Kids

    Rich Linville, Hannah Carmona, Richard Vaughn Linville

    Audible Audiobook (Richard Vaughn Linville, Oct. 1, 2019)
    "Mom, you said that I can become whatever I want to be when I grow up," says Zombono. Zombie Mom replies, "Yes. As long as you aren't attacked by those mean humans who are trying to eliminate us." Zombono says, "I want to become a famous zombie singer." His sister, Zombini, laughs and quips, "Ha! Ha! Your lips will fall off before you ever learn to sing!" Zombie Mom says, "Don't be mean like a human to your brother. Be a nice zombie!"