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Books with title Lost

  • Lost

    Rob Cham

    Hardcover (Buno Books, Sept. 29, 2020)
    Lost is the 2nd book in the silent graphic novel series 'Light' by Rob Cham. When the two best friends, Backpacker and Tear from the first graphic novel Light, fall through a magical portal. They find themselves LOST and far from home in a strange dimension. Once again they find themselves on a dramatic adventure through a land of strange creatures and magical wonders. Eventually Backpacker and Tear must split apart so when they reunite they are able to find their way home together. LOST won the National Children's Book Award in it's home country of the Philippines, following its predecessor National Book Award in the Philippines and it's ALA nomination. It is Rob Cham's second graphic novel.
  • Lost

    Zeke Martin

    language (, Feb. 8, 2020)
    When Matthew finds a dog one day he wants to keep it yet he wants to find its original home but it is very hard since the dog’s collar says it is from Floridawill Matthew be able to find the dog’s home?This thrilling book by Zeke Martin, kid author, leads readers through a journey to find a home for a dog.
  • Lost!

    David McPhail

    Library Binding (Joy st Books, April 1, 1990)
    Everyone knows how scary it is to be lost, but a little boy helps a big bear make the best of things while they search for the animal's forest home
  • Lost

    Francine Pascal

    language (Simon Pulse, Feb. 26, 2013)
    Now that things are insane again,they’re finally back to normal.Dad’s in a coma.And I’m going out of my mind.Oh, and one more thing...Sam’s back from the dead.
  • Lost

    LeeAnne Baker

    language (, June 13, 2013)
    Something happened at the party in the woods two weeks ago, but Jen's having trouble remembering that night. She wasn't the type that normally went to parties but she wanted to expand her horizons, maybe find a date for the prom who wasn't in the marching band. Ever since that night, though, she feels like all eyes are on her, judging. What is with everyone? Then Jen sees the pictures, those horrible disgusting pictures, and knows her life will never be the same. All her dreams for junior year vanish in an instant. Instead of a boyfriend and prom, she'll be the school's pariah, the one everyone wishes would just disappear. That's fine with Jen. There's no way she can keep going to school after this anyway. With nowhere to turn, she runs as fast and as far as she can. Another big mistake. Huge, colossal, epic fail. Compared to the situation she finds herself in, her life back at school seems like a cakewalk. Alone and afraid, can Jen survive on her own? Or will this be it, her uneventful life over before she has even been kissed? Sometimes the only thing you can do when you are hopelessly lost, is find yourself. Or die trying.
  • Lost

    Jacqueline Davies

    Hardcover (Skyscape, April 1, 2009)
    Essie can tell from the moment she lays eyes on Harriet Abbott: this is a woman who has taken a wrong turn in life. Why else would an educated, well-dressed, clearly upper-crust girl end up in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory setting sleeves for six dollars a day? But Harriet isn’t the only one who is lost. Essie wanders between the opposing emotions of her love for the young would-be lawyer who lives next door and her hatred for her mother who seems determined to take away every bit of happiness that Essie hopes to find. As the unlikely friendship between Essie and Harriet grows, so does the weight of the question hanging between them: Who is lost? And who will be found?This is a powerful novel about friendship, loss, and the resiliency of the human spirit, set against the backdrop of the teeming crowds and scrappy landscape of the Lower East Side of Manhattan in the early 1900s.
  • Lost

    Hope Seidman

  • Lost

    Paul Brett Johnson, Celeste Lewis

    Hardcover (Orchard Books, March 1, 1996)
    Because she never gives up hope that her beagle, lost in the desert, will be found, the young girl keeps something special in her pocket for her dog.
  • Lost

    Ale Feijo

    Paperback (Bowker, Oct. 1, 2017)
    Georgette DeLuca’s life is a mess and she knows it. She wasn’t supposed to be here, working a dead-end job, living in a crappy apartment, and staying home alone every night. Deciding to make one last attempt at a real life before giving up for good, she crosses paths with Bear, a gentle giant of a dog, and his arrogant yet alluring owner, Asher Wright. Georgette is determined to just be friends, but soon Asher’s stubborn pursuit and her own unexpected feelings of attraction begin to crack her carefully constructed walls. As the demons of her past begin to surface, Georgette must decide whether she will flee or find the strength within herself to face her past with Asher and Bear by her side.
  • Lost

    Eve Ainsworth

    eBook (Scholastic Fiction, June 6, 2019)
    When Alfie Turner loses his mum, it feels like his world is falling apart. She was the glue that held their family together and, now that she's gone, Alfie and his dad don't really know how to be a family without her. And then Alfie meets Alice. Alice is a force of nature and has her own set of problems, but at least when Alfie's with her he can forget about his. Or can he? Because no matter how hard you run, life will always catch up in the end. Despite everything holding them back, together Alfie and Alice learn two things: that friendship can help dig you out of even the blackest hole, and that it's not the falling down that matters, it's the getting back up. Enormously heartfelt and insightful, this fiercely uplifting novel is Eve Ainsworth at her best.
  • Lost

    Christine Reynebeau, Rachael Hawkes

    Paperback (Dreambuilt Books, June 29, 2020)
    Explore the next life lesson in the Dreambuilt Kids Series!For Ages 3-9... Lucy and her favorite stuffed animal, Lou, do everything together. While on a family cruise, the wind sweeps her stuffed animal off into the ocean where is lost forever.Join Lucy in a story about grief and loss, as she navigates moving forward while honoring her beloved stuffed animal.This book is a great tool for parents to jumpstart the conversation about life and death. Helping our young readers to begin exploring the understanding of grief, Lost takes loss and puts the experience into a paltable story for young readers.multicultural, death, bereavement, loss, emotions, feelings, children, elementary, diversity
  • Lost

    Curtis Taylor

    language (, Jan. 20, 2011)
    Lost starts out simple enough with a routine trip to the store for a small boy. This is something the boy has done a hundred times before and he knows the drill. He has to follow directions; he has to be polite and helpful. If he can do all those things then he knows he will get to walk through his favorite part of the store. The boy exceeds his mother’s expectations and is rewarded with a visit to the toy aisle. In his excitement the boy forgets to keep track of his mother while he is looking at the toys. When he turns around to show his mom a toy that has caught his interest he realizes she isn’t there. The once benign store morphs into a frightening landscape filled with strange humanoids that panic the small boy. (Spoiler Alert) After a brief but panicked search the boy and the mom are reunited at the.