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Books published by publisher Morgan Reynolds Pub

  • Ishi: The Last of His People

    David R. Collins, Kristen Bergren

    Library Binding (Morgan Reynolds Pub, Aug. 1, 2000)
    Recounts the story of Ishi, the last member of the Yahi tribe, who was discovered in Oroville, California, in 1911, after living in hiding for forty years following the destruction of his people by U.S. soldiers.
  • Belle of the West: The True Story of Belle Starr

    Margaret Rau

    Library Binding (Morgan Reynolds Pub, June 1, 2001)
    Recounts the life of the legendary female outlaw known as the Bandit Queen.
  • George Gershwin: American Composer

    Catherine Reef

    Library Binding (Morgan Reynolds Pub, June 1, 2000)
    Traces the life of the American Jewish composer who created a new kind of music that has lasted beyond the fashion of his time.
  • Shaun White

    Jeff Young

    Library Binding (Morgan Reynolds Pub, April 15, 2008)
    Highlights the life and career of the Olympic gold medal snowboarder.
  • Benito Juarez and the French Intervention

    R. Conrad Stein

    Library Binding (Morgan Reynolds Pub, Oct. 31, 2007)
    Profiles the man who is considered the father of the modern Republic of Mexico, describing his rise to the presidency, resistance to Napoleon's invasion, and coup of the French regime a few years later.
  • Louis Pasteur: And the Founding of Microbiology

    Jane Ackerman

    Library Binding (Morgan Reynolds Pub, Jan. 1, 2004)
    Follows the life and career of the French scientist who proved the existence of germs and their connection with diseases.
  • The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

    Donna Getzinger

    Library Binding (Morgan Reynolds Pub, June 1, 2008)
    Describes the dangerous conditions in the textile industry in the early 20th century behind the fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company that led to the death of many young women, and explains its impact on the labor movement and on society.
  • The Homestead Steel Strike of 1892

    Nancy Whitelaw

    Library Binding (Morgan Reynolds Pub, March 30, 2006)
    Describes the events leading up to and occurring during the lockout and strike of steel workers in Homestead, Pennsylvania, in 1892, and its impact upon American labor unions.
  • Women Mathemeticians

    Padma Venkatraman

    Library Binding (Morgan Reynolds Pub, Sept. 1, 2008)
    A series of biographies designed to lift mathematics off the page and out of the calculator, featuring individuals whose contributions were critical to the development of mathematics.
  • Marie Antoinette: And The Decline Of French Monarchy

    Nancy Lotz, Carlene Phillips

    Library Binding (Morgan Reynolds Pub, Sept. 30, 2004)
    Presents the life of Marie Antionette, covering her marriage at the age of fifteen to King Louis XVI, her life as wife and mother in the French court, and her courage in the final months before her death at the guillotine.
  • Remember the Maine: The Spanish-American War Begins

    Tim McNeese

    Library Binding (Morgan Reynolds Pub, Nov. 1, 2001)
    Examines the causes behind the sinking of the battleship Maine and the start of the Spanish-American War.
  • Charlie Sifford

    Grant Britt

    Library Binding (Morgan Reynolds Pub, July 1, 1998)
    A biography of the man credited with breaking the racial barriers in professional golf.