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Books published by publisher Kamehameha Schools Pr

  • Let's Make Desserts!: By a Young Cook

    Punahele Svendsen

    Hardcover (Kamehameha Schools Pr, Nov. 30, 2006)
    Part of the Award winning Kanuo ka Aina Charter School series, this book was written and illustrated by a student, Punahele Svendsen. Let's Make Desserts! offers young, want to be cooks easy to follow recipes needing minimal supervision.
  • Children are Special

    Corinne Matsumoto

    Hardcover (Kamehameha Schools Pr, Nov. 30, 2006)
  • No Ka `Elepaio Kolohe

    Malia Kruger, Eve Furchgott

    Hardcover (Kamehameha Schools Pr, March 1, 2008)
  • I mea aha ke kai?: What is the kai for?

    Lilinoe Andrews, Brook Parker

    Hardcover (Kamehameha Schools Press, May 1, 2011)
    This story reminds us of theimportance of water as a buildingblock for life on Earth. Byfollowing the food chain from theocean to the land, we see the rolesand connections of living things.Woven into the food chain, we canalso see the water cycle, whereplants make the air, which in turn,changes into the clouds that giveus rain to fill the ocean.This book is available both inbilingual and all-Hawaiianlanguage versions.
  • Na Keiki Elima: The Five Keiki

    William Wilson, Lilinoe Andrews

    Hardcover (Kamehameha Schools Press, May 1, 2011)
    When five children go spearfishing, they start telling eachother about all the fish they'regoing to catch. They quickly seethat bragging about your i'abefore you catch them might justleave you hoka (empty-handed)!This book is available both inbilingual and all-Hawaiianlanguage versions.
  • E Ai Kekahi, E Kapi I Kekahi: Eat Some, Salt Some

    Lilinoe Andrews, Leimomi Respicio

    Hardcover (Kamehameha Schools Press, May 1, 2011)
    Based on a Hawaiian saying thatrefers to fishing eat some, saltsome this tale tells of a youngfisherman confronted by his catch.By listening to the sea creatures,he learns important lessons aboutconservation and good fishingpractices. He returns home toshare his experiences with hisgrandfather, who, to the surpriseof the grandchild, already knowsthese important lessons. The storyurges us to pay attention to thenatural environment and to takeonly what we need.This book is available both inbilingual and all-Hawaiianlanguage versions.
  • The Water of Kane and other legends of the Hawaiian Islands

    Mary Kawena Pukui, Richard Goings, Caroline Curtis

    Hardcover (Kamehameha schools press, March 15, 1951)
  • Explorations: Ho'omaka'ika'i

    Ho'omaka'ika'i Staff

    Paperback (Kamehameha Schools Press, Jan. 30, 2003)
    Book by
  • Tales of the Menehune

    Mary Kawena Pukui and Caroline Curtis Illustrated by Richard Goings

    Paperback (The Kamehameha Schools Press, Aug. 16, 1960)
  • Tales of the Menehune

    Mary Kawena Pukui, Caroline Curtis

    Paperback (Kamehameha Schools Press, Aug. 16, 1988)
  • Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop

    Julie Stewart Williams

    Paperback (Kamehameha Schools, )
  • Tales of the menehune

    Mary Kawena Pukui

    Paperback (Kamehameha Schools Press, Aug. 16, 1985)