Love under Fire
Randall Parrish
(Independently published, July 18, 2020)
I had drifted slowly across the river, clinging with one armthrown over a log, expecting each moment the musket ofsome startled picket would spit red through the dark, andscarcely daring to guide my unwieldy support by theslightest movement of hand in the water. The splash ofmotion might mean death in an instant, for keen eyes,sharpened by long night vigils, were on the stream, andthose who had ventured the deed before me had failedutterly. Yet the southern bank remained silent, so black Icould scarcely discern its vaguest outlines, while, by goodfortune, the sweep of the current served me almost as wellas a pair of oars. Thus, trusting to luck, and withoutexerting a muscle, I finally came to a full stop on a narrowspit of sand, so far out in the stream I could scarcely touchbottom, until the sweep of the current drifted my loginward, and thus left me flat on the wet sand facing thebank, the wood-covered crest, as revealed dimly againstthe slightly lighter sky, appearing almost to overhang thewater.