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Books published by publisher Arte Publico Pr

  • Rene Has Two Last Names / Rene tiene dos apellidos by Rene Colato Lainez

    Rene Colato Lainez

    Hardcover (Arte Publico Pr, March 15, 1790)
  • Uncle Chente's Picnic/El Picnic De Tio Chente

    Diane Gonzales Bertrand, Pauline Rodriguez Howard, Julia Mercedes Castilla

    Hardcover (Arte Publico Pr, Oct. 31, 2001)
    When a postcard arrives from Uncle Chente saying that he will visit on the Fourth of July, the Cárdenas family happily awaits his visit. They plan a picnic with an array of Tejano food, ideal for a Texas picnic, and then they plan the decorations. The only thing they can't plan is the weather. Just before Uncle Chente arrives, mother nature threatens to rain out all their summer fun. The kids panic at the prospect of Uncle Chente's arrival on a rainy day. But, the kids soon discover that it takes more than a summer thunderstorm to ruin a beautiful day of fun-filled stories and time spent together. In the tradition of their previous collaboration, Family, Famiia, illustrator Pauline Rodriguez Howard and Gonzales Bertrand bring children aged 3 to 7 a story about family bonds so strong that even a rainy day makes the perfect picnic.
  • Muffler Man / El hombre mofle

    Tito Campos, Lamberto Alvarez

    Hardcover (Arte Publico Pr, Sept. 30, 2001)
    For the García family, leftovers provide the feast. Battered tin, pieces of metal, and scraps in a muffler shop inspire a young man and his family to believe in the American Dream. Young Chuy García longs to join his father, who has left Meico in search of a better life for his family in the United States. To save money for his trip north, Chuy convinces his father's former employer and local muffler shop to hire him to do odds and ends. There, Chuy learns something new about his father: he is the artist who made the Mufler Man, a metal statue that stands in front of the shop inviting costumers inside. Once in the United States with his father, though, Chuy is surprised to find that life is more difficult than expected. Inspired by his father's art, the tin figures fashioned together out of scarp metal pieces found scattered about the shop, Chuy helps his father find a way to prosper in the new homeland. Muffle Man / El hombre mofle celebrates a unique form of Latino folk art, and the role it plays in the life of a young boy who won't take no for an answer. This story for readers aged 3 to 7 inspires the dreamer in us all.
  • Ricardo's Race/La Carrera de Ricardo

    Diane Gonzales Bertrand, Anthony Accardo

    Hardcover (Arte Publico Pr, May 31, 2007)
    Ricardo Romo never dreamed that running to catch the school bus would lead to a college education, and ultimately, to a long and respected career as a teacher, administrator, and university president. He grew up in San Antonio, Texas, the son of Mexican immigrants, and worked in his family's small grocery store, where he learned to work hard and respect his family and neighbors. In school he learned that, as a Latino, he was expected to go to the technical high school rather than the one that prepared students for college, yet his teachers and coaches encouraged him to pursue his studies. They also fostered his natural athletic abilities as a runner. In high school, Ricardo set numerous records in track and cross country, including the country's second fastest recorded mile at that time. While still a sophomore, he began to receive invitations from colleges and universities urging him to consider running for their schools. Ultimately, he went on to run for the University of Texas at Austin, where he graduated with an undergraduate degree in history. While injuries ended Ricardo's hopes of competing in the 1968 Olympics, his educational dreams were achieved when he obtained a master's degree from California State University, Northridge and a Ph.D. from the University of California at Los Angeles, both in history. Currently, he is the president of the University of Texas at San Antonio, and a time line detailing Dr. Romo's accomplishments as an athlete and a scholar is included. Award-winning author Diane Gonzales Bertrand presents an inspirational biography of this All American's quest to accomplish his goals. With vivid, realistic illustrations by Anthony Accardo, emerging readers will be inspired to discover their own talents and chase their dreams.
  • On the Other Side of the Bridge

    Ray Villareal

    Paperback (Arte Publico Pr, Oct. 31, 2014)
    Lon Chaney Rodriguez is a typical thirteen-year-old boy. He loves horror movies. His bedroom is a mess. He doesn't like to read boring books. And he likes to skip church and hang out at Catfish Creek during services.But his life changes completely when his mother is shot and killed at the apartment complex where she worked as a security guard. Life without her is unimaginable, and he's haunted by the feeling that he let his mom down. He didn't prioritize his schoolwork, so he's on the brink of failing. And worse, he lied to her. Why didn't he tell her the truth? Why didn't he make better grades and help her more? Lonnie's life is turned upside down, both at school and home. The school counselor is determined to get him to talk about his mom, and the preacher's daughter is insistent that he read scriptures to bring him comfort. His unemployed father turns to drinking excessively. He struggles to pay the bills and put food on the table. It doesn't seem possible, but … will they really end up on the street like the homeless guy that panhandles at the freeway underpass? Acclaimed author and educator Ray Villareal once again writes a fast-paced novel for teens that explores the impact of making bad choices while touching on serious themes such as death and homelessness.
  • Sweet Fifteen

    Diane Gonzales Bertrand

    Paperback (Arte Publico Pr, April 30, 1995)
    A compelling coming-of-age novel set against the backdrop of a traditional quinceañera celebration.
  • Trino's Choice by Diane Gonzales Bertrand

    Diane Gonzales Bertrand

    Paperback (Arte Publico Pr, Aug. 16, 1780)
  • Trino's Time

    Diane Gonzales Bertrand

    Paperback (Arte Publico Press, Feb. 25, 2002)
    Finalist, Tomas Rivera Mexican American Children's Book Award; Finalist, Texas Institute of Letters 2001 Friends of the Austin Public Library Young Adult Book Award; Named to The New York Public Library's 2002 Books For The Teen Age: Finalist, ForeWord Magazine's "Book of the Year" Young Adult category; and Finalist, Writer's League of Texas' Teddy Children's Book Award.
  • The Throwaway Piece

    Jo Ann Yolanda Hernandez

    Paperback (Arte Publico Pr, May 31, 2006)
    Jewel is shuttled from one foster home to another. But Jewel wasn’t always a "State Kid." Her mother Angela’s constant search for happiness through a steady stream of unsavory boyfriends leads to the state’s intervention in Jewel’s life. Listening to her new foster mother’s list of "nos"—no drugs, no lying, no stealing, no skipping school, no boys in or out of the house, no being late—Jewel realizes that her mother said "yes" a lot. Probably too much. She remembers saving Angela’s life when one of many boyfriends beat her, trying to hide another boyfriend's attempts to rape her when she was fourteen, and being sent to a foster home to please the latest boyfriend. But still, Jewel worries about her mother and knows that she will once again pick up the pieces when the latest jerk leaves. Bit by bit Jewel’s life begins to change for the better after her latest move to a new foster home and school. Although most people can’t see past her tough "State Kid" façade—spray-painted hair, heavy make-up, ripped clothing and unlaced shoes—her English teacher realizes there’s more to her then meets the eye. He convinces Jewel to tutor a fellow student who needs help with math, and gradually she learns how to make friends. In the process, she touches the lives of many people around her, including her social worker, teachers who believe in her, her new-found, tentative friends, and even their parents. But when she’s forced to choose between her life-long job—taking care of her mother"—and doing what’s right for herself, old habits and loyalties are hard to break. Jewel is sure that this time, she can save her mom. But will she be able to save herself?
  • Nilda

    Nicholasa Mohr

    Hardcover (Arte Publico Pr, March 15, 1986)
    Arte Publico's reprint edition of Mohr's classic novel of Puerto Rican girl coming of age in New York.
  • The Tall Mexican: The Life of Hank Aguirre All-Star Pitcher, Businessman, Humanitarian

    Robert E. Copley

    Hardcover (Arte Publico Pr, Aug. 1, 1998)
    Provides the biography of Hank Aguirre, the all-star pitcher, successful businessman, and humanitarian, covering the diverse years of his life and the accomplishments he made along the way in sports and beyond.
  • Maya's Divided World

    Gloria Velasquez

    Paperback (Arte Publico Pr, March 31, 1995)
    Maya's well-ordered and productive highschool life receives an unwelcome jolt and begins to unravel when her parents announce their impending divorce. How Maya copes with this blow and the reaction of her friends and famiy make for engrossing reading.