Helen fears that lack of improvement in her reading may leave her stuck in the sixth grade forever, until a good teacher recognizes her reading problem.
After a successful start in a boxing career, a Harlem high school dropout decides that competing in the ring isn't enough of life and resolves to aim for different goals.
A black family living in Mississippi during the Depression of the 1930s is faced with prejudice and discrimination which its children do not understand.
On her own for the first time, fourteen-year-old Marcy tries to cope with the new people and situations she encounters while working as a counselor at an arts camp.
Knowing how to read and write is not enough for Louis, a voiceless Trumpeter Swan; his determination to learn to play a stolen trumpet takes him far from his wilderness home.
Fourteen-year-old Aurora finds her perfect life upset when her parents, hoping to have Aurora become more serious and sensible decide to become settlers on the moon
Joe and Alan's plan to get revenge on Billy backfires when their own secret weapon, the prettiest girl in their fifth grade class, become Billy's friend instead