Reading 2000 Storytime: Storytime Blues 4: The Last Cruise of the "Cuttlefish" / All Aboard the "Molly Mischief"
Margaret Burnell, Sallie Harkness, Helen McLullich
(Oliver & Boyd, Oct. 4, 1993)
"Reading 2000 Storytime" is a reading-based language programme for the Primary years, designed to meet the needs of the English Language 5-14 Guidelines, the Northern Ireland English curriculum and the English National curriculum. The programme is based on stories which have been especially commissioned from established and well-loved authors. The stories are all strong in storyline and while some are about distinctive characters in real-life settings, others concern the lives of imaginary people, enabling pupils to project into situations beyond their own experience. The pupils' readers consist of stories set in a variety of environments, illustrated to match the real-life fantasy and humour of the texts. They are designed to give cross-curricular leads through themes such as health and safety, starting school, moving house, planting and growing, ceremonies and journeys, and each reader takes account of multi-cultural and gender issues.