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Books published by publisher Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC

  • Gypsy

    Linda Cargill

    language (Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books LLC, Aug. 11, 2016)
    Lila moves to northern Montana with her parents. Her father is a crime novelist. But the story she finds in the newspaper on the doorstep sounds far more wild than any of his tales. Apparently a young man and woman, both Gypsies, boarded a train recently and played cards with a group of teenage boys and girls. The boys and girls were never the same again. All seem to be staring out the window watching for something. One mother apparently went outside in the snow to see what her daughter was staring at. She found a peculiar footprint or paw print, it was hard to tell which. It looked partly human but also like a grizzly, too. The mother hired a trapper. Neither could figure it out.Lila can hardly believe it until she looks down at the snow herself. She sees the same phenomenal print. Is somebody after her? The whole town? What is going on here? She had better figure it out before she ends up in a murder thriller herself.Gypsy is brought to you by Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books LLC. If you liked Gypsy, you will enjoy other young adult thrillers by Linda Cargill such as Dream, Candle, Bienville, Desert, and Ancestress.
  • Lake

    Linda Cargill

    language (Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC, Aug. 22, 2016)
    Michelle gets dragged along to the mountains for the junior class picnic. Despite the warning sign: "Swim at your own risk," the kids insist on swimming in a small, deserted lake with no one else around, not even fish, birds, or the normal wildlife. Michelle doesn’t want to go in the water. She’s spooked by all the gnarled and twisted branches that look like bodies lying by the lakeshore. This is one creepy place, and she can’t wait to go home.Suddenly she sees it. A dead body surfaces in the middle of the lake while the other kids cavort around it and don’t even seem to pay attention. She calls out all sorts of warnings, but they act as if they don’t even hear her. What is going on here? But then Michelle realizes that she is the only one not in the lake.Lake is brought to you by Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC. If you liked Lake, you will enjoy other young adult thrillers by Linda Cargill such as Stranger, Sister, Haircut, Whispers, and Nameless.
  • Minotaur

    Dora Benley

    eBook (Edward Ware Thrillers Y.A., an Imprint of Cheops Books, LLC, May 28, 2017)
    A knock in the middle of the night decides Oneone’s fate. Her father has just been murdered mysteriously. The Court at Knossos summons her to serve. She must give up her fiance, the Prince of Zakros, and follow the messengers. She cannot be sure who has called her or for what reason. As she is kept waiting outside an anteroom in the Palace, she studies a bull rhyton lying on the floor and gazes into its wondrous eyes. It has no answers.The Mother Goddess has reserved a special fate for this young woman. She will not guess at its magnitude and importance until a smoking volcano lays waste the kingdom and the waters of the sea rise up to engulf it in this historical mythological novel about ancient Greece at the time of the Minoans by Dora Benley. A reader says, “A whole other world and an interesting take on the Minotaur legend. I expected something different but was pleased nonetheless. Transports you to a time of hardships and triumphs with many tears shed in between.”If you liked Minotaur by Dora Benley, you will like Dora Benley’s other novels including Book of the Dead, Helen of Troy, Curse of Egypt, Doom of Egypt, and the Pharaoh’s Curse.
  • Voice In The Falls

    Linda Cargill

    language (Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC, Nov. 21, 2009)
    Berry goes on a biking trip with the junior class to Sunwapta Falls Resort. Within hours of her arrival she is almost killed twice. First someone lures her down to the old wooden bridge over the Sunwapta River. She falls over the edge and clings on for her dear life. Next she decides to take a shower at the campground bath house. A wall of water comes plunging through the open window, nearly carrying her away. Even more terrifying, in the water she sees a face. She even thinks she hears someone calling her name, and her class has gone off on a hike. There is no one for miles.What is going on? Berry had better figure out who is out to get her and why, or she could be as dead as the wooden figure on a totem pole in the parking lot out front. Voice in the Falls is brought to you by Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC. Stories out of the past. If you liked this young adult thriller, you will like She Who Watches and Why Did You Murder Mary?
  • Gold Hair

    Linda Cargill

    language (Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC, May 11, 2016)
    Cynthia’s long golden hair inspired her father, the botanist, to germinate a special gold rose named after her, the Cynthia Rose, one perfect rose. But shortly after that he disappeared under mysterious circumstances and was presumed dead. Now Cynthia is about ready to get engaged to the hunk of the senior class who runs a big rose company in Oregon. So what’s going on? Why is she suddenly pursued by a guy with a black mask? Why is her boyfriend’s housekeeper’s daughter murdered? She had better get her life in order or she could end up like the famous botanist —- dead.Gold Hair was originally published in German by Cora Verlag, Harper Collins Germany. It is brought to you by Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC. If you liked Gold Hair, you will also enjoy other young adult thrillers by Linda Cargill such as Attic, Lighthouse, Ghost Town, Cat Sleuth, and Pirates Ahoy.
  • Jason and Medea: A Novel

    Dora Benley

    eBook (Edward Ware Thrillers Y.A., an Imprint of Cheops Books, LLC, July 19, 2017)
    Princess Medea lives in the dream-like Kingdom of Colchis along the Black Sea. It is the richest land in the world presided over by a gift from the gods, the Golden Fleece. Gold is as plentiful in this land as the sands on the beach. She and her sister go to do the palace laundry one day and discover a strange ship from a foreign land coming ashore on the Phasis River. Her father holds a banquet and Medea meets a golden-haired prince from far away who claims he has come here to win the Golden Fleece to take home to Greece with him. He is willing to fight for the Colchians or to buy the Fleece outright. Medea’s father, King Aeetes, at once summons his guards and warriors and throws the foreigner and his sailors in jail. Medea knows she must save this foreign prince or no one else will. But in order to save him she must betray her father and her people. It is a hard choice for one so young to make. But for Medea there is no turning back. Jason and Medea: A Novel is Dora’s Benley’s latest Greek and Roman novel about the ancient world for young adults. If you enjoyed this romantic suspense novel, you will also enjoy her other works such as Julius Caesar: A Novel, Caesar and Cleopatra: A Novel, Medea the Witch, Helen of Troy, Minotaur, Cleopatra’s Stone, Book of the Dead, and Julia: A Novel.
  • Bather

    Linda Cargill

    eBook (Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC, July 6, 2016)
    Midge likes to walk beside the waterfalls near her house in the Rockies. But suddenly she hears a girl calling to her from the falls, asking for help. How is such a thing possible? She looks all around and finds a girl her own age stranded on a rocky ledge. She brings her home. The girl doesn’t seem to remember who she is, but she makes herself at home. She becomes a fixture in the upstairs bathroom taking baths and showers and talking to people on the cell phone. When Midge puts her ear to the door she hears other girls talking back but it sounds as if they are underwater! She still hears voices late at night outside. She looks out the window. The voices seem to be coming from the falls only a stone’s throw away. In fact, the falls seem to be getting ever closer to the house. The next day there is water in the living room. They have to bucket it out. What is going on? Midge had better figure it out soon, or she might get washed away.If you liked Bather, you will enjoy other young adult thrillers by Linda Cargill such as Reborn, Missing, Canyon, Rocks, and Movie.
  • Horror by the Sea

    Linda Cargill

    language (Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC, March 23, 2016)
    During Renee’s slumber party the lights go out. A big storm rolls in from the sea. Her friend starts reading from the Biblical story of Jonah and the Whale by candlelight. Just then a storm surge comes through her living room window and practically sweeps Renee away. The next morning Renee hears that a big gray whale with luminous yellow eyes has been washed ashore on the beach. She goes down to investigate. On the beach she runs into a young man with a ragged appearance who warns her away and tells her never to come back. He waves his arms at her and chases her off the beach. Is he crazy? Or is there some truth in what he tells her --- he has spent time in the belly of the whale itself? And if its true, what does the whale want with Renee in this young adult horror or supernatural novel.
  • Revenge

    Linda Cargill

    language (Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC, Aug. 24, 2016)
    Doreen has to be up by the crack of dawn to let in the neighbors and others, including a police officer, who are all waiting for 4:00PM to find out if they will all be millionaires or paupers. Her father and mother are presiding over the party and show everyone to a seat on the fancy new furniture. The tension mounts as the hour of judgement nears. Doreen remembers how her grandmother warned her father not to move to Arizona only two months ago. There was something in the family's past from one hundred years ago about shady goings on in this pioneer state which had just become part of the Union. Funny how her father trusted all his money to a man he didn't know as well as all of his neighbor's money, and now this. Could it be revenge out of the past?Only Josh isn't here. Her new boyfriend told her last night that he had an idea. She wondered if he was pursuing it right now. Somebody had better do something or they will probably all be finished in only a couple of hours by greedy people who want to rob them of everything they have as the clock ticks down to 4PM.
  • She Who Watches

    Linda Cargill

    language (Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC, March 2, 2016)
    Nerissa feels that somebody is watching her all the time after she moves to the rain forest of Washington state. Eyes seem to stare at her from the tall trees as she drives past. There is something more than curious about them. They have large roots that protrude from the ground. These roots seem to be in the shapes of people. Many have the signature She Who Watches engraved in the wood beside them. Who is She Who Watches?The heroine finds a new friend, Lela, when her parents set up business at the Rainforest Café. Lela shows Nerissa about the forest. She shows her how she lives inside a big, carved out cedar tree. She wears moss for clothes and leads a simple life. Lela acts very nice, but why does she not have any relatives? Why does no one seem to live in the forest besides her? What is this strange potion that she is brewing in her pot? And why does she have hair with a greenish tint that is almost the consistency of the moss itself?Nerissa is about to find out when she looks in a pond and sees that her hair and her skin now look like that, too. Is it the strange weather in the rain forest, or is it something else?Originally published by Cora Verlag in Germany, now Harper Collins Germany, this young adult supernatural or horror novel is brought to you by Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC. If you liked the story, try The Surfer and Pool Party, also by Linda Cargill.
  • Desert

    Linda Cargill

    language (Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC, Aug. 6, 2016)
    Tess has just been forced to move to Tucson from Los Angeles against her will because her father works for the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum. She feels out of place and wants to go home as she listens to coyotes howl at night. Somebody else evidently agrees. She picks up the phone. A voice that won’t identify itself calls her California and tells her he sees everything she is doing in the room. He warns Tess that she had better get out of town or he will murder her. Talk about homesickness and feeling unwelcome! Tess had better figure out who isn’t the good neighbor, or she could soon be dead.Desert is brought to you by Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC. If you liked Desert, you will enjoy other young adult thrillers by Linda Cargill including Ancestress, Avalanche, Bully, Dig, and Pool.
  • Jasper

    Linda Cargill

    language (Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC, May 18, 2016)
    School’s out. Opal and her friend Fern are looking for summer jobs without success. It even gives Opal bad dreams. A lady keeps calling her on the phone but she never gets hired. They apply for every fast food position in the shopping center. In the parking lot a dude is handing out windshield advertisements about jobs in Alberta, Canada at a swanky resort. The notices are signed by a lady named Jasper. Who is Jasper? Opal looks at the dude and sees a precious jasper stone on a gold band dangling from his neck. When she stares at the stone eyes are staring back at her —- the same eyes she saw in her nightmare.Jasper is brought to you by Edward Ware Thrillers YA, an imprint of Cheops Books, LLC. If you liked Jasper, you will enjoy Linda Cargill’s other young adult thrillers such as Dear Diary, Gold Hair, Thorns, Attic, and Lighthouse.