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Books with title Rob-Roy

  • Rob Roy

    Sir Walter Scott

    eBook (, Oct. 22, 2011)
    Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) was the first English-language author in literary history to have international success during his actual lifetime. His works were celebrated in North America, Australia and Europe. Born in Edinburgh, Scott lived a rather sequestered childhood, stricken with polio and sent to live on his grandparents farm. There, his aunt Jenny not only taught him to read, but influenced his writing forever, influencing the characteristic speech patterns he would write with later on in his life. In 1871, Scott wrote the classic epic "Rob Roy", set in a tumultuous Scotland right before the Jacobite Rising of 1715. The story is a harrowing tale of the fight for justice and a poignant commentary on the social conditions of Scotland during the early 18th century. The novel centers on Frank Osbaldistone, the narrator of the story, who is sent to stay with an uncle, Sir Hildebrand Osbaldistone, in Northumberland, and crosses paths several times with the mysterious and powerful figure Robert Roy MacGregor, known as Rob Roy.
  • Rob Roy

    Sir Walter Scott

    eBook (LeClue, Jan. 15, 2008)
    The protagonist in Rob Roy is Francis Osbaldistone not the title character! Francis a spoiled son of a rich London businessman,who would rather write poetry than work for his father. Sent to his uncle's estate as punishment in northern England, bordering simmering Scotland. He soon becomes involved in a feud with his cousin Rashleigh (youngest and smartest of six brothers!). A woman Diana is the main reason.This being 1715 a revolt soon brakes out, Rashleigh steals important papers from Francis's father. If they aren't recovered, the family will be ruined! Osbaldistone finally wakes up and seeks the help of Rob Roy. He is a notorious outlaw. The bloody conclusion occurs at Osbaldistone Hall.
  • Rob Roy

    Sir Walter Scott

    eBook (Sir Walter Scott, March 31, 2016)
    Rob Roy is a historical novel written by Sir Walter Scott. The action is narrated by an Englishman who travels to the Scottish Highlands. This popular book was adapted into a movie in 1995 that starred Liam Neeson.When Frank Obaldistone is sent, disinherited and in disgrace, to live with his uncle, Sir Hildebrand, he meets and falls in love with the beautiful Diana Vernon. But, when his cousin Rashleigh steals documents that are vital to his father’s livelihood and reputation, Frank has no choice but to pursue him to restore his father’s honour and his family’s good name. Along the way, Frank crosses paths with the legendary Rob Roy—an infamous Scottish folk hero who has information of benefit to Frank and his family.The year 1723 saw the publication of a fictionalised account of his life, The Highland Rogue. Rob Roy became a legend in his own lifetime, and George I was moved to issue a pardon for his crimes just as he was about to be transported to the colonies. The publication of Rob Roy, by Sir Walter Scott in 1817, further added to his fame and fleshed out his biography. Hector Berlioz was inspired by the book to compose an overture. William Wordsworth wrote a poem called "Rob Roy's Grave" during a visit to Scotland. Adaptations of his story have also been told in film including the 1922 silent film Rob Roy, a 1953 film from Walt Disney Productions Rob Roy, the Highland Rogue and the 1995 Rob Roy directed by Michael Caton-Jones and starring Liam Neeson.Set against the backdrop of the 1715 Jacobite Rising in Scotland, Sir Walter Scott’s Rob Roy is both an epic tale of adventure and romance, and a realistic reflection of the brutal living and social conditions present in Scotland during the early eighteenth century.
  • Rob Roy

    Walter Scott, S. Harris

    eBook (Heritage Illustrated Publishing, May 13, 2014)
    * Beautifully illustrated with delightful sketches from early editions, Rob Roy is 'Scott's most sophisticated treatment of the Scottish Highlands as an imaginary space where the modern and the primitive come together. Rob Roy is Chieftain of the MacGregor clan, a brave and fearless man, able and cunning. But he is also an outlaw with a price on his head, and as he and Francis join forces to pursue Rashleigh, he is constantly aware that he, too, is being pursued - and could be captured at any moment. Set on the eve of the 1715 Jacobite uprising, Rob Roy brilliantly evokes a Scotland on the verge of rebellion, blending historical fact and a novelist's imagination to create an incomparable portrait of intrigue, rivalry and romance.'* Just as accessible and enjoyable for today's readers as it would have been when first published, the novel is one of the great works of English literature and continues to be widely read throughout the world.* This meticulous digital edition from Heritage Illustrated Publishing is a faithful reproduction of the original text and is enhanced with images selected by our team of professional editors.
  • Rob Roy

    Sir Walter Scott

    eBook (BookRix, May 21, 2019)
    Rob Roy is a historical novel by Walter Scott. It is narrated by Frank Osbaldistone, the son of an English merchant who travels first to the North of England, and subsequently to the Scottish Highlands, to collect a debt stolen from his father. On the way he encounters the larger-than-life title character, Rob Roy MacGregor. The story takes place just before the 1715 Jacobite Rising, with much of Scotland in turmoil. Frank Osbaldistone, the narrator, quarrels with his father and is sent to stay with an uncle, Sir Hildebrand Osbaldistone, in Northumberland. Frank falls in love with Diana Vernon, Sir Hildebrand's niece, whose father has been forced to go into hiding because of his Jacobite sympathies. Frank's cousin, Rashleigh, steals important documents vital to the honour and economic solvency of Frank's father, William, and Frank pursues Rashleigh to Scotland. Several times his path crosses the mysterious and powerful figure Rob Roy MacGregor, known as Rob Roy, an associate of Sir Hildebrand. There is much confusion as the action shifts to the beautiful mountains and valleys around Loch Lomond. A British army detachment is ambushed and there is bloodshed. The eponymous Rob Roy is badly wounded at the Battle of Glen Shiel in 1719, in which a British army of Scots and English defeat a Jacobite and Spanish expedition that aimed to restore the Stuart monarchy. All of Sir Hildebrand's sons but Rashleigh are killed in the Jacobite Rising, and Rashleigh, too meets a bloody end. Following this, Frank inherits Sir Hildebrand's property and marries Diana. The novel is a brutally realistic depiction of the social conditions in Highland and Lowland Scotland in the early 18th century.Robert Louis Stevenson loved the novel from childhood, regarding it as the best novel of the greatest of all novelists.
  • Rob Roy

    Walter Scott

    language (, May 20, 2020)
    Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) was the first English-language author in literary history to have international success during his actual lifetime. His works were celebrated in North America, Australia and Europe. Born in Edinburgh, Scott lived a rather sequestered childhood, stricken with polio and sent to live on his grandparents farm. There, his aunt Jenny not only taught him to read, but influenced his writing forever, influencing the characteristic speech patterns he would write with later on in his life. In 1871, Scott wrote the classic epic "Rob Roy", set in a tumultuous Scotland right before the Jacobite Rising of 1715. The story is a harrowing tale of the fight for justice and a poignant commentary on the social conditions of Scotland during the early 18th century. The novel centers on Frank Osbaldistone, the narrator of the story, who is sent to stay with an uncle, Sir Hildebrand Osbaldistone, in Northumberland, and crosses paths several times with the mysterious and powerful figure Robert Roy MacGregor, known as Rob Roy.
  • Rob Roy

    Walter Scott, Rudolph Palais, Walter Palais, Unknown

    Hardcover (Classics Illustrated Comics, Oct. 30, 2017)
    The adventures of Francis Osbaldistone and his time in Scotland with the famous outlaw Rob Roy MacGregor during the time of the 1715 Jacobite Rising.Classics Illustrated tells this wonderful tale in colourful comic strip form, offering an excellent introduction for younger readers. This edition also includes a biography of Sir Walter Scott, theme discussions and study questions, which can be used both in the classroom and at home to further engage the reader in the story.The Classics Illustrated comic book series began in 1941 with its first issue, Alexandre Dumas’s "The Three Musketeers", and has since included over 200 classic tales released around the world. This new CCS Books edition is specifically tailored to engage and educate young readers with some of the greatest works ever written, while still thrilling older readers who have loving memories of this series of old.
  • Rob Roy

    Walter Scott

    Hardcover (Everyman's Library, May 25, 1995)
    A Superb historical novel set in the late seventeenth century, Rob Roy is also an adventure story. Using his favourite device of contrasting characters and places, Scott sets romantic rural Scotland against the prosaic cities of Glasgow and London. In his tragic portrait of Rob Roy MacGregor, he shows the feudal world of the Highlands withering away under the onslaught of new commercial and political realities. With his own sympathies equally balanced, he is perfectly quipped to portray the struggle between them. Rob Roy will be a major United Artists film for release in the summer of 1995. Directed by Michael Caton Jones, it stars Liam Neeson, John Hurt, Jessica Lange, Tim Roth and Eric Stolpz.
  • Rob Roy

    Walter Scott, Caroline McCraken-Flesher, A. N. Wilson

    eBook (Signet, April 7, 2015)
    Outlaw Rob Roy MacGregor comes alive in this classic epic of the Scottish borderlands. The narrative follows the adventures of Frank Osbaldistone, a businessman’s son who falls out of favor with his father and is sent to stay in Scotland. English and Protestant, Frank has never felt more out of place, but the wild and noble land intrigues him. And he is immediately drawn to the powerful, enigmatic figure of Rob Roy, who, alongside his fiercely passionate wife, fights for justice and dignity for all of Scotland. Twists of plot, a romantic outlaw’s cunning escapes, and uprisings against England make this a classic epic. At the same time, Frank’s fervent but forbidden love for a Catholic girl makes it a breathtaking romance. Combine these elements with superb period detail, and one has an incomparable portrait of the haunted Highlands, a legendary hero, and a glorious Scottish past. With a New Introduction by Caroline McCracken-Flesher and an Afterword by A. N. Wilson
  • Rob Roy

    Walter Scott, David Hewitt

    Hardcover (Edinburgh University Press, May 26, 2008)
    Rob Roy is set in 1715, but it is less concerned with the Jacobite Rising than with the economic and political conditions which brought it about, and the remarkable entrepreneurial spirit of the new Hanoverian capitalists which resisted it. It celebrates the freebooting daring of the hero's father in the City of London and the robust balancing of generosity and selfish calculation which is required in successful enterprise, and which motivates one of Scott's most lively creations, the Glasgow merchant Baillie Nicol Jarvie.Rob Roy is nominally a retrospective autobiography written by Frank Osbaldistone and is suffused with a sense of loss both personal and cultural. The personal is the loss of his wife Diana; the cultural is epitomised in Rob Roy who is the hunted victim of a society richer and more powerful than his own.The text is based upon the first edition, corrected with readings from the manuscript, and is supported by comprehensive historical and explanatory annotation.
  • Rob Roy

    Walter Scott

    eBook (anboco, Aug. 17, 2016)
    When the Editor of the following volumes published, about two years since, the work called the "Antiquary," he announced that he was, for the last time, intruding upon the public in his present capacity. He might shelter himself under the plea that every anonymous writer is, like the celebrated Junius, only a phantom, and that therefore, although an apparition, of a more benign, as well as much meaner description, he cannot be bound to plead to a charge of inconsistency. A better apology may be found in the imitating the confession of honest Benedict, that, when he said he would die a bachelor, he did not think he should live to be married. The best of all would be, if, as has eminently happened in the case of some distinguished contemporaries, the merit of the work should, in the reader's estimation, form an excuse for the Author's breach of promise. Without presuming to hope that this may prove the case, it is only further necessary to mention, that his resolution, like that of Benedict, fell a sacrifice, to temptation at least, if not to stratagem.It is now about six months since the Author, through the medium of his respectable Publishers, received a parcel of Papers, containing the Outlines of this narrative, with a permission, or rather with a request, couched in highly flattering terms, that they might be given to the Public, with such alterations as should be found suitable.** As it maybe necessary, in the present Edition(1829), to speak upon the square, the Author thinks it proper to own, that the communication alluded to is entirely imaginary.These were of course so numerous, that, besides the suppression of names, and of incidents approaching too much to reality, the work may in a great measure be, said to be new written. Several anachronisms have probably crept in during the course of these changes; and the mottoes for the Chapters have been selected without any reference to the supposed date of the incidents.
  • Rob Roy

    Walter Scott

    language (Walrus Books Publisher, Oct. 29, 2019)
    *ILLUSTRATED EDITION“Rob Roy” is set in 1715-16, yet it concerns not the conduct of the Jacobite Rising, but the economic and social conditions which gave rise to it. It celebrates the freebooting capitalism of the hero’s father in the City of London, and the actual freebooting of Rob Roy, the “Robin Hood of Scotland, the dread of the wealthy, but the friend of the poor”. And through Baillie Nicol Jarvie, one of Scott’s most lively creations, it explores the delicate balance of generosity and selfish calculation that is required in all successful enterprise.