Confucius Travels Through All The Kingdoms 孔子周游列国
Tingjia Liang
(J, Feb. 3, 2014)
(This book is with free audio book, and also readable on iPad and tablets. )As Confucius (551 BC ~ 479 BC) entered adulthood, he set up an old-style private school to enroll students. With a persistent political aspiration, he left State of Lu for other countries with some of his disciples, looking for opportunities to exert their talents. He went to many countries . However, it was a troubled world where every county engaged in battles. There is no monarch who would like to accept Confucius’s system. In his late years, he decided to go back to State of Lu, focusing all his energy on educating and summarizing ancient books.J.SHUTONG : Four steps to improve Chinese reading skills.Step 1 : Listening *Dictation exerciseStep 2 : Reading *Chinese-English BilingualStep 3 : Activities *Group discussion *Multiple-choice questions (40) *AnswersStep 4 : Ask Answers: 1~10 BADDB BDBAC 11~20 CBBAB BDCDA 21~30 DBDDA BBDDC 31~40 BBBAA ACDBC -----------------------------汉语阅读理解, 有声书中文閱讀理解, 有聲書中国の読解電子書籍、オーディオブックChinesische Leseverständnis eBook, HörbuchChinois compréhension de lecture de livres électroniques, livres audioChino eBook comprensión de la lectura , Libro de audioChinese reading comprehension eBook, audio book