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Books published by publisher Aneko Press

  • The Soul Winner

    Charles H. Spurgeon

    Paperback (Aneko Press, Nov. 15, 2016)
    A must-read for anyone who loves God and their neighbor.As an individual, you may ask, How can I, an average person, do anything to reach the lost? Or if a pastor, you may be discouraged and feel ineffective with your congregation, much less the world. Or perhaps you don't yet have a heart for the lost. Whatever your excuse, it’s time to change. Overcome yourself and learn to make a difference in your church and the world around you. It's time to become an effective soul winner for Christ. As Christians, our main business is to win souls. But, in Spurgeon's own words, "like shoeing-smiths, we need to know a great many things. Just as the smith must know about horses and how to make shoes for them, so we must know about souls and how to win them for Christ." Learn about souls, and how to win them, from one of the most acclaimed soul winners of all time. In this book, Charles Spurgeon discusses:The role of convictionThe need for holiness in the soul winnerWhy simplicity is more effectiveHow to be interestingHow to pray for the lostHow to deal with failureThe role of discipleshipHow to engage others to helpNow in modern English, with additional supporting scripture added in key areas
  • My Amish Story: Breaking Generations of Silence

    Rebecca Borntrager Graber

    eBook (Aneko Press, Sept. 1, 2017)
    My Amish Story is the story of the last few years of Amish life for the Graber family in the 1990s. It’s about the hurdles of breaking the barriers of centuries, of family circles being broken with no goodbyes, of heartbreak and estrangement, and of the transitions and adjustments to a new way of living.But it is also, and more so, a story of leaving the old and embracing the new, of walking in the blessing of freedom from bondage, and of leaving behind the fear of tomorrow. It is the story of a family living, loving, and laughing their way along the journey of life.About the AuthorRebecca Borntrager Graber was born into an Amish family of ten children. She lost her mother at the tender age of ten and later taught school in the Amish parochial schools. She married Lester Graber, who was ordained as an Amish minister the second year they were married. Rebecca and Lester were shunned by the Amish church thirteen years later, after taking a bold stand against some extra-biblical Amish rules.Rebecca always enjoyed writing and was a frequently published author in Family Life, Young Companion, and Blackboard Bulletin, which were monthly magazines published by the Amish. She has conducted many women’s Bible study groups in her home, taught Bible classes at a local jail, and carried on correspondence with prisoners from a variety of jails and prisons.At present Rebecca, her husband, Lester, and their youngest daughter, Dorcas, live in Fort Worth, Texas, where they are members of Eagle Mountain International Church.
  • Redefining Truth: Delusions of Replacing God and Calling Evil Good

    David Fiorazo

    Paperback (Aneko Press, Oct. 1, 2017)
    We now live in a culture that has embraced moral relativism, a generation that no longer believes truth can be known. Right and wrong, good and evil are measured by feelings and opinions. It is all part of a satanic delusion and much is at stake. Redefining Truth provides answers and biblical perspective to the most pressing issues in today's postmodern society. Practically everything in life changes, but if God never changes and if absolute truth exists, then this investigation matters tremendously. You will be informed as we evaluate the overwhelming evidence supporting Christianity. You'll also be encouraged to cultivate an eternal perspective even as attacks on believers are increasing. Redefining Truth will show you how to respond to others in a loving and confident way. This book will also help you successfully navigate through the noise, agendas, distractions, and confusion prevalent in America today. It will give you facts, history, and Scripture you can use to answer skeptics and challenge others to consider the truth of Jesus Christ. No decision is more critical.
  • The Overcoming Life

    D. L. Moody, Lyle Blaker, Aneko Press

    Audible Audiobook (Aneko Press, June 5, 2017)
    Are you an overcomer? Or, are you plagued by little sins that easily beset you? Even worse, are you failing in your Christian walk, but refuse to admit and address it? No Christian can afford to dismiss the call to be an overcomer. The earthly cost is minor; the eternal reward is beyond measure. Dwight L. Moody is a master at unearthing what ails us. He uses stories and humor to bring to light the essential principles of successful Christian living. Each aspect of overcoming is looked at from a practical and understandable angle. The solution Moody presents for our problems is not religion, rules, or other outward corrections. Instead, he takes us to the heart of the matter and prescribes biblical, God-given remedies for every Christian's life. Get ready to embrace genuine victory for today, and joy for eternity. Inward topics include: Temper Appetite Envy Pride The flesh External topics include: The world Business Persecution Our children
  • Life in Christ: Lessons from Our Lord's Miracles and Parables

    Charles H. Spurgeon

    Paperback (Aneko Press, Aug. 1, 2017)
    Original title: Miracles and Parables of Our Lord. Volume 1A deep, inspiring, and often challenging study of the Lord Jesus Christ's miracles and parables. Men who were led by the hand or groped their way along the wall to reach Jesus were touched by his finger and went home without a guide, rejoicing that Jesus Christ had opened their eyes. Jesus is still able to perform such miracles. And, with the power of the Holy Spirit, his Word will be expounded and we’ll watch for the signs to follow, expecting to see them at once. Why shouldn’t those who read this be blessed with the light of heaven? This is my heart's inmost desire. I can’t put fine words together. I’ve never studied speech. In fact, my heart loathes the very thought of intentionally speaking with fine words when souls are in danger of eternal separation from God. No, I work to speak straight to your hearts and consciences, and if there is anyone with faith to receive, God will bless them with fresh revelation. - Charles H. SpurgeonIn this first volume, Charles H. Spurgeon expounds on the following miracles:•Jesus heals two blind men by touching their eyes (Matthew 9:27-30). •Jesus uses spit to heal another blind man (Mark 8:22-25). •Jesus passes through the midst of those who would kill him (Luke 4:28-30). •Jesus brings a widow’s son back to life (Luke 7:11-17). •Jesus releases a woman from a spirit of infirmity (Luke 13:10-13). •Jesus heals ten lepers but only one thanks him (Luke 17:12-16). •Jesus gently rebukes his mother then makes wine for the wedding (John 2:1-5). •Jesus tests a nobleman’s faith and his son is healed (John 4:46-53).
  • The Ministry of Intercession

    Andrew Murray

    Paperback (Aneko Press, March 17, 2016)
    If the answer to prayer is so positively promised in scripture, why are there so many unanswered prayers today (often misinterpreted as a “no”)? Scripture teaches us that answer to prayer depends upon certain conditions. Christ spoke of faith, of perseverance, of praying in His name, of praying in the will of God. But all these conditions were summed up in the one central statement: If ye abide in me and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. It becomes clear that the power to pray the effectual prayer of faith depends upon the life.Let Andrew Murray show you what it means to live in Christ, and let his challenge for genuine intercessory prayer change your life – and the lives of those you are praying for.
  • Jesus Came to Save Sinners: An Earnest Conversation with Those Who Long for Salvation and Eternal Life

    Charles H. Spurgeon

    Paperback (Aneko Press, April 1, 2017)
    This is a heart-level conversation with you, the reader. Every excuse, reason, and roadblock for not coming to Christ is examined and duly dealt with. If you think you may be too bad, or if perhaps you really are bad and you sin either openly or behind closed doors, you will discover that life in Christ is for you too. You can reject the message of salvation by faith, or you can choose to live a life of sin after professing faith in Christ, but you cannot change the truth as it is, either for yourself or for others. As such, it behooves you and your family to embrace truth, claim it for your own, and be genuinely set free for now and eternity. Come, and embrace this free gift of God, and live a victorious life for Him.
  • Absolute Surrender: The Blessedness of Forsaking All and Following Christ

    Andrew Murray

    Paperback (Aneko Press, July 1, 2017)
    “My God, I am willing that You would make me willing.”God waits to bless us in a way beyond what we expect. From the beginning, ear has not heard, neither has the eye seen, what God has prepared for those who wait for Him (Isaiah 64:4). God has prepared unheard of things, things you never can think of, blessings much more wonderful than you can imagine and mightier than you can conceive. They are divine blessings. Oh, come at once and say, “I give myself absolutely to God, to His will, to do only what God wants.” God will enable you to carry out the surrender necessary, if you come to Him with a sincere heart.
  • The Way to God

    Dwight L. Moody, Saethon Williams, Aneko Press

    Audible Audiobook (Aneko Press, Sept. 15, 2017)
    If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9) There is life in Christ. Rich, joyous, wonderful life. It is true that the Lord disciplines those whom He loves and that we are often tempted by the world and our enemy, the devil. But if we know how to go beyond that temptation to cling to the cross of Jesus Christ and keep our eyes on our Lord, our reward both here on earth and in heaven will be 100 times better than what this world has to offer. This book is thorough. It brings to life the love of God, examines the state of the unsaved individual's soul, and analyzes what took place on the cross for our sins. The Way to God takes an honest look at our need to repent and follow Jesus, and gives hope for unending, joyous eternity in heaven. About the author: Dwight L. Moody, determined to make a fortune, arrived in Chicago and started selling shoes. But Christ found him and his energies were redirected into full-time ministry. And what a ministry it was. Today, Moody's name still graces a church, a mission, a college, and more. Moody loved God and men, and the power of a love like that impacts generations.
  • Believe and Be Saved

    Charles H. Spurgeon, Saethon Williams, Aneko Press

    Audible Audiobook (Aneko Press, Nov. 7, 2019)
    He who does not take the step of faith and enter upon the road to heaven will perish. It will be an awful thing to die close to yet outside the gate of life. Almost saved, but altogether lost! This is the most terrible of positions. A man just outside Noah's ark would have drowned; a murderer close to the wall of the city of refuge, but outside of it, would be slain; and the man who is within a yard of Christ but has not trusted him will be lost. Therefore, I am in terrible earnest to get my hesitating friends over the threshold. Come in! Come in! is my pressing plea. Why dost thou stand outside? is my solemn inquiry (Genesis 24:31). May the Holy Spirit render my pleadings effective with many who listen to this! May he cause his own almighty power to create faith in the soul at once. If God blesses this book to you, do the writer this favor - either lend your own copy to someone who is lingering at the gate or buy another and give it away, for his great desire is that this little volume should be of service to many thousands of souls. To God this book is commended, for without his grace nothing will come of all that is written. About the Author Charles Haddon (C. H.) Spurgeon (1834-1892) was a British baptist preacher. He started preaching at the age of 17 and quickly became famous. He is still known as the "prince of preachers" and frequently had more than 10,000 people present to hear him preach at the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London. His sermons were printed in newspapers, translated into many languages, and published in many books.
  • My Amish Story: Breaking Generations of Silence

    Rebecca Borntrager Graber, Aneko Press

    Audible Audiobook (Aneko Press, Nov. 14, 2018)
    My Amish Story is the story of the last few years of Amish life for the Graber family in the 1990s. It's about the hurdles of breaking the barriers of centuries, of family circles being broken with no good-byes, of heartbreak and estrangement, and of the transitions and adjustments to a new way of living. But it is also, and more so, a story of leaving the old and embracing the new, of walking in the blessing of freedom from bondage, and of leaving behind the fear of tomorrow. It is the story of a family living, loving, and laughing their way along the journey of life.
  • How to Pray: What the Bible Tells Us About Genuine, Effective Prayer

    Reuben A. Torrey

    Paperback (ANEKO Press, Nov. 1, 2018)
    Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit and watching in this with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints – Ephesians 6:18Prayer. Satan laughs as he looks at the church today and says to himself, “You can have your Sunday schools and your young people’s small groups, your boys’ and girls’ programs, your vacation Bible schools, your Christian schools, your elegant churches, your retreats, your music programs, your brilliant preachers, and even your revival efforts – as long as you don’t bring the power of almighty God into them by earnest, persistent, believing, mighty prayer.” It is not necessary that the whole church prays to begin with. Great revivals always begin first in the hearts of a few men and women whom God arouses by His Spirit to believe in Him as a living God, as a God who answers prayer, and upon whose heart He lays a burden from which no rest can be found except in persistent crying unto God. May God use this book to inspire many who are currently prayerless, or nearly so, to pray earnestly. May God stir up your own heart to be one of those burdened to pray, and to pray until God answers.