I Don't Want To!
Keiko Sena, Peter Howlet, Richard McNamara
(R I C Pubns Asia Co Inc, April 15, 2006)
Lulu is a Little Miss I Don't Wanna. But how would it be if everyone was the sameÂ’ RIC Story Chest books are a range of Asia's Finest and best selling illustrated children's stories, aimed at children of all ages. These hugely popular books have won many prestigious awards,including,among others The Japan School awards,Library AssociationOutstanding Book Category,and the Minstry of Health and WelfareRecommended Book. These books are now modern classics in Japan and adored by children and their parentsas treasured companions. The charm of this series, and the delight they present to the reader, lies in their emphasis on adventure,friendship,humour and lovequalities we all seek in our own lives. Accompanying each book is an audio CD to accommodate any level of liteacy and allow for cultural diversity.