Each title in this series looks at a country that is in a state of political or economic unrest, and examines how and why it is changing as well as the problems and benefits created by change.
With statistics, charts and strong historical and current event content this titles looks at Afghanistan and examines how and why it is changing; from problems caused by change to the benefits brought by change, redefining the country's links to the rest of the world.
Each title in this series looks at a country that is in a state of political or economic unrest, and examines how and why it is changing as well as the problems and benefits created by change.
Examines some of the challenges Brazil faces as a changing country, as it deals with such issues as income inequality between rich and poor, deforestation in the Amazon, and relationships with its trading partners in the global economy.
A biography of the first Black chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff examines his childhood, his rise through the military ranks, and his role in the Persian Gulf War
Each title in this series looks at a country that is in a state of political or economic unrest, and examines how and why it is changing as well as the problems and benefits created by change.
Surveys the history, geography, government, economy, culture, people, and foreign relations of Russia, focusing on the current economic and political issues of the nation.