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Other editions of book The Duties of Parents

  • The Duties of Parents

    J. C. Ryle

    (Benediction Classics, April 22, 2016)
    J. C. Ryle’s concise, commonsense guide to the raising of children has stood the test of time. He employs his deep understanding of scripture to distill the Bible’s teaching on the duties of parents into seventeen powerful principles: 1. First, then, if you would train your children rightly, train them in the way they should go, and not in the way that they would. 2. Train up your child with all tenderness, affection, and patience. 3. Train your children with an abiding persuasion on your mind that much depends upon you. 4. Train with this thought continually before your eyes ― that the soul of your child is the first thing to be considered. 5. Train your child to a knowledge of the Bible. 6. Train them to a habit of prayer. 7. Train them to habits of diligence, and regularity about public means of grace. 8. Train them to a habit of faith. 9. Train them to a habit of obedience. 10. Train them to a habit of always speaking the truth. 11. Train them to a habit of always redeeming the time. 12. Train them with a constant fear of overindulgence. 13. Train them remembering continually how God trains His children. 14. Train them remembering continually the influence of your own example. 15. Train them remembering continually the power of sin. 16. Train them remembering continually the promises of Scripture. 17. Train them, lastly, with continual prayer for a blessing on all you do.
  • Duties of Parents

    John Charles Ryle

    (Counted Faithful, April 25, 2019)
    J C Ryle appeals to parents to take active steps in training their children. In contrast to prevailing attitudes (even among believers) which unwisely allow children to make their own choices, seventeen simple, biblical principles are described outlining ‘the way he should go.’ The long-term nature of the task and the associated promise is also drawn out. Though over 100 years old, the focus here is on spiritual objectives and priorities, and this ensures the book’s continuing relevance today. Short enough to read in an hour or two, but full of practical challenge and encouragement for family life. First published in 1888, this edition has been completely re-typeset for re-issue.
  • The Duties of Parents

    J.C. Ryle

    (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, April 1, 2014)
    John Charles Ryle (1816-1900), the first Bishop of Liverpool. Ryle was a strong supporter of the evangelical school and a critic of Ritualism. He was a writer, pastor and an evangelical preacher. This small booklet is a beginner's manual for what Christians ought to intend in the act of child-rearing. In an age when we are losing our children to the world at a worrisome pace, This timeless Bible teaching from Ryle has been described by many as one of the best resources for parents, outside of the Bible
  • The Duties of Parents

    J. C. Ryle

    (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, May 29, 2017)
    This small booklet is a beginner's manual for what Christians ought to intend in the act of child-rearing. In an age when we are losing our children to the world at a worrisome pace, Ryle give us the tools and the focus to "train them up in the way they should go." -Prov. 22:6
  • The Duties of Parents

    J. C. Ryle

    (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, March 13, 2017)
    A primer on raising children and the duties all Christian parents have toward those God has entrusted to them.
  • Duties of Parents

    J. C. Ryle, S. Kczuk

    (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Sept. 18, 2012)
    The best brief summary we know of describing the goals of parents which God holds them to account for. This booklet provokes much further thought than its few pages contain and will help any family re-assess their goals according to Scripture. This tiny booklet on Christian parenting may well be one of the most challenging and insightful tools you ever read, to train yourselves for the biblical responsibility of child rearing.
  • The Duties of Parents

    J. C. Ryle

    (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Dec. 29, 2013)
    This small booklet is a beginner's manual for what Christians ought to intend in the act of child-rearing. In an age when we are losing our children to the world at a worrisome pace, Ryle give us the tools and the focus to "train them up in the way they should go." -Prov. 22:6
  • The Duties of Parents

    J. C. Ryle

    (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Nov. 14, 2012)
    Train up your child with all tenderness, affection, and patience. I do not mean that you are to spoil him, but I do mean that you should let him see that you love him. Love should be the silver thread that runs through all your conduct. Kindness, gentleness, long-suffering, forbearance, patience, sympathy, a willingness to enter into childish troubles, a readiness to take part in childish joys, — these are the cords by which a child may be led most easily, — these are the clues you must follow if you would find the way to his heart. -J. C. Ryle
  • The Duties of Parents

    J. C. Ryle

    (Independently published, Jan. 10, 2020)
    Although first published more than a century ago, Ryle's The Duties of Parents contains principles of parenting that still resonate today.
  • The Duties of Parents

    J.C. Ryle

    (Independently published, July 21, 2019)
    "Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6: )." This short verse from the Bible is where Ryle started to attempt to define, as the title itself shows, the principles on the duties of parents in a brief and clear way. Because of its priceless value, the text has been reprinted more than 150 years on many different occasions and is considered as one of the most important teachings on Christian parenting.
  • The Duties of Parents

    John Charles Ryle

    (Independently published, Jan. 26, 2019)
    Duties of Parents is the best brief summary we know of describing the goals of parents which God holds them to account for. This booklet provokes much further thought than its few pages contain and will help any family re-assess their goals according to Scripture. Its exceptional wisdom on Christian parenting may well be one of the most challenging and insightful tools you ever read, to train yourselves for the biblical responsibility of child rearing.
  • The Duties of Parents

    J. C. Ryle

    (Bottom of the Hill Publishing, Oct. 1, 2012)
    As a minister, I cannot help remarking that there is hardly any subject about which people seem so tenacious as they are about their children. I have sometimes been perfectly astonished at the slowness of sensible Christian parents to allow that their own children are in fault, or deserve blame. There are not a few people to whom I would far rather speak about their own sins, than tell them their children had done anything wrong. Come now, and let me place before you a few hints about right training. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit bless them, and make them words in season to you all. Reject them not because they are blunt and simple; despise them not because they contain nothing new. Be very sure, if you would train children for heaven, they are hints that ought not to be lightly set aside. J. C. Ryle