I Saw the World: Washington, D.C.
Kim Barrington Narisetti, Tina Rajan, Norma Gaytan
Unknown Binding
(Urban Crayon Press, March 15, 2011)
Children of all ages will delight in drawing scenes from the nation's capital, Washington, D.C. Little Picassos can look at the sample and follow three simple steps to create masterpieces. The sketch book comes with a wipe board marker so the laminated pages can be wiped off and the drawings can be made again and again. The educational sketch book is written in both English and Spanish and comes with a free postcard. About the author: Kim Barrington Narisetti is a former journalist. She is publisher of Urban Crayon Press which specializes in children's books and family-friendly travel guides. "Urban Crayon Paris" and "Urban Crayon Delhi" are full of information to help families make the most of their vacations.