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Books with title Mirror in the Sky

  • The Mirror in Time

    Bill Martin Jr, Michael Sampson, Floyd Cooper

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, March 9, 2016)
    Ryan and Ben were intrigued when Mr. Kramer, their middle school science teacher, told them that time travel was possible. That evening they stood in front of a 150 year-old mirror, and their lives were forever changed. Can two boys from the 21st century survive in the turbulent years just before the civil war? Can the mirror that took them back in time return them to the present? And after meeting the freckle faced, red-headed and fun Laura, will Ryan want to come home again?
  • Stranger in the Mirror

    Allen Say

    eBook (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Oct. 26, 1998)
    One morning Sam wakes up and looks at his reflection in the mirror. Overnight he has changed, and he sees a stranger's face staring back at him - an old face. Sam has suddenly aged. As a result, his classmates won't play with him, and at home his family treats him like a different person. On the inside, though, he is the same Sam - why can't anyone see that?
  • The People in the Mirror

    Thea Thomas

    language (Emerson & Tilman, Publishers, Sept. 1, 2012)
    Culture shock! That’s what Nikki experiences when her father is transferred from Laguna Beach to Seattle. Gazing up in the gray drizzle at the gargoyles on the apartment building that is her new home, she tells herself that life as she knows it is over, that boredom is all she can hope to look forward to. But that was before she saw the people in the mirror – and before she met the gorgeous young man next door.... ________From THE PEOPLE IN THE MIRROR:“Watch your footing.” Mitch turned on a flashlight and pointed it at the ground. I followed him when, suddenly, he disappeared into the ground. I backed away. “Come on,” he urged.“Where are you?”“There’s steps.” He pointed the flashlight up steps where he’d disappeared. “Do you see them?”“Just barely. Why are there steps into the earth?” I made a great leap of trust as I cautiously took the first step down. It seemed fairly solid. I took the next three steps, then turned around and looked up. A few stars peeked through the buttermilk clouds that nearly covered the night sky. I took another step down, and the sky disappeared behind the ceiling of earth.“Where is this?” I looked around – what I could make out in the glow of Mitch's flashlight were walls, a sidewalk, an ancient billboard.“It’s a part of Seattle’s underground city. It’s cut off from the section that’s on the tour.”Mitch trained the flashlight on the billboard. “Millie’s Millinery,” it said over a faint sepia drawing of a Victorian woman wearing a huge, billowing hat. Curiously, she appeared to be looking right up the stairs at the night stars.“She’s beautiful,” I whispered.“Isn’t she?” We stood reverently contemplating Miss Millie from a bygone era for a few moments, then Mitch took my hand and we silently headed down the sidewalk .... ________Read The People in the Mirror today to discover who the people in the mirror are ... and, more importantly, who is the incredibly attractive boy next door?
  • Beast in the Mirror

    Laura Bradley Rede

    Once upon a time, Bella Ashton was the teenage model to watch—until her anorexia got the better of her and she passed out on the runway. Now, fresh off a year of eating disorder rehab, Bella is eager to get back in the game. But when she and her photographer cousin break into an abandoned Irish manor to stage a photo shoot, Bella finds herself face to face with the house's owner: a hideous beast who used to be a girl like her. Taken captive, the terrified Bella will do anything to escape. But as she learns more about the beast, she discovers they aren't that different—and that the beast, in her own way, is a prisoner, too. How far will she go to save the monster she's slowly learning to love? And can finding the beauty in someone else help you find it in yourself?Laura Bradley Rede gives the "tale as old as time" a fresh new twist in this queer, feminist reimagining.(Please note: This story contains discussion of anorexia that may be triggering for some readers. Also note: This is a 30k novella.)
  • Stranger in the Mirror

    Allen Say

    Paperback (HMH Books for Young Readers, Oct. 26, 1998)
    One morning eight-year-old Martin looks in the mirror and sees a stranger. Overnight, he has changed. His parents take him to one doctor after another, only to be told that there is nothing wrong with their son. At school his teacher asks, "What have we here, trick or treat?" His classmates will not play with him. At home his family tries to treat him as if he were the same child. But things now are different. Martin has grown very old in the space of one day. His world will never be the same again.
  • The Mirror in Time

    Bill Martin, Michael Sampson, Floyd Cooper

    Ryan and Ben were intrigued when Mr. Kramer, their middle school science teacher, told them that time travel was possible. That evening they stood in front of a 150 year-old mirror, and their lives were forever changed. Can two boys from the 21st century survive in the turbulent years just before the civil war? Can the mirror that took them back in time return them to the present? And after meeting the freckle faced, red-headed and fun Laura, will Ryan want to come home again?
  • Ghost in the Mirror

    Marcia Kruchten

    Paperback (Willowisp Pr, June 1, 1985)
    Vintage paperback
  • Mylee in the Mirror

    Ellie Collins

    Paperback (Fresh Ink Group, Nov. 2, 2018)
    Freshman year is just starting, and already Mylee fears her family is falling apart. She's not interested in dating or any of the high-school drama it brings, but that's just what she gets when Sam, the most popular guy at school, invites her to the Homecoming dance. Mylee needs advice, so she summons Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and Beauty, her secret confidant.Tyler is worried about Mylee, his best friend and teammate. Already sad about her family woes, he's livid that Slimeball Sam is trying to ooze his way into her life. And she seems to be falling for Sam's act! Worse, Ty is worried all this attention from such a popular guy will place Mylee officially out of his league.What does an ancient Greek goddess know about modern teenage romance? Can My and Ty save their friendship and discover what matters most?
  • The Boy in The Mirror

    Aleksandra Zajackowski

    eBook (Writers Exchange E-Publishing, Aug. 2, 2010)
    Tomek is thirteen-years-old, street-smart, lonely and rejected. Orphaned by his immigrant parents, he's been in one foster home after the other, tossed about like an unwanted toy. After learning his twin brother was abducted but that the search for him was abandoned because the trail was cold, Tomek takes it upon himself to look for his long-lost sibling. Led by a conviction that the missing boy might be still alive, Tomek shows around his own photo to track down his twin. Little does he expect the photograph to stir up the echoes of a crime…old but not forgotten.
  • The Monster in the Mirror

    Fox Kerry

    Children's book addressing vanity and family, friendship and imagination. In the colorful tale a boy learns how to discern fantasy from reality, and how to help his family to look up and at each other. This Pictorial e-book reminds you what it's like to have optimism, curiosity, frustration and joy, and it makes you wonder if the mirror really lies?
  • Woman in the Mirror

    John Rap, Dodot Asmoro

    eBook (Annadale Comics, May 13, 2015)
    Molly is an artificial intelligence that lives in a family's bathroom digital mirror. Molly assists the family that lives in the home. Her best friends are the toothbrush, toothpaste and soap dispenser in the bathroom.
  • Look in the Mirror

    Stacy-Ann Facey

    language (Destiny Diadem Press, Nov. 21, 2019)
    We and our children are living in dangerous times! Wickedness is exploding around us like bombs as we cautiously walk around landmines of spiritual warfare.Children are bombarded with perversion, violence, lying, cheating, among other evil acts.Matthew 24:12-13 tells us that "Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.”In addition, 2 Timothy 3:1-13 warns us by saying:3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,4 Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.Therefore, I am creating these MasterPiecePeace series (Biblical teachings) for our children.These stories will present the Bible to them in a practical way.We want our children to grow in Godliness and accomplish their Godly purposes in the earth.Ephesians 2:10 is our children's birthright, portion, and inheritance in the mighty name of Jesus Christ."For we are God’s masterpiece [handiwork and workmanship]. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."In other words, we are God's own handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for good works which He has predestined us to practice (walk in).As children all around the world read these series, Jeremiah 29:11 will manifest powerfully in their lives and every generation to come."For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."