The Facts of Reconstruction
John Roy Lynch
(Forgotten Books, March 6, 2010)
PREFACE The author of this book is one of the few remaining links in the chain by which the present generation is connected with the reconstruction period, - the most important and eventful period tn our country's history. Vhat is herein recorded is based upon the author's own knowledge, contact and experience. Very much, of course, has been written and published about reconstruction, but most of it is superficial and unreliable; and,. iā¢J esides, nearly all of it has been written in such a style and tone as to make the alleged facts related harmonize with what was believed to be demanded by public sentimeut The author of this work has endeavored to present facts as they were and are, rather than as he would like to have them, and to set them down without the slightest regard to their effect upon the public mind, except so far as that mind may be influenced by the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. In his efforts along these lines he has endeavoreTable of Contents CONTENTS; PAGE; 9; I THE PART PLAYED BY MISSISSIPPI IN THE EARLY; DAYS OF RECONSTRUCTION 13; II REORGANIZATION OF THE STATE DEPARTMENTS; PURING GOVERNOR ALCORN'S ADMINISTRATION 30; III THE REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION OF 1869 38; IV IMPORTANT EDuCATIONAL AND POLITICAL MEASURES; OF THE NEW LEGISLATURE ā¢ ā¢ 48; V THE CONTEST FOR SPEAKER OF THE MISSISSIPPI; HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ā¢ 58; VI FUSION OF DEMOCRATS AND REpUBLICANS IN THE; STATE ELECTION OF 1873 REPUBLICAN VICTORY; 70; VII MISSISSIPPI SENDS B K BRUCE TO THE UNITED; STATES SENATE ā¢ 77; VIII IMPROVED FINANCIAL CONDITION OF lIISSISSIPPI; UNDER THE AMES ADMINISTRATION 83; IX VHAT CONSTITUTES "NEGRO DOMINATION" ā¢ 92; X OVERTHROW OF THE REPUBLICAN STATE GOVERNMENT; IN MISSISSIPPI 100; XI RISE OF DDIOCRATIC RADICALISM IN THE SOUTH 110; XII EVENTFUL DAYS OF THE FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS 127;